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Internal friction of Ni-Al intermetallic compound formation in sintering process

Li Yu-Chuan Hao Gang-Ling Wang Jin Wang Wei-Guo Wang Xin-Fu Wang Dan


Internal friction of Ni-Al intermetallic compound formation in sintering process

Li Yu-Chuan, Hao Gang-Ling, Wang Jin, Wang Wei-Guo, Wang Xin-Fu, Wang Dan
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • The Ni-Al intermetallic compounds, as important high-temperature structural materials, have clear target requirements in a number of fields. Powder metallurgy is an important candidate for preparing the Ni-Al intermetallic compounds. Clarifying the formation and transformation process of Ni-Al intermetallic compounds in sintering process and determining the solid diffusion reaction temperature and types of intermetallic compounds are greatly important for tailoring sintering process and optimizing product quality. In this paper, the internal friction behaviors of Ni-Al powder mixture compacts in the sintering process are systematically investigated by the internal friction technique. A typical internal friction peak is observed in the internal friction-temperature spectrum. The peak height decreases with the measuring frequency increasing, but the peak temperature is independent of frequency. Moreover, the internal friction peak shifts toward higher temperature and the peak height increases as the heating rate increases. It is reasonable that the internal friction peak belongs to the typical phase transformation internal friction peak which is associated with the formation of intermetallic compounds NiAl3 and Ni2Al3 in the heating process. Furthermore, the microstructure of the Ni-Al powder mixture can be tailored by mechanical ball-milling. The internal friction peak shifts toward lower temperature and the peak height decreases with the ball-milling time increasing, which indicates that the solid diffusion reaction can be activated at lower temperature with a slower reaction rate. This decrease is related to the refinement of powder particles, the lamellar formation of powder mixture, the enhancement of solid solution degree and surface energy, and the shortened atomic diffusion distance due to the mechanical ball-milling. It is also indicated that the mechanical ball-milling can effectively reduce the initial temperature of solid diffusion reaction, thus lowering sintering temperature.
      Corresponding author: Hao Gang-Ling,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 52061038, 51661032, 51301150), the Special Program of Youth New-star of Science and Technology of Shaanxi Province, China (Grant No. 2013KJXX-11), and the Key Industrial Research Program of Yan’an Science and Technology Department, China (Grant No. 2016KG-02)

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    Hao G L, Li Y C, Wang X F, Wang W G, Wang X F, Wang D, Li X Y 2020 Chin. Phys. Lett. 37 036102Google Scholar


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  • 图 1  球磨1 h后的Ni-Al粉末压坯IF和RDM与温度的关系

    Figure 1.  IF and RDM as a function of temperature for the Ni-Al powder compact milled for 1 h.

    图 2  球磨1 h后的Ni-Al粉末压坯内耗峰与测量频率的依赖关系

    Figure 2.  Dependence of internal friction peak on measuring frequency for the Ni-Al powder compact milled for 1 h.

    图 3  球磨1 h后的Ni-Al粉末压坯内耗峰与升温速率的依赖关系

    Figure 3.  Dependence of internal friction peak on heating rate for the Ni-Al powder compact milled for 1 h.

    图 4  不同温度热处理的Ni-Al粉末压坯XRD图谱 (a) 492 ℃; (b) 556 ℃; (c) 675 ℃ (三个温度分别对应于内耗峰起始温度、峰值温度和结束温度)

    Figure 4.  XRD patterns of Ni-Al powder compact milled for 1 h after heat treatment at different temperature: (a) 492 ℃; (b) 556 ℃; (c) 675 ℃ (three temperatures respectively corresponding to start temperature, peak temperature and end temperature of the internal friction peak).

    图 5  机械球磨对Ni-Al粉末压坯内耗峰的影响

    Figure 5.  Dependence of mechanical ball-milling on internal friction peak for the Ni-Al powder compact.

    图 6  不同球磨时间的Ni-Al粉末混合物的XRD图谱 (a) 0 h; (b) 1 h; (c) 2 h; (d) 10 h; (e) 20 h

    Figure 6.  XRD patterns of Ni-Al powder mixtures after ball-milling time for: (a) 0 h, (b) 1 h, (c) 2 h, (d) 10 h, (e) 20 h.

    图 7  不同球磨时间的Ni-Al粉末混合物的SEM图像(BSE模式) (a) 1 h; (b) 2 h; (c) 10 h; (d) 20 h

    Figure 7.  SEM images (BSE mode) of Ni-Al powder mixtures after ball-milling time for: (a) 1 h, (b) 2 h, (c) 10 h, (d) 20 h.

    图 8  球磨时间不同的Ni-Al粉末压坯热处理后XRD图谱 (a) 0 h, 559 ℃; (b) 1 h, 556 ℃; (c) 2 h, 533 ℃; (d) 10 h, 483 ℃; (e) 20 h, 434 ℃(热处理温度对应于球磨时间不同的样品的内耗峰的峰温)

    Figure 8.  XRD patterns of Ni-Al powder compact after heat treatment for the sample processing ball-milling for different time: (a) 0 h, 559 ℃; (b) 1 h, 556 ℃; (c) 2 h, 533 ℃; (d) 10 h, 483 ℃; (e) 20 h, 434 ℃ (the heat treatment temperatures corresponding to internal friction peak temperatures of ball-milled samples for different time).

    图 9  球磨时间不同的Ni-Al粉末压坯热处理后XRD图谱 (a) 0 h, 700 ℃; (b) 1 h, 675 ℃; (c) 2 h, 660 ℃; (d) 10 h, 625 ℃; (e) 20 h, 575 ℃ (热处理温度对应于球磨时间不同的样品的内耗峰的结束温度)

    Figure 9.  XRD patterns of Ni-Al powder compact after heat treatment for the sample processing ball-milling for different time: (a) 0 h, 700 ℃; (b) 1 h, 675 ℃; (c) 2 h, 660 ℃; (d) 10 h, 625 ℃; (e) 20 h, 575 ℃ (the heat treatment temperatures corresponding to end temperature of internal friction peak of ball-milled samples for different time).

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    Feng D 1999 Metal Physics (Vol. 3) (Beijing: Science Press) pp196−200 (in Chinese)


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    Wang Q Z 2006 Ph. D. Dissertation (Hefei: Institute of Solid State Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences) (in Chinese)


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    张宇文, 邓永和, 文大东, 赵鹤平, 高明 2020 69 136601Google Scholar

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  • Received Date:  30 August 2020
  • Accepted Date:  27 October 2020
  • Available Online:  24 February 2021
  • Published Online:  05 March 2021

