BaTiO3 (BTO) is a typical studying object both in ferroelectrics and in material science. By the GW method, optical property of BTO is investigated, and its volume effect under the case of iso-strain is also studied. It is found that the results of excited states are closer to the experimental results with the consideration of electron-hole interaction in the framework of GW method. Considering the volume effect, we obtain that the red shift of the peaks of optical absorption occurs under the expansion of volume, and the blue shift appears when the BTO is compressed. At the same time, the polarization and the hybridization between d orbital of Ti atom and p orbital of O atom are enhanced for the case of volume expansion, however, things will be opposite under the compression of volume. Furthermore, the volume effect in the iso-strain case is less dramatic than in the iso-stress case.
- BaTiO3 /
- optical property /
- volume effect /
- GW method
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图 4 不同体积BTO的介电常数虚部谱(
$\epsilon_2^{\bot}$ 为垂直于极化方向即xy平面内的介电常数虚部,$\epsilon_2^{^{_{/\!/}}}$ 为z方向的介电常数虚部)Figure 4. Spectrum of imagine part of dielectric constant for selected BTO volumes, where
$\epsilon_2^{\bot}$ corresponds the direction perpendicular to the polarization, and$\epsilon_2^{^{_{/\!/}}}$ stands for the direction parallel to the polarization图 5 不同体积下BTO块材的光学吸收谱(
$\alpha^{\bot}$ 为垂直于极化方向即xy平面内的光学吸收系数,$\alpha^{^{_{/\!/}}}$ 为z方向的吸收系数)Figure 5. Spectrum of optical absorption of BTO for selected volumes, where
$\alpha^{\bot}$ corresponds the direction perpendicular to the polarization, and$\alpha^{^{_{/\!/}}}$ stands for the direction parallel to the polarization表 1 不同体积下计算得到的BTO块材的能隙(单位:eV)
Table 1. Energy gaps (in eV) for selected BTO volumes and different theoretical method
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