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Development and in-orbit performance evaluation of multi-layered nested grazing incidence optics

Zuo Fu-Chang Mei Zhi-Wu Deng Lou-Lou Shi Yong-Qiang He Ying-Bo Li Lian-Sheng Zhou Hao Xie Jun Zhang Hai-Li Sun Yan


Development and in-orbit performance evaluation of multi-layered nested grazing incidence optics

Zuo Fu-Chang, Mei Zhi-Wu, Deng Lou-Lou, Shi Yong-Qiang, He Ying-Bo, Li Lian-Sheng, Zhou Hao, Xie Jun, Zhang Hai-Li, Sun Yan
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  • On November 10, 2016, China launched an X-ray pulsar navigation test satellite (XPNAV-1) to investigate the X-ray pulsar navigation technology, and a lot of scientific observation data have been obtained. The X-ray grazing incidence optics is a critical component of the focusing pulsar telescope. It plays an important role in increasing the effective area and enhancing the sensitivity of the telescope. It is also the first grazing incidence optics verified in orbit in China. According to the characteristic that the times of arrival (TOA) of X-ray photons are measured in pulsar navigation, the grazing incidence focusing optics based on single-reflection paraboloid mirror is designed, and manufacturable mirror design parameters are obtained through theoretical calculation and derivation. The theoretical effective area of the designed optics is 15.6 cm2 at 1 keV. The designed optics is then simulated to evaluate its focusing performance. It meets the focusing requirement in the full field of view. The electroforming nickel replication process used for manufacturing the mirrors for XMM-Newton and eRosita missions is investigated. A super-smooth mandrel is firstly fabricated and used for follow-up replication. An about-100 nm-thick gold layer is deposited on the mandrel, and serves as the reflection and release layer of the mirror. The nickel substrate of the mirror is electroformed on the gold layer. The mirror is finally obtained by releasing the nickel and gold layer from the mandrel. The patterns and roughness of the mandrel are then replicated onto the inner surface of the mirror. The 4-layered mirror is fabricated for the optics. The reflectivity for each layer of the 4-layered mirror is then measured with a dedicated facility on 4B7B beamline of BSRF. The effective area of the optics based on the above-measured reflectivity is 13.2 cm2 at 1 keV. Finally, according to the in-orbit observation data, the effective area of the optical system is evaluated to be a typical value of 4.22 cm2 at 1 keV, which is less than the ground-tested value. The reason for this is analyzed and it turns out to be due to the thermal deformation of mechanical structure and contamination of the mirrors. Therefore, in our future work, we will strictly control the environmental factors and implement space environmental adaptability design, while increasing the accuracy of the optics.
      Corresponding author: Zuo Fu-Chang,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Key R&D Program of China (Grant No. 2017YFB0503300)

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    Keith C G, Zaven A, Takashi O 2012 Proc. SPIE 8443 844313Google Scholar


    Jason W M, Munther A H, Luke M B W, Jennifer E V, Samuel R P, Sean R S, Wayne H Y, Zaven A, Paul S R, Kent S W, Ronald J L, Keith C G 2015 AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference Kissimmee, USA, January 5–9, 2015 AIAA 2015-0865


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    Luke M B W, Jason W M, Munther A H, Samuel R P, Sean R S, Wayne H Y, Paul S R, Michael T W, Matthew K, Kent S W, Zaven A, Keith C G, Lucas G, Ismael C, Paul D, Ben S, Andrew L 2018 Proceedings of SpaceOps Conference Marseille, France, May 28–June 1, 2018 p2538


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    Shen Z X, Yu J, Ma B, Zhang Z, Huang Q S, Wang X Q, Wang K, Zuo F C, Lü Z X, Wang Z S 2018 Proc. SPIE 10699 106991BGoogle Scholar


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    Zuo F C, Mei Z W, Ma T, Deng L L, Shi Y Q, Li L S 2016 Proc. SPIE 9796 97961OGoogle Scholar


    Zuo F C, Deng L L, Mei Z W, Li L S, Lü Z X 2014 Proc. SPIE 9250 925004Google Scholar


    Peter F, Heinrich B, Bernd B, Wolfgang B, Vadim B, Konrad D, Josef E, Michael F, Roland G, Gisela H, Benedikt M, Elmar P, Peter P, Christian R, Reiner S 2012 Proc. SPIE 8443 84431SGoogle Scholar


    David H L, Norbert S, Fred A J 2012 Opt. Eng. 51 011009Google Scholar


    石永强, 邓楼楼, 吕政欣, 梅志武 2018 天文学报 59 44Google Scholar

    Shi Y Q, Deng L L, Lü Z X, Mei Z W 2018 Acta Astronomica Sin. 59 44Google Scholar


    Odell S L, Elsner R F, Kolodziejczak J J, Weisskopf M C, Hughes J P , Speybroeck L P V 1992 Proc. SPIE 1742 171Google Scholar


    Kellogg E, Chartas G, Graessle D E, Hughes J P, Speybroeck L P V, Zhao P, Weisskopf M C, Elsner R F, Odell S L 1992 Proc. SPIE 1742 183Google Scholar

  • 图 1  单层反射镜光路图

    Figure 1.  Schematic of optical path of a parabolic mirror.

    图 2  相邻反射镜之间的关系

    Figure 2.  Relationship between adjacent mirrors.

    图 3  反射镜加工工艺流程

    Figure 3.  Fabrication process for mirrors.

    图 4  芯轴斜率误差

    Figure 4.  Measured slope profile residual of mandrel.

    图 5  (a)复制芯轴; (b)复制的反射镜; (c)光学系统; (d)发射前的光学系统

    Figure 5.  (a) Mandrel; (b) mirror replicated; (c) optics assembly; (d) optics on the satellite.

    图 6  (a) 反射率测试系统示意图; (b) 反射率测试系统实物图, 其中1, 光阑孔及调整装置; 2, 标准探测器及调整装置; 3, 反射镜调整装置; 4, 测试探测器及调整装置; 5, 观察窗

    Figure 6.  (a) Schematic of reflectivity measurement system; (b) photo of reflectivity measurement system, where, 1, aperture and its adjusting device; 2, standard detector and its adjusting device; 3, mirror adjusting device; 4, measurement detector and its adjusting device; 5, observation window.

    图 7  实测反射率

    Figure 7.  Measured reflectivity.

    图 8  基于实测反射率与理论反射率的有效面积

    Figure 8.  Effective areas based on measured and theoretical reflectivity.

    图 9  Crab脉冲星流量时变特性

    Figure 9.  Time-varying characteristics of Crab pulsar flux.

    图 10  Crab脉冲星能谱特性

    Figure 10.  Spectra of Crab pulsar flux.

    图 11  基于观测数据评价的有效面积曲线

    Figure 11.  Evaluated effective area based on in-orbit data.

    表 1  光学系统设计参数

    Table 1.  Designed parameters of the optics.

    视场/arcmin2ω = 15
    DownLoad: CSV

    表 2  不同视场下的聚焦情况

    Table 2.  Focusing performance at different FOVs.

    DownLoad: CSV
  • [1]

    Paul S R, Kent S W, Michael N L, Michael T W 2006 J. Guid. Control Dynam. 29 1Google Scholar


    Keith C G, Zaven A, Takashi O 2012 Proc. SPIE 8443 844313Google Scholar


    Jason W M, Munther A H, Luke M B W, Jennifer E V, Samuel R P, Sean R S, Wayne H Y, Zaven A, Paul S R, Kent S W, Ronald J L, Keith C G 2015 AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference Kissimmee, USA, January 5–9, 2015 AIAA 2015-0865


    Xiong K, Wei C L, Liu L D 2016 Acta Astronaut. 128 473Google Scholar


    王奕迪 2012 博士学位论文 (长沙: 国防科技大学)

    Wang Y D 2016 Ph. D. Dissertation (Changsha: National University of Defense Technology) (in Chinese)


    Craig M, Jack S, Teruaki E, Michael L, Beverly J L 2018 Proc. SPIE 10699 106991VGoogle Scholar


    Takashi O, Yang S, Erin R B, Teruaki E, Larry O, Richard K, Larry L, John K, Sean F, Ai N, Steven J K, Zaven A, Keith G 2016 Proc. SPIE 9905 99054XGoogle Scholar


    Luke M B W, Jason W M, Munther A H, Samuel R P, Sean R S, Wayne H Y, Paul S R, Michael T W, Matthew K, Kent S W, Zaven A, Keith C G, Lucas G, Ismael C, Paul D, Ben S, Andrew L 2018 Proceedings of SpaceOps Conference Marseille, France, May 28–June 1, 2018 p2538


    李连升, 邓楼楼, 梅志武, 吕政欣, 刘继红 2018 机械工程学报 54 23Google Scholar

    Li L S, Deng L L, Mei Z W, Lv Z X, Liu J H 2018 JME 54 23Google Scholar


    周庆勇, 魏子卿, 姜坤, 邓楼楼, 刘思伟, 姬剑锋, 任红飞, 王奕迪, 马高峰 2018 67 050701Google Scholar

    Zhou Q Y, Wei Z Q, Jiang K, Deng L L, Liu S W, Ji J F, Ren H F, Wang Y D, Ma G F 2018 Acta Phys. Sin. 67 050701Google Scholar


    Deng L L, Mei Z W, Li L S, Wang Y, Shi H, Xiong K, Lv Z X, Mo Y N, Wang L, Zuo F C, Chen J W, Shi Y Q, Xu C 2017 Proc. IAC 7 4347


    Brian R, Ron E, Darell E, Misha G, Jeffery K, Steve O D, Chet S, Martin W 2004 Proc. SPIE 5168 0277Google Scholar


    王永刚, 崔天刚, 马文生, 陈斌, 陈波 2011 光学精密工程 19 743Google Scholar

    Wang Y G, Cui T G, Ma W S, Chen B, Chen B 2011 Optics and Prec. Eng. 19 743Google Scholar


    赵大春 2016 博士学位论文 (北京: 中国科学院大学)

    Zhao D C 2016 Ph. D. Dissertation (Beijing: University of Chinese Academy of Sciences) (in Chinese)


    Liao Y Y, Shen Z X, Huang Q S, Wang Z S 2017 Proc. SPIE 10399 103990LGoogle Scholar


    Shen Z X, Yu J, Ma B, Zhang Z, Huang Q S, Wang X Q, Wang K, Zuo F C, Lü Z X, Wang Z S 2018 Proc. SPIE 10699 106991BGoogle Scholar


    李林森, 强鹏飞, 盛立志, 刘哲, 周晓红, 赵宝升, 张淳民 2018 67 200701Google Scholar

    Li L S, Qiang P F, Sheng L Z, Liu Z, Zhou X H, Zhao B S, Zhang C M 2018 Acta Phys. Sin. 67 200701Google Scholar


    Sheng L Z, Zhao B S, Qiang P F, Liu D 2016 Proc. SPIE 10328 103280MGoogle Scholar


    孔繁星 2018 博士学位论文 (哈尔滨: 哈尔滨工业大学)

    Kong F X 2018 Ph. D. Dissertation (Harbin: Harbin Institute of Technology) (in Chinese)


    Zuo F C, Mei Z W, Ma T, Deng L L, Shi Y Q, Li L S 2016 Proc. SPIE 9796 97961OGoogle Scholar


    Zuo F C, Deng L L, Mei Z W, Li L S, Lü Z X 2014 Proc. SPIE 9250 925004Google Scholar


    Peter F, Heinrich B, Bernd B, Wolfgang B, Vadim B, Konrad D, Josef E, Michael F, Roland G, Gisela H, Benedikt M, Elmar P, Peter P, Christian R, Reiner S 2012 Proc. SPIE 8443 84431SGoogle Scholar


    David H L, Norbert S, Fred A J 2012 Opt. Eng. 51 011009Google Scholar


    石永强, 邓楼楼, 吕政欣, 梅志武 2018 天文学报 59 44Google Scholar

    Shi Y Q, Deng L L, Lü Z X, Mei Z W 2018 Acta Astronomica Sin. 59 44Google Scholar


    Odell S L, Elsner R F, Kolodziejczak J J, Weisskopf M C, Hughes J P , Speybroeck L P V 1992 Proc. SPIE 1742 171Google Scholar


    Kellogg E, Chartas G, Graessle D E, Hughes J P, Speybroeck L P V, Zhao P, Weisskopf M C, Elsner R F, Odell S L 1992 Proc. SPIE 1742 183Google Scholar

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  • Received Date:  22 September 2019
  • Accepted Date:  17 October 2019
  • Published Online:  05 February 2020

