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A new charging model for exposed dielectric of spacecraft

Yuan Qing-Yun Wang Song


A new charging model for exposed dielectric of spacecraft

Yuan Qing-Yun, Wang Song
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  • In order to consider comprehensively the effects of high-energy electron radiation and space plasma on the exposed dielectrics outside a spacecraft, in this paper, a model named surface and internal coupling charging model for the exposed dielectric of spacecraft is proposed, and its numerical solution is obtained. It is based on the deep dielectric charging model, with considering the interaction between the exposed dielectric surface and the ambient plasma by adding an incident charging current into the boundary in the proposed model, and the potential of infinite plasma is regarded as the referential potential (zero potential). The determinate solution of the model is analyzed and a numerical solution in one-dimensional case is provided by using an iterative algorithm to overcome the coupling between electric field and conductivity. The solution includes the potential of spacecraft body, the distribution of dielectric potential, and the electric field. Moreover, the new model is compared with surface charging model and internal charging model. The results show that the new model has an advatage of depicting the electric field exactly with respect to the surface charging model; if the internal deposition current is equal to zero, the new model degenerates into the one depicting the surface charging. It considers the effect of surface potential on charging results compared with the internal charging model. The three kinds of currents, namely the surface incident current, the internal deposition current and the leakage current, are considered comprehensively in the new model. Among them, the leakage current is the most complicated, which is determined by the potential and the dielectric conductivity affected by the electric field, radiation dose rate, and temperature. Using this new model, the surface and internal coupling charging simulation of the exposed dielectric can be performed. Therefore, the new model can provide a more comprehensive assessment for the charging of exposed dielectric of spacecraft.
      Corresponding author: Yuan Qing-Yun,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 51577190), Equipment Preresearch Key Foundation, China (Grant No. 61402090201), and the Key Laboratory of Electromagnetic Environment Effect Foundation of China (Grant No. 614220501020117).

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    Help:EQUIPOT spacecraft surface charging code [online] Available:, accessed Mar. 1, 2010 [2018-3-26]


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  • [1]

    Mazur J E, Fennell J F, Roeder J L, O'Brien P T, Guild T B, Likar J J 2012 IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 40 237


    Roeder J L, Fennell J F 2009 IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 37 281


    Lai S T, Tautz M 2006 J. Geophys. Res. 111 338


    Green N W, Dennison J R 2008 IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 36 2482


    Han J, Huang J, Liu Z, Wang S 2005 J. Spacecraft Rockets 42 1061


    Garrett H B, Whittlesey A C 2000 IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 28 2017


    Lai S T 2012 IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 40 402


    Huang J G, Chen D (in Chinese) [黄建国, 陈东 2004 地球 47 442]


    Li S T, Li G C, Min D M, Zhao N 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 059401 (in Chinese) [李盛涛, 李国倡, 闵道敏, 赵妮 2013 62 059401]


    Cao H F, Liu S H, Sun Y W, Yuan Q Y 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 119401 (in Chinese) [曹鹤飞, 刘尚合, 孙永卫, 原青云 2013 62 119401]


    Yuan Q Y, Sun Y W, Cai H F, Liu C L (in Chinese) [原青云, 孙永卫, 曹鹤飞, 刘存礼 2013 高电压技术 39 2392]


    Lai S T 2012 Fundamentals of Spacecraft Charging:Spacecraft Interactions with Space Plasmas (Princeton:Princeton University Press)


    Wang S, Wu Z C, Tang X J, Sun Y W, Yi Z 2016 Acta Phys. Sin. 65 025201 (in Chinese) [王松, 武占成, 唐小金, 孙永卫, 易忠 2016 65 025201]


    Wang S, Tang X J, Wu Z C, Yi Z 2016 Chin. J. Space Sci. 36 202 (in Chinese) [王松, 唐小金, 武占成, 易忠 2016 空间科学学报 36 202]


    Wang S, Tang X J, Sun Y W, Wu Z C, Yi Z (in Chinese) [王松, 唐小金, 孙永卫, 武占成, 易忠 2016 高电压技术 42 1429]


    Wang S, Tang X J, Wu Z C, Yi Z 2015 IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 43 4169


    Wang S, Wu Z C, Tang X J, Yi Z (in Chinese) [王松, 武占成, 唐小金, 易忠 2015 航天器环境工程 32 268]


    Garrett H B 1981 Rev. Geophys. Space Phys. 9 577


    Labonte K 1982 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 29 1650


    Sessler G M 1992 IEEE Trans. Electr. Insul. 27 961


    Help:EQUIPOT spacecraft surface charging code [online] Available:, accessed Mar. 1, 2010 [2018-3-26]


    Katz I, Mandell M, Jongeward G 1986 J. Geophys. Research 91 739


    Thibault B, Jeanty-Ruard B, Souquet P 2015 IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 43 2782


    Jean-Charles M V, Theillaumas B, Svoz M 2015 IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 43 2808


    ECSS-E-ST-10-04C-2008 Space Engineering- Space Environment 2008 p46

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  • Received Date:  26 March 2018
  • Accepted Date:  18 July 2018
  • Published Online:  05 October 2018

