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Determination of heavy metal content in dust of earth's surface and dust on air conditioner filter by X-ray fluorescence analysis

Wang Xin Kang Ming-Ming Liu Jun Chen Xiu-Lian Qin Xue


Determination of heavy metal content in dust of earth's surface and dust on air conditioner filter by X-ray fluorescence analysis

Wang Xin, Kang Ming-Ming, Liu Jun, Chen Xiu-Lian, Qin Xue
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  • The dust of earth's surface and the dust on air conditioner filters reflect a certain area of air pollution in a period of time. In the present study, we investigate the dust collected from the Wangjiang campus of Sichuan University on March, 2017. The dust is divided into 9 groups according to their diameters. The dust is made into the samples by mixing the dust and analytically pure starch at a ratio of 1:2, and pressing it into slices of 1.5 cm in radius and 6 mm in thickness through using a powder compressor. Likewise, the salts (MnSO4H2O, Fe(NO3)39H2O, CuSO45H2O, ZnSO47H2O, Pb(NO3)2), are also made into standard samples of different elements (Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn, and Pb). X-ray fluorescence analyzer is used to measure the element content in each of the samples according to calibration curves measured from the standard samples. The results show that the content of each element in the earth's surface dust is lower than that in the dust on the air conditioner filter. The values of Cu, Zn, and Pb content in the dust are higher than the average content of the topsoil in Sichuan Province, China. These elements possibly originate from motor vehicle exhaust. Based on the theoretical model for the gaseous elements to change into the fine particulate matter, the change of the trace element content with the particle size can be expressed as Ci kiDn, where Ci is the content of the metal element i in the dust, ki is a scale factor, D is the diameter of the dust particle, and n is the distribution index. From the results it is concluded that the distribution indexes corresponding to various elements are approximately the same in the size range of interest to us (32.5-230 m). A recommended value of n is -0.430.06.
      Corresponding author: Kang Ming-Ming,

    Li Y Y, Chang M, Ding S S, Wang S W, Ni D, Hu H T 2017 J. Environ. Manage. 196 16


    Wang Q Q, Ma Y L, Tan J H, Yang F M, Wei L F, Duan J C, He K B 2014 China Environ. Sci. 34 2204(in Chinese) [王晴晴, 马永亮, 谭吉华, 杨复沫, 韦莲芳, 段菁春, 贺克斌 2014 中国环境科学 34 2204]


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    Uni D, Katra I 2017 Sci. Total Environ. 598 984


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    Zhang J 2007 M. S. Dissertation (Xi'an: Xi'an University of Architecture and technology) (in Chinese) [张景 2007 硕士学位论文 (西安: 西安建筑科技大学)]


    Zhou S G, Zou H F, Dong X, Lin X N, Chen Z 2017 Asian J. Ecotoxicol..12 277 (in Chinese) [周燊港, 邹海凤, 董娴, 林香男, 陈卓 2017 生态毒理学报 12 277]


    Li M, Yu X W, Kang H, Xie Z Q, Zhang P F 2017 Atmospheric 8 1


    Li L J, Wen Y P, Peng L, Bai H L, Liu F X, Shi M X 2014 Environ. Sci. 12 4431 (in Chinese) [李丽娟, 温彦平, 彭林, 白慧玲, 刘凤娴, 史美鲜 2014环境科学 12 4431]


    Tan J H, Lei M, Zhou X M, Duan J C, Li Y, Hu J N, He K B 2017 Sci. Total Environ.. 601 1743


    Ledoux F, Kfoury A, Delmaire G, Roussel G, El Zein A, Courcot D 2017 Chemosphere 181 713


    Bilo F, Borgese L, Dalipi R, Zacco A, Federici S, Masperi M, Leonesio P, Bontempi E, Depero L E 2017 Chemosphere 178 504


    Dai S D, Ma K M, Bao L, Zhang T, Zhang D 2013 Acta Sci. Circumst..33 154 (in Chinese) [戴斯迪, 马克明, 宝乐, 张田, 张地 2013 环境科学学报33 154]


    Zhang Y X, Wang J, Qin F X, Zhang H 2012 Acta Sci. Circumst. 32 204 (in Chinese) [张一修, 王济, 秦樊鑫, 张浩 2012 环境科学学报 32 204]


    Wang G X, Li D, Hou X, Zhou L L 2013 Nucl. Electron. Detect. Technol..33 763 (in Chinese) [王广西, 李丹, 侯鑫, 周丽丽 2013 核电子学与探测技术 33 763]


    Wang H, Song Q, Yao Q, Chen C H 2008 Proc. Chin. Soc. Electr. Eng. 28 1(in Chinese) [王珲, 宋蔷, 姚强, 陈昌和 2008 中国电机工程学报 28 1]


    Linak W P, Wendt J O L 1993 Prog. Energy Combust. Sci. 19 145


    Bool L E, Helble J J 1995 Energy Fuels 9 5


    Niksa S, Helble J J, Fujiware N 2001 Environ. Sci. Technol. 35 3701


    Zhou Y Q, An Z Y, Liu Y K, Chen C H 2013 J. Tsinghua Univ: Nat. Sci. Ed. 53 323 (in Chinese) [禚玉群, 安忠义, 刘玉坤, 陈昌和 2013 清华大学学报(自然科学版) 53 323]


    Seinfeld J H, Pandis S N 1998 Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics: From Air Pollution to Climate Change (New York: John Wiley & Sons) p1360


    CAEPI, Environmental Monitoring of China 1990 Background Values of Soil Elements in China (Beijing: China Environmental Science Press) p87 (in Chinese) [国家环境保护局, 中国环境监测总站 1990中国土壤元素背景值 (北京: 中国环境科学出版社) 第87页]


    Hasan A B, Kabir S, Reza A H M S, Zaman M N, Ahsan A, Rashid M 2013 J. Geochem. Explor. 125 130


    Elio P, Chiara R, Franco A M 2017 Sci. Total Environ. 601-602 89


    Han D Y, Cen K, Gong Q J 2004 Res. Environ. Sci..17 10 (in Chinese) [韩东昱, 岑况, 龚庆杰 2004 环境科学研究 17 10]


    Li H M, Wu H F, Wang Q G, Yang M, Li F Y, Sun Y X, Qian X, Wang J H, Wang C 2017 Atmosph. Res. 183 142

  • [1]

    Li Y Y, Chang M, Ding S S, Wang S W, Ni D, Hu H T 2017 J. Environ. Manage. 196 16


    Wang Q Q, Ma Y L, Tan J H, Yang F M, Wei L F, Duan J C, He K B 2014 China Environ. Sci. 34 2204(in Chinese) [王晴晴, 马永亮, 谭吉华, 杨复沫, 韦莲芳, 段菁春, 贺克斌 2014 中国环境科学 34 2204]


    Liu Y M, Hong Y Y, Fan Q, Wang X M, Chan P W, Chen X Y, Lai A Q, Wang M J, Chen X L 2017.Sci. Total Environ..596-597 194


    Uni D, Katra I 2017 Sci. Total Environ. 598 984


    Wang J, Li N, Fang C S 2009 Environ. Monitor. China 25 19 (in Chinese) [王菊, 李娜, 房春生 2009 中国环境监测 25 19]


    Zhang J 2007 M. S. Dissertation (Xi'an: Xi'an University of Architecture and technology) (in Chinese) [张景 2007 硕士学位论文 (西安: 西安建筑科技大学)]


    Zhou S G, Zou H F, Dong X, Lin X N, Chen Z 2017 Asian J. Ecotoxicol..12 277 (in Chinese) [周燊港, 邹海凤, 董娴, 林香男, 陈卓 2017 生态毒理学报 12 277]


    Li M, Yu X W, Kang H, Xie Z Q, Zhang P F 2017 Atmospheric 8 1


    Li L J, Wen Y P, Peng L, Bai H L, Liu F X, Shi M X 2014 Environ. Sci. 12 4431 (in Chinese) [李丽娟, 温彦平, 彭林, 白慧玲, 刘凤娴, 史美鲜 2014环境科学 12 4431]


    Tan J H, Lei M, Zhou X M, Duan J C, Li Y, Hu J N, He K B 2017 Sci. Total Environ.. 601 1743


    Ledoux F, Kfoury A, Delmaire G, Roussel G, El Zein A, Courcot D 2017 Chemosphere 181 713


    Bilo F, Borgese L, Dalipi R, Zacco A, Federici S, Masperi M, Leonesio P, Bontempi E, Depero L E 2017 Chemosphere 178 504


    Dai S D, Ma K M, Bao L, Zhang T, Zhang D 2013 Acta Sci. Circumst..33 154 (in Chinese) [戴斯迪, 马克明, 宝乐, 张田, 张地 2013 环境科学学报33 154]


    Zhang Y X, Wang J, Qin F X, Zhang H 2012 Acta Sci. Circumst. 32 204 (in Chinese) [张一修, 王济, 秦樊鑫, 张浩 2012 环境科学学报 32 204]


    Wang G X, Li D, Hou X, Zhou L L 2013 Nucl. Electron. Detect. Technol..33 763 (in Chinese) [王广西, 李丹, 侯鑫, 周丽丽 2013 核电子学与探测技术 33 763]


    Wang H, Song Q, Yao Q, Chen C H 2008 Proc. Chin. Soc. Electr. Eng. 28 1(in Chinese) [王珲, 宋蔷, 姚强, 陈昌和 2008 中国电机工程学报 28 1]


    Linak W P, Wendt J O L 1993 Prog. Energy Combust. Sci. 19 145


    Bool L E, Helble J J 1995 Energy Fuels 9 5


    Niksa S, Helble J J, Fujiware N 2001 Environ. Sci. Technol. 35 3701


    Zhou Y Q, An Z Y, Liu Y K, Chen C H 2013 J. Tsinghua Univ: Nat. Sci. Ed. 53 323 (in Chinese) [禚玉群, 安忠义, 刘玉坤, 陈昌和 2013 清华大学学报(自然科学版) 53 323]


    Seinfeld J H, Pandis S N 1998 Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics: From Air Pollution to Climate Change (New York: John Wiley & Sons) p1360


    CAEPI, Environmental Monitoring of China 1990 Background Values of Soil Elements in China (Beijing: China Environmental Science Press) p87 (in Chinese) [国家环境保护局, 中国环境监测总站 1990中国土壤元素背景值 (北京: 中国环境科学出版社) 第87页]


    Hasan A B, Kabir S, Reza A H M S, Zaman M N, Ahsan A, Rashid M 2013 J. Geochem. Explor. 125 130


    Elio P, Chiara R, Franco A M 2017 Sci. Total Environ. 601-602 89


    Han D Y, Cen K, Gong Q J 2004 Res. Environ. Sci..17 10 (in Chinese) [韩东昱, 岑况, 龚庆杰 2004 环境科学研究 17 10]


    Li H M, Wu H F, Wang Q G, Yang M, Li F Y, Sun Y X, Qian X, Wang J H, Wang C 2017 Atmosph. Res. 183 142

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  • Received Date:  17 June 2017
  • Accepted Date:  14 October 2017
  • Published Online:  05 January 2018

