When hypersonic vehicle flies in the atmosphere at a high altitude with a high speed, plasma sheath is generated around the vehicle, and thus attenuating the electromagnetic wave signals and even interrupting the communication. Therefore the control, guidance, and navigation of hypersonic vehicle can be affected seriously by the plasma sheath. It is necessary to study this problem in reasonable ground experiment. The inductively coupled plasma (ICP) wind tunnel is an ideal equipment for studying electromagnetic transmission characteristics in plasma because it can produce uncontaminated plasma and the electrode cannot be ablated in the process of plasma production. We carry out the experiment in ICP wind tunnel. A thin slice of plasma jet is generated by a rectangular nozzle with an outlet size of m 50 mm250 mm. Plasma jets with different parameters are obtained by adjusting the operating power and inlet flow of the wind tunnel. Four kinds of states are provided with the electron densities of 7.01010, 5.01011, 3.51012 and 1.01013/cm3, and the collision frequencies of 1.5109, 1.6109, 2.0109 and 9.0109 Hz, respectively. The amplitude attenuations and phase changes of the electromagnetic waves are measured with microwave diagnostics system consisting of a vector network analyzer and high gain antennas. And electron density and collision frequency of plasma are obtained according to the transmission characteristics of electromagnetic waves in plasma. The attenuations of the electromagnetic wave in plasmas of different states are measured via microwave transmission system which is composed of a vector network analyzer and pairs of horn antennas covering a frequency range of 2.6-40 GHz. The results show that both the amplitude attenuation and attenuation band increase with the increase of electron density. The classical theory and thin layer theory are used to simulate the transmission attenuation. The results are compared with the experimental ones. The results in this paper provide basic data for further theoretical and numerical study of electromagnetic wave transmission characteristics in plasma.
- plasma /
- electromagnetic wave /
- transmission characteristic /
- communication break
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[3] Grantham W L 1970 NASA TN-D-6062, L-7107
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[12] Hartunian R, Stewart G, Curtiss T, Fergason S, Seibold R, Shome P 2007 AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference and Exhibit Hilton Head, South Carolina, August 20-23, 2007 AIAA 2007-6633
[13] Keidar M, Kim M, Boyd I D 2008 J. Spacecr. Rockets 45 445
[14] Kim M, Keidar M, Boyd I D 2009 47th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Orlando, Florida, Jan., 2009 AIAA 2009-1232
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[17] Yu Z F, Liu J Q, Ren A M, Zhang S J, Ma P, Shi A H 2011 J. Astronaut. 32 1564 (in Chinese)[于哲峰, 刘佳琪, 任爱民, 张生俊, 马平, 石安华 2011 宇航学报 32 1564]
[18] Zheng L, Zhao Q, Luo X G, Ma P, Liu S Z, Huang C, Xing X J, Zhang C Y, Chen X L 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 155203 (in Chinese)[郑灵, 赵青, 罗先刚, 马平, 刘述章, 黄成, 邢晓俊, 张春艳, 陈旭霖 2012 61 155203]
[19] Xing X J, Zhao Q, Zheng L, Tang J M, Chen Y X, Liu S Z 2013 High Power Laser Part. Beam 25 1965 (in Chinese)[邢晓俊, 赵青, 郑灵, 唐剑明, 陈禹旭, 刘述章 2013 强激光与粒子束 25 1965]
[20] Ma C G, Zhao Q, Luo X G, He G, Zheng L, Liu J W 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 055201 (in Chinese)[马春光, 赵青, 罗先刚, 何果, 郑灵, 刘建卫 2011 60 055201]
[21] Xie K, Li X P, Yang M, Shi L, Liu D L 2013 J. Astronaut. 34 1166 (in Chinese)[谢楷, 李小平, 杨敏, 石磊, 刘东林 2013 宇航学报 34 1166]
[22] Gao P, Li X P, Xie K, Liu Y M, Shi L 2015 Acta Aeronaut. Astronaut. Sin. 36 633 (in Chinese)[高平, 李小平, 谢楷, 刘彦明, 石磊 2015 航空学报 36 633]
[23] Yang M, Li X P, Liu Y M, Shi L, Xie K 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 085201 (in Chinese)[杨敏, 李小平, 刘彦明, 石磊, 谢楷 2014 63 085201]
[24] ITO T, Ishida K, Mizuno M, Sumi T, Matsuzaki T, Nagai J, Murata H 2003 12th AIAA International Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and Technologies Norfolk, Virginia, 15-19 December, 2003 AIAA 2003-7023
[25] Luo S, Scharer J E, Thiyagarajan M, Mark D 2006 , IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 34 2637
[26] Poeverlein H 1958 J. Atmosphere and Terrestrial Phys. 12 126
[27] Rudderow W H 1975 A Study of Electromagnetic Wave Interactions with Air Plasmas (Texas: Defense Technical Information Center) ADA-016449
[28] Liu M H, Hu X W, Jiang Z H, Zhang S, Lan C 2007 J. Appl. Phys. 101 1661
[1] Rybak J P, Churchill R J 1971 IEEE Trans. Aerosp. Electron. Syst. 7 879
[2] Jones W L, Cross A E 1972 The Entry Plasma Sheath and its Effect on Space Vehicle Electromagnetic Systems (Washington D C: NASA, NASA SP-252) p109
[3] Grantham W L 1970 NASA TN-D-6062, L-7107
[4] Swift C T, Beck F B, Thomson J, Castellow S L J 1971 NASA Special Publication 252 137
[5] Hodara H 1961 Proc. IRE 49 1825
[6] Manning R M 2009 NASA TM-2009-216096, E-17149
[7] Thoma C, Rose D V, Miller C L, Clark R E, Hughes T P 2009 J. Appl. Phys. 106 1825
[8] Starkey R 2003 34th AIAA Plasma Dynamics and Lasers Conference Orlando, Florida, June 23-26, 2003 AIAA 2003-4167
[9] Usui H, Matsumoto H, Yamashita F, Yamane M, Takenaka S 1998 Spacecraft Charging Tech. 1 107
[10] Rosen G 1962 Phys. Fluids 5 737
[11] Russo F P, Schroeder L C 1968 NASA TM X-1521
[12] Hartunian R, Stewart G, Curtiss T, Fergason S, Seibold R, Shome P 2007 AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference and Exhibit Hilton Head, South Carolina, August 20-23, 2007 AIAA 2007-6633
[13] Keidar M, Kim M, Boyd I D 2008 J. Spacecr. Rockets 45 445
[14] Kim M, Keidar M, Boyd I D 2009 47th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Orlando, Florida, Jan., 2009 AIAA 2009-1232
[15] Ma P, Zeng X J, Shi A H, Bu S Q, Yu Z F 2010 J. Exper. Fluid Mech. 24 51 (in Chinese)[马平, 曾学军, 石安华, 部邵清, 于哲峰 2010 实验流体力学 24 51]
[16] Yu Z F, Ma P, Zhang Z C, Liang S C, Shi A H, Huang J 2013 J. Exp. Fluid Mech. 27 60 (in Chinese)[于哲峰, 马平, 张志成, 梁世昌, 石安华, 黄洁 2013 实验流体力学 27 60]
[17] Yu Z F, Liu J Q, Ren A M, Zhang S J, Ma P, Shi A H 2011 J. Astronaut. 32 1564 (in Chinese)[于哲峰, 刘佳琪, 任爱民, 张生俊, 马平, 石安华 2011 宇航学报 32 1564]
[18] Zheng L, Zhao Q, Luo X G, Ma P, Liu S Z, Huang C, Xing X J, Zhang C Y, Chen X L 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 155203 (in Chinese)[郑灵, 赵青, 罗先刚, 马平, 刘述章, 黄成, 邢晓俊, 张春艳, 陈旭霖 2012 61 155203]
[19] Xing X J, Zhao Q, Zheng L, Tang J M, Chen Y X, Liu S Z 2013 High Power Laser Part. Beam 25 1965 (in Chinese)[邢晓俊, 赵青, 郑灵, 唐剑明, 陈禹旭, 刘述章 2013 强激光与粒子束 25 1965]
[20] Ma C G, Zhao Q, Luo X G, He G, Zheng L, Liu J W 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 055201 (in Chinese)[马春光, 赵青, 罗先刚, 何果, 郑灵, 刘建卫 2011 60 055201]
[21] Xie K, Li X P, Yang M, Shi L, Liu D L 2013 J. Astronaut. 34 1166 (in Chinese)[谢楷, 李小平, 杨敏, 石磊, 刘东林 2013 宇航学报 34 1166]
[22] Gao P, Li X P, Xie K, Liu Y M, Shi L 2015 Acta Aeronaut. Astronaut. Sin. 36 633 (in Chinese)[高平, 李小平, 谢楷, 刘彦明, 石磊 2015 航空学报 36 633]
[23] Yang M, Li X P, Liu Y M, Shi L, Xie K 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 085201 (in Chinese)[杨敏, 李小平, 刘彦明, 石磊, 谢楷 2014 63 085201]
[24] ITO T, Ishida K, Mizuno M, Sumi T, Matsuzaki T, Nagai J, Murata H 2003 12th AIAA International Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and Technologies Norfolk, Virginia, 15-19 December, 2003 AIAA 2003-7023
[25] Luo S, Scharer J E, Thiyagarajan M, Mark D 2006 , IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 34 2637
[26] Poeverlein H 1958 J. Atmosphere and Terrestrial Phys. 12 126
[27] Rudderow W H 1975 A Study of Electromagnetic Wave Interactions with Air Plasmas (Texas: Defense Technical Information Center) ADA-016449
[28] Liu M H, Hu X W, Jiang Z H, Zhang S, Lan C 2007 J. Appl. Phys. 101 1661
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