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Temperature dependent characteristics of photo-induced birefringence in different types of azo materials

Lyu Zi-Yao Pan Yu-Jia Wang Chang-Shun


Temperature dependent characteristics of photo-induced birefringence in different types of azo materials

Lyu Zi-Yao, Pan Yu-Jia, Wang Chang-Shun
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  • At different temperatures, a semiconductor laser with a wavelength of 650 nm is used as probe light, and an Nd:YAG continuous laser with a wavelength of 532 nm is selected as pump light. The azo samples are placed between a pair of orthogonal polarizers with the vertical direction clockwise and counterclockwise 45 degrees, respectively. The polarization direction of the pump light is set to be the vertical direction. In order to reduce the effect of the stray light, a chopper is placed in the optical path of the probe light. The signal of photo-induced birefringence is recorded by a phase-locked amplifier (NF-LI5640). The photo-induced birefringences of the doped azo material, the azo polymer and the azo liquid crystal polymer are measured respectively, and the dynamic processes of photo-induced birefringence are fitted by a double e-index model. The experimental results show that with the influence of the pump light, photo-induced birefringences of the three types of azo materials rise rapidly at first and then gradually tend to reach their own saturation state because of the photo-induced cis and trans isomerism and the photo-induced molecular orientation properties of azo molecules. The photo-induced birefringence shows a tendency to increase at first and then decrease with the temperature increasing, which can be understood as a competitive mechanism. The photo-induced birefringence depends on the photo-induced orientation and irregular thermal motions of azo groups. In the range below the glass transition temperature of the samples, the increase of the temperature of samples contributes to the rearrangement of the azo molecules due to the influence of the pump light. When the temperature of the samples is higher than the glass transition temperature, molecular chains begin to move. The irregular thermal motions of azo components and polymer molecules are aggravated. This destroys the orientations of the polymer molecules and results in the drop of the photo-induced birefringence. Comparing the doped azo material with the azo polymer sample, the azo liquid crystal polymer sample exhibits not only a larger photo-birefringence, but also the photo-induced birefringence that does not change obviously after the pump light has been turned off, which means that the azo liquid crystal polymer sample has long optical storage properties. This shows that the azo liquid crystal polymer material is an ideal polarization-sensitive optical recording medium, which is expected to be used in the fields of optical storage, polarization holography and optical information processing.
      Corresponding author: Wang Chang-Shun,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11574211).

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    Nersisyan S R, Tabiryan N V, Steeves D M, Kimball B R 2010 Proc. SPIE 7775 77750U


    Huang S G, Gu W Y, Ma H Q 2004 Acta Phys. Sin. 53 4211 (in Chinese) [黄善国, 顾畹仪, 马海强 2004 53 4211]


    Yao B L, Ren Z W, Menke N, Wang Y L, Zheng Y, Lei M, Chen G F, Hampp N 2005 Appl. Opt. 44 7344


    He T C, Wang C S, Pan X, Yang H, Lu G Y 2009 Opt. Lett. 34 665


    Guo M, Xu Z D, Wang X G 2008 Opt. Mater. 31 412


    Wang Y L, Yao B L, Chen Y, Fan M G, Zheng Y, Menke N M L, Lei M, Chen G F, Han Y, Yan Q Q, Meng X J 2004 Acta Phys. Sin. 53 66 (in Chinese) [王英丽, 姚保利, 陈懿, 樊美公, 郑媛, 门克内木乐, 雷铭, 陈国夫, 韩勇, 闫起强, 孟宪娟 2004 53 66]


    Zhou J L, Shen J, Yang J J, Ke Y, Wang K Y, Zhang Q J 2006 Opt. Lett. 31 1370


    Provenzano C, Pagliusi P, Mazzulla A, Cipparrone G 2010 Opt. Lett. 35 1822


    Yamamoto T, Hasegawa M, Kanazawa A, Shiono T, Ikeda T 2000 J. Mater. Chem. 10 337


    Qi S W, Yang X Q, Chen K, Zhang C P, Zhang L S, Wang X Y, Xu T, Liu Y L, Zhang G Y 2005 Acta Phys. Sin. 54 3189 (in Chinese) [祁胜文, 杨秀芹, 陈宽, 张春平, 张连顺, 王新宇, 许棠, 刘永亮, 张光寅 2005 54 3189]


    Ambrosio A, Maddalena P, Marrucci L 2013 Phys. Rev. Lett. 110 146102


    Feldmann D, Maduar S R, Santer M, Vinogradova N, Santer S 2016 Sci. Rep. 6 36443


    Wie J J, Shankar M R, White T J 2016 Nat. Commun. 7 13260


    Sarkissian H, Serak S V, Tabiryan N V, Glebov L B, Rotar V, Zeldovich B Y 2006 Opt. Lett. 31 2248


    Natansohn A, Rochon P 2002 Chem. Rev. 102 4139


    Wei H Y, Cao L C, Xu Z F, He Q S, Jin G F, Gu C 2006 Opt. Express 14 5135


    Ruiz U, Pagliusi P, Provenzano C, Shibaevand V P, Cipparrone G 2012 Adv. Funct. Mater. 22 2964


    Ikeda T, Tsutsumi O 1995 Science 268 1873


    Morikawa Y, Nagano S, Watanabe K, Kamata K, Iyoda T, Seki T 2006 Adv. Mater. 18 883


    Pan S, Ni M, Mu B, Li Q, Hu X, Lin C, Chen D, Wang L Y 2015 Adv. Funct. Mater. 25 3571


    Tian Y Q, Xie J L, Wang C S, Zhao Y Y, Fei H S 1999 Polymer 40 3835


    Blanche P A, Lemaire C, Maertens C, Dubois P, Jérôme R 2000 J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 17 729


    Si J H, Qiu J R, Guo J Y, Qian G D, Wang M Q, Hirao K 2003 Appl. Opt. 42 7170


    Natansohn A, Rochon P 1998 Macromolecules 31 7960


    Hore D, Natansohn A, Rochon P 1998 Can. J. Chem. 76 1648

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  • Received Date:  14 June 2017
  • Accepted Date:  23 July 2017
  • Published Online:  05 December 2017

