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Comparative studies on constructal optimizations of discrete heat generation components based on entransy dissipation minimization and maximum temperature minimization

Wang Gang Xie Zhi-Hui Fan Xu-Dong Chen Lin-Gen Sun Feng-Rui


Comparative studies on constructal optimizations of discrete heat generation components based on entransy dissipation minimization and maximum temperature minimization

Wang Gang, Xie Zhi-Hui, Fan Xu-Dong, Chen Lin-Gen, Sun Feng-Rui
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  • A three-dimensional (3D) turbulent heat dissipation model of cylindrical discrete heat generation components is established on a conductive basis. The whole solid section is set in a square channel with adiabatic walls, and the components, cooled by clean air flowing through the channel, are arranged in a line with equal spacings. The influences of the heat conductivities of the components, intensities of heat sources and velocity of fluid flow on the maximum temperature (MT) of components, the equivalent thermal resistance (ETR) based on entransy dissipation of the heat dissipation system, and the averaged Nu number are investigated with the constructal theory considering variable properties, compressibility and viscous dissipation of air. The total heat generation rate and the total heat conductivity of heat sources are fixed as the constraint conditions. The circumstances in which heat generation rates and heat conductivities of heat sources are unequal are considered. The results show that for the fixed total heat generation rate of heat sources, despite MT or ETR that is taken as the performance index for thermal design, there exists an optimal intensity distribution of heat sources for the best thermal performance of the system. In fact, for different objectives, the optimal intensity distributions of heat sources are corresponding to the best match between the distributions of heat sources and the distributions of temperature gradient. There are different optimal distributions for different velocities of the fluid flow and different optimization objectives. Besides, the averaged Nu number increases with the increase of intensity difference in heat sources, which means that the convective heat transfer is enhanced, but this phenomenon is relatively weak when the velocity of fluid flow is low. For the fixed total heat generation rate of heat sources, when the intensities of heat sources are equal and the thermal conductivities of heat sources are lower than that of the conductive basis, increasing heat conductivities of the heat sources can evidently improve thermal performance of the system; the MT can be lowest when the conductivities of heat sources increase along the fluid flow; and the ETR is lowest when the conductivities of heat sources are equal. Both the MT and the ETR decrease with the increasing velocity of fluid flow. The results can provide some theoretical guidelines for the practical thermal design of the electronic components with different materials and different heat generation rates.
      Corresponding author: Chen Lin-Gen,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 51579244, 51206184) and the Independent Project of Naval University of Engineering (Grant No. 20160134).

    Guo Z Y, Li D Y, Wang B X 1998 Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 41 2221


    Tao W Q, Guo Z Y, Wang B X 2002 Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 45 3849


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    Chen L G, Meng F K, Sun F R 2016 Sci. China Tech. Sci. 59 442


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    Chen K, Wang S F, Song M X 2016 Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 93 108


    Zhang X C, Han X F, Sarvey T E, Green C E, Kottke P A, Fedorov A G, Joshi Y, Bakir M S 2016 J. Electron. Packag. 138 010910


    Bejan A 1997 Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 40 799


    Bejan A 2000 Shape and Structure, from Engineering to Nature (Cambridge:Cambridge University Press) pp1-314


    Bejan A, Lorente S 2008 Design with Constructal Theory (New Jersey:Wiley) pp1-62


    Chen L G, Feng H J 2016 Multi-objective Constructal Optimization for Flow and Heat and Mass Transfer Processes (Beijing:Science Press) pp1-23(in Chinese)[陈林根, 冯辉君2016流动和传热传质过程的多目标构形优化(北京:科学出版社)第123页]


    Bejan A 2016 The Physics of Life:The Evolution of Everything (New York:St. Martin' s Press) pp1-27


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    Hajmohammadi M R, Poozesh S, Nourazar S S 2012 Proc. IMechE Part E J. Process Mech. Eng. 226 324


    Hajmohammadi M R, Poozesh S, Nourazar S S, Manesh A H 2013 Mech. Sci. Tech. 27 1143


    Pedrotti V A, Souza J A, Isoldi J A, dos Santos E D, Isoldi L A 2015 Engenharia Termica ( Thermal Engineering) 14 16


    Shi Z Y, Dong T 2015 Energ. Convers. Manage. 106 300


    Singh D K, Singh S N 2015 Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 89 444


    Fan X D, Xie Z H, Sun F R, Yang A B 2016 J. Eng. Therm. 37 1994 (in Chinese)[范旭东, 谢志辉, 孙丰瑞, 杨爱波2016工程热 37 1994]


    Fan X D 2015 M. S. Thesis (Wuhan:Naval University of Engineering) (in Chinese)[范旭东2015硕士学位论文(武汉:海军工程大学)]


    Gong S W, Chen L G, Feng H J, Xie Z H, Sun F R 2015 Int. Commun. Heat Mass Transfer 68 1


    Gong S W, Chen L G, Feng H J, Xie Z H, Sun F R 2014 Chinese Sci. Bull. 59 3609 (in Chinese)[龚舒文, 陈林根, 冯辉君, 谢志辉, 孙丰瑞2014科学通报59 3609]


    Gong S W, Chen L G, Feng H J, Xie Z H, Sun F R 2016 Sci. China Tech. Sci. 59 631


    Gong S W 2014 M. S. Thesis (Wuhan:Naval University of Engineering) (in Chinese)[龚舒文2014硕士学位论文(武汉:海军工程大学)]


    Guo Z Y, Zhu H Y, Liang X G 2007 Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 50 2545


    Li Z X, Guo Z Y 2010 Field Synergy Principle of Heat Convection Optimization (Beijing:Science Press) pp78-97(in Chinese)[李志信, 过增元2010对流传热优化的场协同理论(北京:科学出版社)第7897页]


    Chen L G 2012 Chinese Sci. Bull. 57 4404


    Chen Q, Liang X G, Guo Z Y 2013 Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 63 65


    Cheng X T, Liang X G 2014 Chinese Sci. Bull. 59 5309


    Chen L G 2014 Sci China Tech. Sci. 57 2305


    Cheng X T, Liang X G, Guo Z Y 2011 Chinese Sci. Bull. 56 847


    Hu G J, Cao B Y, Guo Z Y 2011 Chinese Sci. Bull. 56 2974


    Cheng X T, Zhang Q Z, Xu X H, Liang X G 2013 Chin. Phys. B 22 020503


    Zhao T, Chen Q 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 234401 (in Chinese)[赵甜, 陈群2013 62 234401]


    Cheng X T, Liang X G 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 190501 (in Chinese)[程雪涛, 梁新刚2014 63 190501]


    Liu W, Liu Z C, Jia H, Fan A W, Nakayama A 2011 Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 54 3049


    Wang H G, Wu D, Rao Z H 2015 Acta Phys. Sin. 64 244401 (in Chinese)[王焕光, 吴迪, 饶中浩2015 64 244401]


    Chen G M, Tso C P 2012 Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 55 3744


    Jia H, Liu Z C, Liu W, Nakayama A 2014 Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 73 124


    Wu J, Cheng X 2013 Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 58 374


    Yuan F, Chen Q 2012 Chinese Sci. Bull. 57 687


    Zheng Z J, He Y L, Li Y S 2014 Sci. China Tech. Sci. 57 773


    Xia S J, Chen L G, Sun F R 2009 Chinese Sci. Bull. 54 3587


    Guo J F, Huai X L, Li X F, Cai J, Wang Y W 2013 Energy 63 95


    Wei S H, Chen L G, Sun F R 2008 Sci. China Ser. E Tech. Sci. 51 1283


    Chen L G, Feng H J, Xie Z H 2016 Entropy 18 353


    Chen L G, Yang A B, Xie Z H, Feng H J, Sun F R 2017 Int. J. Therm. Sci. 111 168


    Xie Z H, Chen L G, Sun F R 2009 Sci. China Ser. E Tech. Sci. 52 3504


    Xie Z H, Chen L G, Sun F R 2009 Chinese Sci. Bull. 54 4418


    Feng H J, Chen L G, Xie Z H, Sun F R 2016 J. Energy Inst. 89 302


    COMSOL 2012 COMSOL Multiphysics User' s Guide (Version 4.3b) (Sweden:COMSOL Incorporated) pp103-147

  • [1]

    Guo Z Y, Li D Y, Wang B X 1998 Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 41 2221


    Tao W Q, Guo Z Y, Wang B X 2002 Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 45 3849


    Xuan Y M 2014 Sci. China Tech. Sci. 44 269 (in Chinese)[宣益民2014中国科学:技术科学44 269]


    Chen L G, Meng F K, Sun F R 2016 Sci. China Tech. Sci. 59 442


    Chen Y P, Yao F, Shi M H 2012 Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 55 4476


    Xie G N, Liu J, Liu Y Q, Sunden B, Zhang W H 2013 Trans. ASME J. Electron. Packag. 135 021008


    Zhao D L, Tan G 2014 Appl. Thermal Eng. 66 15


    Kang N, Wu H Y, Xu F Y 2015 J. Engng. Thermophys. 36 1572 (in Chinese)[康宁, 吴慧英, 徐发尧2015工程热 36 1572]


    Green C, Kottke P, Han X F, Woodrum C, Sarvey T, Asrar P, Zhang X C, Joshi Y, Fedorov A, Sitaraman S, Bakir M 2015 J. Electron. Packag. 137 040802


    Luo X B, Hu R, Liu S, Wang K 2016 Prog. Energ. Combust. Sci. 56 1


    Chen K, Wang S F, Song M X 2016 Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 93 108


    Zhang X C, Han X F, Sarvey T E, Green C E, Kottke P A, Fedorov A G, Joshi Y, Bakir M S 2016 J. Electron. Packag. 138 010910


    Bejan A 1997 Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 40 799


    Bejan A 2000 Shape and Structure, from Engineering to Nature (Cambridge:Cambridge University Press) pp1-314


    Bejan A, Lorente S 2008 Design with Constructal Theory (New Jersey:Wiley) pp1-62


    Chen L G, Feng H J 2016 Multi-objective Constructal Optimization for Flow and Heat and Mass Transfer Processes (Beijing:Science Press) pp1-23(in Chinese)[陈林根, 冯辉君2016流动和传热传质过程的多目标构形优化(北京:科学出版社)第123页]


    Bejan A 2016 The Physics of Life:The Evolution of Everything (New York:St. Martin' s Press) pp1-27


    Chen L G 2012 Sci. China Tech. Sci. 55 802


    Bejan A, Errera M R 2016 J. Appl. Phys. 119 074901


    Bejan A, Fowler A J, Stanescu G 1995 Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 38 2047


    Stanescu G, Fowler A J, Bejan A 1996 Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 39 311


    Jassim E, Muzychka Y S 2010 J. Heat Transfer 132 011701


    Hajmohammadi M R, Poozesh S, Nourazar S S 2012 Proc. IMechE Part E J. Process Mech. Eng. 226 324


    Hajmohammadi M R, Poozesh S, Nourazar S S, Manesh A H 2013 Mech. Sci. Tech. 27 1143


    Pedrotti V A, Souza J A, Isoldi J A, dos Santos E D, Isoldi L A 2015 Engenharia Termica ( Thermal Engineering) 14 16


    Shi Z Y, Dong T 2015 Energ. Convers. Manage. 106 300


    Singh D K, Singh S N 2015 Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 89 444


    Fan X D, Xie Z H, Sun F R, Yang A B 2016 J. Eng. Therm. 37 1994 (in Chinese)[范旭东, 谢志辉, 孙丰瑞, 杨爱波2016工程热 37 1994]


    Fan X D 2015 M. S. Thesis (Wuhan:Naval University of Engineering) (in Chinese)[范旭东2015硕士学位论文(武汉:海军工程大学)]


    Gong S W, Chen L G, Feng H J, Xie Z H, Sun F R 2015 Int. Commun. Heat Mass Transfer 68 1


    Gong S W, Chen L G, Feng H J, Xie Z H, Sun F R 2014 Chinese Sci. Bull. 59 3609 (in Chinese)[龚舒文, 陈林根, 冯辉君, 谢志辉, 孙丰瑞2014科学通报59 3609]


    Gong S W, Chen L G, Feng H J, Xie Z H, Sun F R 2016 Sci. China Tech. Sci. 59 631


    Gong S W 2014 M. S. Thesis (Wuhan:Naval University of Engineering) (in Chinese)[龚舒文2014硕士学位论文(武汉:海军工程大学)]


    Guo Z Y, Zhu H Y, Liang X G 2007 Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 50 2545


    Li Z X, Guo Z Y 2010 Field Synergy Principle of Heat Convection Optimization (Beijing:Science Press) pp78-97(in Chinese)[李志信, 过增元2010对流传热优化的场协同理论(北京:科学出版社)第7897页]


    Chen L G 2012 Chinese Sci. Bull. 57 4404


    Chen Q, Liang X G, Guo Z Y 2013 Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 63 65


    Cheng X T, Liang X G 2014 Chinese Sci. Bull. 59 5309


    Chen L G 2014 Sci China Tech. Sci. 57 2305


    Cheng X T, Liang X G, Guo Z Y 2011 Chinese Sci. Bull. 56 847


    Hu G J, Cao B Y, Guo Z Y 2011 Chinese Sci. Bull. 56 2974


    Cheng X T, Zhang Q Z, Xu X H, Liang X G 2013 Chin. Phys. B 22 020503


    Zhao T, Chen Q 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 234401 (in Chinese)[赵甜, 陈群2013 62 234401]


    Cheng X T, Liang X G 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 190501 (in Chinese)[程雪涛, 梁新刚2014 63 190501]


    Liu W, Liu Z C, Jia H, Fan A W, Nakayama A 2011 Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 54 3049


    Wang H G, Wu D, Rao Z H 2015 Acta Phys. Sin. 64 244401 (in Chinese)[王焕光, 吴迪, 饶中浩2015 64 244401]


    Chen G M, Tso C P 2012 Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 55 3744


    Jia H, Liu Z C, Liu W, Nakayama A 2014 Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 73 124


    Wu J, Cheng X 2013 Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 58 374


    Yuan F, Chen Q 2012 Chinese Sci. Bull. 57 687


    Zheng Z J, He Y L, Li Y S 2014 Sci. China Tech. Sci. 57 773


    Xia S J, Chen L G, Sun F R 2009 Chinese Sci. Bull. 54 3587


    Guo J F, Huai X L, Li X F, Cai J, Wang Y W 2013 Energy 63 95


    Wei S H, Chen L G, Sun F R 2008 Sci. China Ser. E Tech. Sci. 51 1283


    Chen L G, Feng H J, Xie Z H 2016 Entropy 18 353


    Chen L G, Yang A B, Xie Z H, Feng H J, Sun F R 2017 Int. J. Therm. Sci. 111 168


    Xie Z H, Chen L G, Sun F R 2009 Sci. China Ser. E Tech. Sci. 52 3504


    Xie Z H, Chen L G, Sun F R 2009 Chinese Sci. Bull. 54 4418


    Feng H J, Chen L G, Xie Z H, Sun F R 2016 J. Energy Inst. 89 302


    COMSOL 2012 COMSOL Multiphysics User' s Guide (Version 4.3b) (Sweden:COMSOL Incorporated) pp103-147

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  • Received Date:  04 April 2017
  • Accepted Date:  22 May 2017
  • Published Online:  05 October 2017

