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Effect of surface elasticity on drainage process of vertical liquid film with soluble surfactant

Ye Xue-Min Li Ming-Lan Zhang Xiang-Shan Li Chun-Xi


Effect of surface elasticity on drainage process of vertical liquid film with soluble surfactant

Ye Xue-Min, Li Ming-Lan, Zhang Xiang-Shan, Li Chun-Xi
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  • The aim of the present paper is to investigate the gravity-driven draining process containing soluble surfactant when considering the coupling effects of surface elasticity and surfactant solubility. A nonlinear coupling evolution equation including liquid film thickness, surface velocity and surfactant concentration (both on the surface and in the bulk) is established based on the lubrication theory. Assuming that the top of liquid film is attached to the wireframe and the bottom is connected to a reservoir, the drainage evolution is simulated with the software called FreeFem. The effects of surface elasticity and solubility on liquid film draining are discussed under their coupling. The simulation results show that the surface elasticity is an indispensable factor in the process of liquid film drainage with soluble surfactant, and the surfactant solubility also has an important influence on the process. At the initial stage of liquid draining, the initial thickness of liquid film increases with increasing surface elasticity, and the surface tends to be more rigid; with the drainage proceeding, the liquid film with high and low elasticity illustrate different notable draining features:in the case of low surface elasticity, the distribution of surfactant forms a surface tension gradient from top to bottom on the film surface, leading to positive Marangoni effect that counteracts gravity. However, in the case of high elasticity, the film surface presents a surface tension gradient from bottom to top, resulting in a reverse Marangoni effect, which accelerates the draining and makes the film more susceptible to instability. The solubility of surfactant dominates the number of adsorbent molecules on the film surface, which affects the surface elasticity. When the solubility of the surfactant is great (β → 0), the film is extremely unstable, and it breaks down quickly. As the solubility decreases (namely, β increases), the stability of the film increases, and the initial surface elasticity also rises. The surface elasticity gradually approaches to the limiting dilational elasticity modulus due to the film being thinner.
      Corresponding author: Li Chun-Xi,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11202079) and the Fundamental Research for the Central Universities, China (Grant No. 13MS97).

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  • [1]

    Warner M R E, Craster R V, Matar O K 2004 Phys. Fluids 16 2933


    Lee K S, Ivanova N, Starov V M, Hilal N, Dutschk V 2008 Adv. Colloid Interface Sci. 144 54


    Afsar-Siddiqui A B, Luckham P F, Matar O K 2003 Adv. Colloid Interface Sci. 106 183


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    Mysels K J, Shinoda K, Frankel S 1959 Soap Films: Studies of Their Thinning and a Bibilography (New York: Pergammon) p116


    Naire S, Braun R J, Snow S A 2001 Phys. Fluids 13 2492


    Ye X M, Yang S D, Li C X 2017 Acta Phys. Sin. 66 184702 (in Chinese)[叶学民, 杨少东, 李春曦 2017 66 184702]


    Schwartz L W, Roy R V 1999 J. Colloid Interface Sci. 218 309


    Seiwert J, Benjamin D, Isabelle C 2014 J. Fluid Mech. 739 124


    Ye X M, Yang S D, Li C X 2017 Acta Phys. Sin. 66 194701 (in Chinese)[叶学民, 杨少东, 李春曦 2017 66 194701]


    Ye X M, Li M L, Zhang X S, Li C X 2018 Acta Phys. Sin. 67 164701 (in Chinese)[叶学民, 李明兰, 张湘珊, 李春曦 2018 67 164701]


    Yiantsios S G, Higgins B G 2010 Phys. Fluids 22 022102


    Lin C K, Hwang C C, Uen W Y 2000 J. Colloid Interface Sci. 231 379


    Shi D, Gu H X, Liu X Y, Fan Q L 2004 China Surf. Deterg. Cosmet. 34 229 (in Chinese) [史东, 谷惠先, 刘晓英, 樊全莲 2004 日用化学工业 34 229]


    Luo J, Gao B J, Wang J F, Cao Y, Yuan H 2000 Acta Polym. Sin. 1 262 (in Chinese) [罗娟, 高保娇, 王久芬, 曹远, 袁宏 2000 高分子学报 1 262]


    Bergeron V 1997 Langmuir 13 3474


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    Santini E, Ravera F, Ferrari M, Stubenrauch C, Makievski A, Krägel J 2007 Colloids Surf. A 298 12


    Beneventi D, Pugh R J, Carré B, Gandini A 2003 J. Colloid Interface Sci. 268 221


    Georgieva D, Cagna A, Langevin D 2009 Soft Matter 5 2063


    Wang L, Yoon R H 2008 Int. J. Miner. Process. 85 101


    Wang L, Yoon R H 2006 Colloids Surf. A 282 84


    Karakashev S I, Ivanova D S 2010 J. Colloid Interface Sci. 343 584


    Champougny L, Scheid B, Restagno F, Vermant J, Rio E 2015 Soft Matter 11 2758


    Seiwert J, Cantat I 2015 Colloids Surf. A 473 2


    Jensen O E, Grotberg J B 1993 Phys. Fluids A 5 58


    Zhao Y P 2012 Physical Mechanics of Surface and Interface (Beijing: Science Press) pp185, 186 (in Chinese)[赵亚溥 2012 表面与界面物理力学 (北京: 科学出版社) 第185, 186 页]


    Afsarsiddiqui A B, And P F L, Matar O K 2003 Langmuir 19 703


    Ruschak K J 2010 Aiche J. 33 801


    Saulnier L, Restagno F, Delacotte J, Langevin D, Rio E 2011 Langmuir 27 13406


    Angarska J K, Ivanova D S, Manev E D 2015 Colloids Surf. A 481 87


    Xiong Z 2012 Farm Prod. Process. 3 67 (in Chinese)[熊拯 2012 农产品加工 3 67]


    Xiong Y, Chen D J, Wang J, Zhang Q, Wu W G, Yao Y 2008 J. Oil Gas Techn. 30 136 (in Chinese)[熊颖, 陈大钧, 王君, 张谦, 吴文刚, 尧艳 2008 石油天然气学报 30 136]


    Kumar N, Couzis A, Maldarelli C 2003 J. Colloid Interface Sci. 267 272


    Hsu C, Chang C, Lin S 1999 Langmuir 15 1952


    Berg S, Adelizzi E A, Troian S M 2005 Langmuir 21 3867


    Karakashev S I, Nguyen A V 2007 Colloids Surf. A 293 229

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  • Received Date:  25 May 2018
  • Accepted Date:  03 July 2018
  • Published Online:  05 November 2018

