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Modeling and analyzing of time-resolved satellite infrared spectrum based on ground-based detector

Gu Mu Ren Qi-Feng Zhou Jin-Mei Liao Sheng


Modeling and analyzing of time-resolved satellite infrared spectrum based on ground-based detector

Gu Mu, Ren Qi-Feng, Zhou Jin-Mei, Liao Sheng
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • Satellite infrared spectra based on ground-based detector are affected by complex factors such as satellite surface temperature, solar radiation, observation angle, etc, whose change cannot be detected in external field experiment. Therefore, it is impossible to analyze what are the main factors that affect the satellite infrared spectra. At the same time, due to the lack of physical information about the satellites through the external field experiment, the validity and physical significance of retrieving features from satellite infrared spectrum cannot be explained. In view of the above problem, a method to model and analyze satellite thermal infrared spectra based on ground-based detector is proposed. It is a feasible research method to accurately establish satellite thermal infrared spectrum model based on the ground detection, then to analyze the simulated infrared spectrum data. Firstly, considering the solar radiation, earth radiation, detectable range of the satellite on the detector, observation angle, atmospheric attenuation, etc., the satellite thermal infrared spectrum model can be established more accurately. Then, taking FY-3 satellite for example, the physical and orbital parameters of the satellite are set up, and the 3−14${\text{μ}}{\rm m}$ infrared irradiance of the satellite on the pupil of the detector is calculated by using the model. Meanwhile, the main factors affecting the infrared spectrum of the satellite are analyzed. Finally, the equivalent temperature and equivalent area are extracted by fitting the satellite infrared spectrum with the Planck formula. And they are compared with the physical properties of the satellite. The results show that among the various factors, with the satellite’ movement, the change of the visible state of the satellite induced by the satellite’s movement is the main factor that affects the satellite infrared spectrum. The physical meanings of the equivalent temperature and equivalent area can also be explained effectively. The equivalent temperature is close to the temperatures of the solar panels, and their temperature difference is only about 15 K. The change of equivalent area is consistent with that of the satellite projected area. Moreover, it is also found that there is a large temperature difference between the solar panels and the body, which makes their infrared spectra obviously different. Therefore, it is hopeful to obtain the areas and temperatures of the solar panels and the body respectively. This research can make up for the shortcomings of the external field experiments and promote the monitoring and recognizing of satellites by ground-based infrared detectors.
      Corresponding author: Liao Sheng,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 61501429).

    孙成明, 赵飞, 袁艳 2015 64 034202Google Scholar

    Sun C M, Zhao F, Yuan Y 2015 Acta Phys. Sin. 64 034202Google Scholar


    Fulcoly D, Kalamaroff K, Chun F 2012 J. Spacecr. Rockets 49 76Google Scholar


    Lynch D, Russell R, Gutierrez D, et al. 2006 Proc. Adv. Maui Opt. Space Surveillance Technol. Conf. Hawaii, September 10–14, 2006


    徐灿, 张雅声, 赵阳生, 李鹏 2017 光谱学与光谱分析 37 672

    Xu C, Zhang Y S, Zhao Y S, Li P 2017 Spectrosc. Spect. Anal. 37 672


    Skinner M, Payne T, Russell R, et al. 2007 Proc. Adv. Maui Opt. Space Surveillance Technol. Conf. Hawaii, September 12–15, 2007


    Skinner M, Russell R, Rudy R, et al. 2009 Proceedings of the International Astronomical Congress 60th Meeting Daejeon, Republic of Korea, October 12–16, 2009 p1791


    Skinner M, Russell R, Kelecy T, et al. 2014 Acta Astronaut. 105 1


    Skinner M, Russell R, Kelecy T, et al. 2014 Proceedings of the International Astronomical Congress 65th Meeting Toronto, Canada, September 9, 2014 p1188


    张伟清 2006 博士学位论文 (南京: 南京理工大学)

    Zhang W Q 2006 Ph.D. Dissertation (Nanjing: Nanjing University of Science and Technology)(in Chinese)


    张永阳 2007 硕士学位论文 (南京: 南京理工大学)

    Zhang Y Y 2007 M.S. Thesis (Nanjing: Nanjing University of Science and Technology)(in Chinese)


    马伟 2011 博士学位论文 (南京: 南京理工大学)

    Ma W 2011 Ph.D. Dissertation (Nanjing: Nanjing University of Science and Technology) (in Chinese)


    孙成明, 袁艳, 张修宝 2010 59 7523Google Scholar

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    李文豪, 刘朝晖, 穆猷, 等 2017 红外与激光工程 46 604003

    Li W H, Liu Z H, Mu Y, et al. 2017 Infrar. Laser Eng. 46 604003


    谈和平, 夏新林, 刘林华, 阮立明 2006 红外辐射特性与传输的数值计(哈尔滨: 哈尔滨工业大学出版社) 第 378页

    Tan H P, Xia X L, Liu L H, Ruan L M 2006 Numerical Calculation of Infrared Radiation Characteristics and Transmission (Harbin: Harbin Institute of Technology Press) p378 (in Chinese)


    王先起, 廖胜, 沈忙作, 黄建明 2005 光电工程 32 5Google Scholar

    Wang X Q, Liao S, Shen M Z, Huang J M 2005 Opto-Electronic Engineering 32 5Google Scholar


    殷丽梅, 刘俊池, 王建立, 等 2014 光子学报 43 1204004

    Yin L M, Liu J C, Wang J L, et al. 2014 Acta Phot. Sin. 43 1204004


    刘莹奇, 刘祥意 2014 光学学报 34 0512003

    Liu Y, Liu X 2014 Acta Opt. Sin. 34 0512003


    Skinner M, Russell R, Kelecy T, et al. 2012 Acta Astronaut. 80 154Google Scholar

  • 图 1  地面探测器可观测区域

    Figure 1.  Ground-based detector observable area.

    图 2  卫星的面元与探测器入瞳的几何位置关系

    Figure 2.  The geometric position of facet and detector entrance pupil.

    图 3  风云三号卫星的简化几何模型

    Figure 3.  the crude geometric structure model of the FY-3 satellite.

    图 4  在观测期间, (a) 风云三号卫星对地面探测器的倾角和斜距, (b)卫星各面法线与探测器连线的夹角余弦, (c)风云三号卫星的模拟温度场, (d)风云三号卫星在探测器上的红外光谱辐照度和BASS系统实测的地球同步卫星红外光谱[3]

    Figure 4.  During the observation period, (a) the elevation angle and range of the FY-3 satellite to ground-based detector, (b) the angle cosine between the normal of satellite’s side and the direction of detector, (c) the simulated temperature field of the FY-3 satellite, (d) the infrared spectral irradiance of the FY-3 satellite on the detector and the infrared spectral irradiance of geosynchronous satellite measured by BASS.

    图 5  在观测期间, (a)等效温度与太阳帆板温度的比较, (b)等效面积和卫星对探测器的投影面积的比较

    Figure 5.  During the observation period, (a) the comparison of the color temperature of n = 1 and solar panel temperature, (b) the comparison of the emissivity·projected area of n = 1 and satellite’s projected area.

    图 6  在观测期间, (a)较高温度和卫星帆板温度的比较, (b)较高温度对应的面积和帆板面积的比较, 整体面积和卫星对探测器投影面积的比较

    Figure 6.  During the observation period, (a) the comparison of the higher temperature of n = 2 and solar panel temperature, (b) the comparison of the area corresponding to higher temperature and the area of solar panel, the comparison of the sum of the areas of n = 2 and the projection area of the satellite to the detector.

    表 1  风云三号卫星的物性参数

    Table 1.  Physical parameters of the FY-3 satellite.

    卫星本体4460 × 2200 × 3790F46聚酯薄膜0.810.1
    太阳帆板40 × 7800 × 3790背面SR107白漆0.870.17
    DownLoad: CSV

    表 2  风云三号卫星的轨道参数

    Table 2.  Orbital parameters of the FY-3 satellite.

    DownLoad: CSV
  • [1]

    孙成明, 赵飞, 袁艳 2015 64 034202Google Scholar

    Sun C M, Zhao F, Yuan Y 2015 Acta Phys. Sin. 64 034202Google Scholar


    Fulcoly D, Kalamaroff K, Chun F 2012 J. Spacecr. Rockets 49 76Google Scholar


    Lynch D, Russell R, Gutierrez D, et al. 2006 Proc. Adv. Maui Opt. Space Surveillance Technol. Conf. Hawaii, September 10–14, 2006


    徐灿, 张雅声, 赵阳生, 李鹏 2017 光谱学与光谱分析 37 672

    Xu C, Zhang Y S, Zhao Y S, Li P 2017 Spectrosc. Spect. Anal. 37 672


    Skinner M, Payne T, Russell R, et al. 2007 Proc. Adv. Maui Opt. Space Surveillance Technol. Conf. Hawaii, September 12–15, 2007


    Skinner M, Russell R, Rudy R, et al. 2009 Proceedings of the International Astronomical Congress 60th Meeting Daejeon, Republic of Korea, October 12–16, 2009 p1791


    Skinner M, Russell R, Kelecy T, et al. 2014 Acta Astronaut. 105 1


    Skinner M, Russell R, Kelecy T, et al. 2014 Proceedings of the International Astronomical Congress 65th Meeting Toronto, Canada, September 9, 2014 p1188


    张伟清 2006 博士学位论文 (南京: 南京理工大学)

    Zhang W Q 2006 Ph.D. Dissertation (Nanjing: Nanjing University of Science and Technology)(in Chinese)


    张永阳 2007 硕士学位论文 (南京: 南京理工大学)

    Zhang Y Y 2007 M.S. Thesis (Nanjing: Nanjing University of Science and Technology)(in Chinese)


    马伟 2011 博士学位论文 (南京: 南京理工大学)

    Ma W 2011 Ph.D. Dissertation (Nanjing: Nanjing University of Science and Technology) (in Chinese)


    孙成明, 袁艳, 张修宝 2010 59 7523Google Scholar

    Sun C M, Yuan Y, Zhang X B 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 7523Google Scholar


    王雨飞, 李强, 廖胜 2011 红外与激光工程 40 2085Google Scholar

    Wang Y, Li Q, Liao S 2011 Infrar. Laser Eng. 40 2085Google Scholar


    汪洪源, 陈赟 2016 红外与激光工程 45 504002

    Wang H Y, Chen Y 2016 Infrar. Laser Eng. 45 504002


    李文豪, 刘朝晖, 穆猷, 等 2017 红外与激光工程 46 604003

    Li W H, Liu Z H, Mu Y, et al. 2017 Infrar. Laser Eng. 46 604003


    谈和平, 夏新林, 刘林华, 阮立明 2006 红外辐射特性与传输的数值计(哈尔滨: 哈尔滨工业大学出版社) 第 378页

    Tan H P, Xia X L, Liu L H, Ruan L M 2006 Numerical Calculation of Infrared Radiation Characteristics and Transmission (Harbin: Harbin Institute of Technology Press) p378 (in Chinese)


    王先起, 廖胜, 沈忙作, 黄建明 2005 光电工程 32 5Google Scholar

    Wang X Q, Liao S, Shen M Z, Huang J M 2005 Opto-Electronic Engineering 32 5Google Scholar


    殷丽梅, 刘俊池, 王建立, 等 2014 光子学报 43 1204004

    Yin L M, Liu J C, Wang J L, et al. 2014 Acta Phot. Sin. 43 1204004


    刘莹奇, 刘祥意 2014 光学学报 34 0512003

    Liu Y, Liu X 2014 Acta Opt. Sin. 34 0512003


    Skinner M, Russell R, Kelecy T, et al. 2012 Acta Astronaut. 80 154Google Scholar

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Publishing process
  • Received Date:  30 October 2018
  • Accepted Date:  10 January 2019
  • Available Online:  01 March 2019
  • Published Online:  05 March 2019

