The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has become a major public health concern internationally. To capture the epidemic growing patterns and quantify the transmissibility, some key epidemiological parameters and dynamic models are of significance for helping us to understand the features of COVID-19 and thus informing the strategic decision-making in combating the outbreak. In this study, we review and summarize the recently released research results about the reproduction numbers, incubation period and serial interval of COVID-19. We summarize the estimates as well as estimation approaches adopted to calculate these epidemiological parameters in the existing literature. These studies found that the basic reproduction number is estimated at 2.6, the mean incubation period at about 5.0 days, and the mean serial interval at about 5.5 days. The COVID-19 infections can increase rapidly if it is not controlled. The control measures including the isolation, quarantine, contact tracing, improvement of public awareness, and adoption of self-protection measures can effectively mitigate the COVID-19 outbreak.
- coronavirus disease 2019 /
- basic reproduction number /
- incubation period /
- serial interval /
- dynamic model
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表 1 不同模型或分布下的基本再生数
${\cal{R}}_{0}$ 的计算公式Table 1. The formula of the basic reproduction number
${\cal{R}}_{0}$ under different models or distributions.模型或分布 公式 参数介绍 $\rm {SIR}$模型 $ {\cal{R} }_{0}=1+ {r}/{b} $ r为增长率, b为移出率 ${\rm {SEIR}}$模型 ${\cal{R} }_{0}=\left(1+ {r}/{b_1}\right)\left(1+ {r}/{b_2}\right)$ $b_1, $ $ b_2$分别为从E, I 的移出率 多阶段暴露
与感染模型${\cal{R} }_{0}=\dfrac{\left(1+\dfrac{r}{b_1}\right)^x}{\displaystyle\sum\limits_{i=1}^{y}\left(1+\dfrac{r}{b_2}\right)^{-i} }$ $b_1, $ $b_2$为暴露x,
感染 y 阶段移出率正态分布 ${\cal{R} }_{0}=\exp\left(rT_{\rm c}-\dfrac{1}{2}r^2\sigma^2\right)$ $T_{\rm c}$为代间隔均值, $\sigma$为方差 德尔塔分布 ${\cal{R} }_{0}={\rm e}^{rT_{\rm c}}$ $T_{\rm c}$为代间隔均值 经验分布 ${\cal{R} }_{0}=\dfrac{r}{\displaystyle\sum\limits_{i=1}^{n}y_i\dfrac{ {\rm e }^{-ra_{i-1} }-{\rm e}^{-ra_i} }{a_i-a_{i-1} } }$ ai与$y_i$分别表示年龄与相应频率 表 2 新冠肺炎基本再生数
${\cal{R}}_{0}$ 总结Table 2. Summary of the basic reproduction number
${\cal{R}}_{0}$ for COVID-19.地点 ${\cal{R}}_0$ 置信区间 截止时间 计算方法 参考文献 武汉市 2.2 [1.40, 2.20] 2020/01 临床诊断推断 [2] 武汉市 2.68 [2.47, 2.86] 2020/01/28 MCMC [3] 武汉市 4.08 — 2020/01/26 有效再生数${\cal{R}}_{\rm{e}}$ [5] 武汉市 3.0 [0.75, 7.80] 2020/01/24 统计推断 [16] 武汉市 6.47 [5.71, 7.23] 2020/01/15 统计推断 [17] 武汉市 2.56 [2.49, 2.63] 2020/01/24 极大似然 [18] 武汉市 2.3 — 2020/01/24 有效再生数${\cal{R}}_{\rm{e}}$ [19] 武汉市 2.23 [1.77, 3.00] 2020/01/24 有效再生数${\cal{R}}_{\rm{e}}$ [20] 武汉市 7.05 [6.11, 8.18] 2020/02/08 最大似然 [21] 湖北省 2.56 [4.70, 6.60] 2020/01/25 SEIR仓室模型 [22] 武汉市 2.24 [1.96, 2.25] 2020/01/24 极大似然 [23] 注: 表2—表4中参考文献数据均来自国家卫健委、湖北卫健委、中国CDC等网站及已发表文献. 表 4 新冠肺炎的代间隔统计
Table 4. Summary of the serial interval for COVID-19.
表 3 新冠肺炎潜伏期统计
Table 3. Summary of the incubation period for COVID-19.
[1] Huang C L, Wang Y M, Li X W, et al. 2020 Lancet 20 301835
[2] Li Q, Guan X H, Wu P, et al. 2020 N. Engl. J. Med. 2020 2001316
Google Scholar
[3] Joseph T W, Kathy L, Gabriel M L 2020 Lancet 20 302609
[4] van den Driessche P, Watmough J 2002 Math. Biosci. 180 29
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[5] Cao Z D, Zhang Q P, Lu X 2020 medRxiv: 01.27.20018952
[6] Backer J A, Klinkenberg D, Wallinga J 2020 Euro. Surveill. 25 2000062
[7] Linton N M, Kobayashi T, Yang Y 2020 J. Clin. Med. 9 538
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[8] Leung C 2020 medRxiv: 02.13.20022822 v1
[9] Wallinga J, Lipsitch M 2007 Proc. R. Soc. B 274 599
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[10] Svensson Å 2007 Math. Biosci. 208 300
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[11] Guan W J, Ni Z Y, Hu Y, et al. 2020 N. Engl. J. Med. 2020 2002032
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[12] Ma S J, Zhang J Y, Zeng M Y, et al. 2020 bioRxiv: 03.21.20040329 v1
[13] Zhao S, Zhuang Z A, Cao P H, et al. 2020 J. Travel Med. 27 2002
Google Scholar
[14] Lai, S J, Bogoch I, Nick R, Alexander W, Lu X, Yang W Z, Yu H J, Kamran K, Andrew J T 2020 medRxiv: 02.04.20020479 v2
[15] Zhao S, Zhuang Z A, Ran J J, Gao D Z, Yang L, Cai Y L, Wang W M, He D H, Maggie H W 2020 Travel Med. Infect. Dis. 33 101568
Google Scholar
[16] Hiroshi N, Natalie M L, Andrei R A 2020 J. Clin. Med. 9 488
Google Scholar
[17] Tang B, Wang X, Li Q, Nicola L B, Tang S Y, Xiao Y N, Wu J H 2020 J. Clin. Med. 9 462
Google Scholar
[18] Zhao S, Salihu S M, Lin Q Y, Ran J J, Yang G P, Wang W W, Lou Y J, Gao D Z, He D H, Maggie H W 2020 J. Clin. Med. 9 388
Google Scholar
[19] Tuite A R, Fisman D N 2020 Ann. Internal Med. 2020 200358
Google Scholar
[20] Li R Y, Pei S, Chen B, Song Y M, Zhang T, Yang W, Jeffrey S 2020 Science DOI: 10.1126/science.abb3221Google Scholar
[21] Mizumoto K, Kagaya K, Chowell G 2020 medRxiv: 02.12.20022434 v1
[22] Sanche S, Lin Y T, Xu C G, Ehtan R S, Nick H, Rui A K 2020 medRxiv: 02.07.20021154 v1
[23] Zhao S, Lin Q Y, Ran J J, Salihu S M, Yang G P, Wang W M, Lou Y J, Gao D Z, Yang L, He D H 2020 Int. J. Infect. Dis. 92 214
Google Scholar
[24] You C, Deng Y H, Hu W J, Sun J R, Lin Q S, Zhou F, Pang C H, Zhang Y, Chen Z C, Zhou X N 2020 medRxiv: 02.08.20021253 v2
[25] Nishiura H, Linton N M, Akhmetzhanov 2020 medRxiv: 02.03.20019497 v2
[26] He D H, Dushoff J, Day T, Ma J L, Earn D J D 2013 Proc. R. Soc. B 280 20131345
Google Scholar
[27] Lin Q Y, Zhao S, Gao D Z, Lou Y J, Yang S, Salihu S M, Maggie H W, Wang W M, He D H 2020 Int. J. Infect. Dis. 93 211
Google Scholar
[28] Zhao S, Stone L, Gao D Z, Salihu S M, Marc K C, He D H 2020 Ann. Transl. Med. 2020 21037
Google Scholar
[29] Ma J L, Earn D J D 2006 Bull. Math. Biol. 68 679
Google Scholar
[30] 王霞, 唐三一, 陈勇, 冯晓梅, 肖燕妮, 徐宗本 2020 中国科学: 数学 48 0037
Google Scholar
Wang X, Tang S Y, Chen Y, Feng X M, Xiao Y N, Xu Z B 2020 Sci. Sin. Math. 48 0037
Google Scholar
[31] 张彦平 2020 中华流行病学杂志 41 145
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Zhang Y P 2020 Chin. J. Epidemiol. 41 145
Google Scholar
[32] Zhu X L, Zhang A Y, Xu S, Jia P F, Tan X Y, Tian J Q, Wei T, Quan Z X, Yu J L 2020 medRxiv: 02.09.20021360 v1
[33] Shen M W, Peng Z H, Xiao Y N, Zhang L 2020 bioRxiv: 01.23.916726 v1
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