In this paper, a near-infrared laser heterodyne spectrometer developed by the laboratory is used to investigate the inversion of greenhouse gas column concentration and approximately evaluate the system measurement errors based on the optimal estimation algorithm. Firstly, the spectral database and the calculation results from the reference forward model are compared with the ground-based FTIR results, thereby selecting the detection window, the corresponding laser and detector. Secondly, the optimal estimation concentration inversion algorithm based on the reference forward model is established, and the Levenberg-Marquardt (LM) iterative method is adopted to realize the inversion of the concentration and vertical distribution profile of atmospheric CO2 column in the whole layer, and the long-term observation comparative experiment is carried out to verify the feasibility of this algorithm. Finally, by simulating the selected detection window spectrum in different white noise, the approximate corresponding relationship between the system signal-noise-ratio (SNR) and CO2 column concentration measuring error is eventually obtained. This research is an indispensable theoretical calculation part of the detection system and will conduce to improving the application of laser heterodyne technology in atmospheric observations.
- laser heterodyne /
- measuring error /
- the reference forward model /
- CO2 column concentration
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图 7 LHR数据反演结果 (a) 实验和拟合LHR谱图以及迭代过程的收敛性 (插图); (b) 残差; (c) 和 (d)分别获取的CO2的先验和反演的垂直浓度分布图
Figure 7. Inversion results of LHR data: (a) Experimental and fitted LHR spectrogram and convergence of iterative process (illustration); (b) residue; (c) and (d) obtained prior and inversion vertical concentration profiles of CO2, respectively.
表 1 数据反演中使用的状态向量的定义
Table 1. Definition of the state vector used in the data retrieval.
向量先验值 定义 x (CO2) 1 先验廓线的比例因子
(ECMWF) 45层.a a0 基线中a0、b0和c0的多项式系数由对预处理的LHR信号与模型结果(去除吸收部分后)的比值进行二阶多项式拟合得到. b b0 c c0 -
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Wu J 2013 Ph. D. Dissertation (Hefei: University of Science and Technology of China) (in Chinese)
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[21] 石广玉 2007 大气辐射学 (北京: 科学出版社)
Shi G Y 2007 Atmospheric Radiology (Beijing: Science Press) (in Chinese)
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