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Single photon transport by a quantized cavity field driven cascade-type three-level atom in a dissipative coupled cavity array

Shi Yong-Qiang Kong Wei-Long Wu Ren-Cun Zhang Wen-Xuan Tan Lei


Single photon transport by a quantized cavity field driven cascade-type three-level atom in a dissipative coupled cavity array

Shi Yong-Qiang, Kong Wei-Long, Wu Ren-Cun, Zhang Wen-Xuan, Tan Lei
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  • In this paper, a new kind of quasi-boson method is used to eliminate the coordinates of the environment and redescribe the dissipative system by using an effective Hamiltonian; the localized mode and the interaction between cavities can be renormalized. Based on the quasi-boson approach, the single photon transport in one-dimensional coupled cavity array, with a driven cascade-type three-level atom embedded in one of the cavity, is investigated under the influence of the environment. The single-photon transmission and the reflection amplitudes are obtained analytically. And the additional effective potential induced by the interaction between the atom and the cavity is also derived. The effects of the controlling parameters on the reflection and transmission amplitudes are discussed with considering the dissipation. It is shown that the decay rates of the atoms and the cavity both reduce the reflection spectrum. But the dissipation of the atom has a significant influence on the reflection amplitude compared with the cavity decay under the same conditions. Due to the irreversible loss of energy, the photon number is non-conservative. Furthermore, the single-photon can be almost reflected by the three-level atom in the dissipative case when one adjusts the detuning and photon number of the quantized cavity field. The investigation will be of benefit to the realization of photon transport in a real experiment, which is also helpful for manipulating the photons in quantum information and quantum simulation.
      Corresponding author: Tan Lei,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11274148).

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    Gong Z R, Lan H, Zhou L, Sun C P 2008Phys.Rev.A 78 053806


    Zhou L, Yang L P, Li Y, Sun C P 2013Phys.Rev.Lett. 111 103604


    Lu J, Zhou L, Kuang L M, Nori F 2014Phys.Rev.A 89 013805


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    Sachiko K, Masashi B, Fumiaki S 2013J.Phys.B:At.Mol.Opt.Phys. 46 224004


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    Houck A A, Schuster D I, Gambetta J M, Schreier J A, Johnson B R, Chow J M, Schoelkopf R J 2007Nature 449 328


    Kuramochi E, Notomi M, Mitsugi S, Shinya A, Tanabe T, Watanabe T 2006Appl.Phys.Lett. 88 041112


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  • Received Date:  29 August 2016
  • Accepted Date:  13 December 2016
  • Published Online:  05 March 2017

