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李品贤 郭峰 温伯尧 骆政园 白博峰



李品贤, 郭峰, 温伯尧, 骆政园, 白博峰

The Effects of Nanoparticle Surfactants on the Release Behavior of Trapped Droplet in Micro-pore Throat

Pinxian Li, Feng Guo, Boyao Wen, Zhengyuan Luo, Bofeng Bai
  • 微孔喉结构内束缚液滴释放是提高原油采收率的关键 . 纳米颗粒表面活性剂能够增强纳米颗粒在油水界面上的吸附稳定性,进而显著影响束缚液滴的释放过程,对于发展纳米驱提采技术具有重要意义 . 本文通过微流控可视化实验与荧光技术,系统研究了纳米颗粒表面活性剂对微孔喉中束缚液滴释放行为的影响 . 在纳米颗粒表面活性剂作用下,微孔喉结构中束缚液滴存在破碎释放与直接释放2种释放状态;获得了微孔喉内束缚液滴释放状态相图,结合液滴受力分析建立了束缚液滴释放状态的临界转变理论模型;通过对比分析液滴长度随液滴释放的临界流量与毛细数的变化,获得了纳米颗粒表面活性剂对液滴释放行为的影响规律;结合荧光实验进一步阐明了纳米颗粒表面活性剂诱发界面黏弹性而抑制微孔喉内束缚液滴释放的作用机制 .
    The release of trapped droplets in pore-throat structures is of great significance to study multiphase flow in porous media. In this paper, the effects of nanoparticle surfactants on the release behavior of trapped droplets in micro-pore throat are investigated using microfluidic visualization system and fluorescence techniques. We demonstrate a droplet control technique in microchannel and observe the release states of trapped droplets in pore-throat. We obtain the phase diagram of droplet states and establish mathematical models describing the critical transition condition by mechanism analysis. Based on the force’s analysis on the trapped droplets, the breakup and release mechanisms are also obtained when droplets move through the pore-throat. In addition, this research reveals the effect of nanoparticle surfactants on droplet release behavior by analyzing the variation of droplet length with flow velocity and capillary number. Nanoparticle surfactants decreases the critical flow velocity of droplet release, while significantly increasing the critical capillary number and this phenomenon becomes more pronounced with increasing concentrations of nanoparticle surfactants. Fluorescence experiments further elucidate the mechanism by which nanoparticle surfactants inhibit the release of trapped droplets in pore-throat by inducing interfacial viscoelasticity. Nanoparticles react with polymers at the interface to form the viscoelastic film. This film-induced interfacial viscoelasticity hinders droplet deformation and increases the viscous resistance between droplets and wall, thereby impeding the release of trapped droplets in pore-throat.
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