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Experimental realization of high-efficiency blue light at 426 nm by external frequency doubling resonator

Tian Long Wang Qing-Wei Yao Wen-Xiu Li Qing-Hui Wang Ya-Jun Zheng Yao-Hui


Experimental realization of high-efficiency blue light at 426 nm by external frequency doubling resonator

Tian Long, Wang Qing-Wei, Yao Wen-Xiu, Li Qing-Hui, Wang Ya-Jun, Zheng Yao-Hui
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • Second harmonic generation (SHG) is used to get continuous wave laser with a lot of applications, it is a major way to provide pump power for generating nonclassical states, especially for squeezed states and entanglement states. High-efficiency SHG resonant on atoms lines also provides laser sources for atomic entanglement generation, light-atom interaction and high-speed quantum memory. For the frequency-doubling process at 426 nm, the major challenge of increasing the conversion efficiency is the thermal effect caused by the absorption in crystal. The degradation of mode-match efficiency induced by the severely thermal effect limits the conversion efficiency of the second harmonic generator. Furthermore, the blue light induced infrared absorption (BLIIRA) in the nonlinear crystal intensifies the thermal effect, it makes the conversion efficiency of the frequency-doubling cavity and the stability of the output blue laser worse, and it is more serious at high input power. Based on the theoretical analysis of thermal lens, we find that the thermal lens should not be placed at the center of the crystal, the location of the equivalently thermals lens has a deviation from the center of the crystal. Follow the theoretical analysis of thermal lens, we design a ring cavity with a 10 mm-long periodically poled potassium titanyle phosphate (PPKTP) crystal to reduce the thermal lens effect induced mode-mismatch. The location of nonlinear crystal is adjusted precisely to reduce the mode-mismatch caused by the thermal lens under our theoretical analysis. Finally, we realized a high conversion efficiency blue laser at 426 nm with the conversion efficiency up to 83.1% with an output power of 428 mW after the adjustment of the crystal location, corresponding to our theoretical analysis well. The measured beam quality factors (M2 value) of the generated blue laser are $ M^2(x) = 1.05 $ and $ M^2(y) = 1.02 $, respectively. The measured power stability of Generated Blue laser in 15 mins is 1.25%. The output power of the SHG is strong enough to provide pump power for the generation of the continuous variable squeezed vacuum state at 852 nm and the long-term stability of the output blue laser is also measured to be fine. To the best of our knowledge, the conversion efficiency is the highest-reported one at this wavelength. We believe that such high-performance frequency doubling system is a fundamental building block for quantum information science based non-classical states.
      Corresponding author: Zheng Yao-Hui,

    Neergaard-Nielsen J S, Nielsen B M, Hettich C, Molmer K, Polzik E S 2006 Phys. Rev. Lett. 97 083604Google Scholar


    Vahlbruch H, Mehmet M, Danzmann K, Schnabel R 2016 Phys. Rev. Lett. 117 110801Google Scholar


    程梦尧, 王兆华, 何会军, 王羡之, 朱江峰, 魏志义 2019 68 124205Google Scholar

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    Burks S, Ortalo J, Chiummo A, Jia X J, Villa F, Bramati A, Laurat J, Giacobino E 2009 Opt. Express 17 3777Google Scholar


    Yang W, Shi S, Wang Y, Ma W, Zheng Y, Peng K 2017 Opt. Lett. 42 4553Google Scholar


    Sun X, Wang Y, Tian L, Shi S, Zheng Y, Peng K 2019 Opt. Lett. 44 1789Google Scholar


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    Ast S, Ast M, Mehmet M, Schnabel R 2016 Opt. Lett. 41 5094Google Scholar


    Bao X H, Qian Y, Yang J, Zhang H, Chen Z B, Yang T, Pan J W 2008 Phys. Rev. Lett. 101 190501Google Scholar


    霍美如, 秦际良, 孙颖榕, 成家霖, 闫智辉, 贾晓军 2018 量子光学学报 24 134

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    Jensen K, Wasilewski W, Krauter H, Fernholz T, Nielsen B M, Owari M, Plenio, M B, Serafini A, Wolf M M, Polzik E S 2010 Nat. Phys. 7 13


    Yang T S, Zhou Z Q, Hua Y L, Liu X, Li Z F, Li P Y, Ma Y, Liu C, Liang P J, Li X, Xiao Y X, Hu J, Li C F, Guo G C 2018 Nat. Commun. 9 3407Google Scholar


    Reim K F, Nunn J, Lorenz V O, Sussman B J, Lee K C, Langford N K, Jaksch D, Walmsley I A 2010 Nat. Photon. 4 218Google Scholar


    Hald J, Sørensen J L, Schori C, Polzik E S 1999 Phys. Rev. Lett. 83 1319Google Scholar


    Krauter H, Salart D, Muschik C A, Petersen J M, Shen H, Fernholz T, Polzik E S 2013 Nat. Phys. 9 400Google Scholar


    Zhdanov B V, Lu Y, Shaffer M K, Miller W, Wright D, Knize R J 2008 Opt. Express 16 17585Google Scholar


    Zhang Y, Liu J, Wu J, Ma R, Wang D, Zhang J 2016 Opt. Express 24 19769Google Scholar


    Zuo X J, Yan Z H, Jia X J 2019 Appl. Phys. Express 12 032010Google Scholar


    Polzik E S, Kimble H J 1991 Opt. Lett. 16 1400Google Scholar


    Villa F, Chiummo A, Giacobino E, Bramati A 2007 J. Opt. Soc. Am. B: Opt. Phys. 24 576Google Scholar


    Tian J, Yang C, Xue J, Zhang Y, Li G, Zhang T 2016 J. Opt. 18 055506Google Scholar


    Le Targat R, Zondy J J, Lemonde P 2005 Opt. Commun. 247 471Google Scholar


    Cui X Y, Shen Q, Yan M C, Zeng C, Yuan T, Zhang W Z, Yao X C, Peng C Z, Jiang X, Chen Y A, Pan J W 2018 Opt. Lett. 43 1666Google Scholar


    Ashkin A, Boyd G, Dziedzic J 1966 IEEE J. Quantum Electron. QE 2 109


    Boyd G D, Kleinman D A 1968 J. Appl. Phys. 39 3597Google Scholar


    Innocenzi M E, Yura H T, Fincher C L, Fields R A 1990 Appl. Phys. Lett. 56 1831Google Scholar


    Uehara N, Gustafson E K, Fejer M M, Byer R L1997 Proceedings of the SPIE - the Interantional Society for Optical Engineerin(V2989) San Jose, CA, USA, Feb. 12–13, 1997 p57


    Yang W H, Wang Y J, Zheng Y H, Lu H D 2015 Opt. Express 23 19624Google Scholar


    Chen C Y, Shi S P, Zheng Y H 2017 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 88 103101Google Scholar


    Li Z X, Ma W G, Yang W H, Wang Y J, Zheng Y H 2016 Opt. Lett. 41 3331Google Scholar


    Wang S, Pasiskevicius V, Laurell F, J 2004 J. Appl. Phys. 96 2023Google Scholar

  • 图 1  模式匹配率随着基频光功率变化关系. 实线为将晶体移动位置优化后的模式匹配率随着基频光功率变化关系; 虚线为将晶体放置在腔两个凹面镜中心时考虑热透镜效应后模式匹配率随着基频光功率变化关系

    Figure 1.  Mode-matching efficiency as function of the input power. Solid line: after the optimization; Dashed line: before the optimization.

    图 2  实验装置示意图

    Figure 2.  Schematic of experimental setup.

    图 3  倍频转换效率随着基频光功率变化关系图

    Figure 3.  Normalized blue laser power as function of temperature tuning. The input fundamental power is 180, 280 and 370 mW, respectively.

    图 4  倍频效率随着注入基频光功率变化关系图

    Figure 4.  Conversion efficiency as a function of input power.

    图 5  实验制备426 nm蓝光光束的M2因子测量结果

    Figure 5.  The measured beam quality factors (M2 value) of the generated blue laser.

    图 6  扫描倍频腔的透射强度(插图)及倍频腔自由运转10 mins内的透射峰漂移值

    Figure 6.  Transmission intensity of scanning Fabry-Perot cavity (inset) and drift value of transmission peak within 10 mins.

    图 7  倍频腔输出蓝光的功率稳定性

    Figure 7.  Measured power stability of blue laser.

  • [1]

    Neergaard-Nielsen J S, Nielsen B M, Hettich C, Molmer K, Polzik E S 2006 Phys. Rev. Lett. 97 083604Google Scholar


    Vahlbruch H, Mehmet M, Danzmann K, Schnabel R 2016 Phys. Rev. Lett. 117 110801Google Scholar


    程梦尧, 王兆华, 何会军, 王羡之, 朱江峰, 魏志义 2019 68 124205Google Scholar

    Cheng M Y, Wang Z H, He H J, Wang X Z, Zhu J F, Wei Z Y 2019 Acta Phys. Sin. 68 124205Google Scholar


    Burks S, Ortalo J, Chiummo A, Jia X J, Villa F, Bramati A, Laurat J, Giacobino E 2009 Opt. Express 17 3777Google Scholar


    Yang W, Shi S, Wang Y, Ma W, Zheng Y, Peng K 2017 Opt. Lett. 42 4553Google Scholar


    Sun X, Wang Y, Tian L, Shi S, Zheng Y, Peng K 2019 Opt. Lett. 44 1789Google Scholar


    Eberle T, Handchen V, Schnabel R 2013 Opt. Expres 21 11546Google Scholar


    Ast S, Ast M, Mehmet M, Schnabel R 2016 Opt. Lett. 41 5094Google Scholar


    Bao X H, Qian Y, Yang J, Zhang H, Chen Z B, Yang T, Pan J W 2008 Phys. Rev. Lett. 101 190501Google Scholar


    霍美如, 秦际良, 孙颖榕, 成家霖, 闫智辉, 贾晓军 2018 量子光学学报 24 134

    Huo M R, Qin J L, Su Y R, Cheng J L, Yan Z H, Jia X J 2018 J. Quantum Opt. 24 134


    李莹, 罗玉, 潘庆, 彭堃墀 2006 55 5030Google Scholar

    Li Y, Luo Y, Pan Q, Peng K C 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 5030Google Scholar


    Kimble H J 2008 Nature 453 1023Google Scholar


    Yan Z, Wu L, Jia X, Liu Y, Deng R J, Li S J, Wang H, Xie C D, Peng K C 2017 Nat. Commun. 8 718Google Scholar


    Jensen K, Wasilewski W, Krauter H, Fernholz T, Nielsen B M, Owari M, Plenio, M B, Serafini A, Wolf M M, Polzik E S 2010 Nat. Phys. 7 13


    Yang T S, Zhou Z Q, Hua Y L, Liu X, Li Z F, Li P Y, Ma Y, Liu C, Liang P J, Li X, Xiao Y X, Hu J, Li C F, Guo G C 2018 Nat. Commun. 9 3407Google Scholar


    Reim K F, Nunn J, Lorenz V O, Sussman B J, Lee K C, Langford N K, Jaksch D, Walmsley I A 2010 Nat. Photon. 4 218Google Scholar


    Hald J, Sørensen J L, Schori C, Polzik E S 1999 Phys. Rev. Lett. 83 1319Google Scholar


    Krauter H, Salart D, Muschik C A, Petersen J M, Shen H, Fernholz T, Polzik E S 2013 Nat. Phys. 9 400Google Scholar


    Zhdanov B V, Lu Y, Shaffer M K, Miller W, Wright D, Knize R J 2008 Opt. Express 16 17585Google Scholar


    Zhang Y, Liu J, Wu J, Ma R, Wang D, Zhang J 2016 Opt. Express 24 19769Google Scholar


    Zuo X J, Yan Z H, Jia X J 2019 Appl. Phys. Express 12 032010Google Scholar


    Polzik E S, Kimble H J 1991 Opt. Lett. 16 1400Google Scholar


    Villa F, Chiummo A, Giacobino E, Bramati A 2007 J. Opt. Soc. Am. B: Opt. Phys. 24 576Google Scholar


    Tian J, Yang C, Xue J, Zhang Y, Li G, Zhang T 2016 J. Opt. 18 055506Google Scholar


    Le Targat R, Zondy J J, Lemonde P 2005 Opt. Commun. 247 471Google Scholar


    Cui X Y, Shen Q, Yan M C, Zeng C, Yuan T, Zhang W Z, Yao X C, Peng C Z, Jiang X, Chen Y A, Pan J W 2018 Opt. Lett. 43 1666Google Scholar


    Ashkin A, Boyd G, Dziedzic J 1966 IEEE J. Quantum Electron. QE 2 109


    Boyd G D, Kleinman D A 1968 J. Appl. Phys. 39 3597Google Scholar


    Innocenzi M E, Yura H T, Fincher C L, Fields R A 1990 Appl. Phys. Lett. 56 1831Google Scholar


    Uehara N, Gustafson E K, Fejer M M, Byer R L1997 Proceedings of the SPIE - the Interantional Society for Optical Engineerin(V2989) San Jose, CA, USA, Feb. 12–13, 1997 p57


    Yang W H, Wang Y J, Zheng Y H, Lu H D 2015 Opt. Express 23 19624Google Scholar


    Chen C Y, Shi S P, Zheng Y H 2017 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 88 103101Google Scholar


    Li Z X, Ma W G, Yang W H, Wang Y J, Zheng Y H 2016 Opt. Lett. 41 3331Google Scholar


    Wang S, Pasiskevicius V, Laurell F, J 2004 J. Appl. Phys. 96 2023Google Scholar

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  • Received Date:  18 September 2019
  • Accepted Date:  15 November 2019
  • Published Online:  20 February 2020

