The receiver at larger depth can receive the direct-arrival signal from a shallow source in a certain range in deep water. During a deep-water experiment conducted in 2014, a vector sensor located at a depth of 3146 m received the direct-arrival signals from the transducer towed at about 140 m depth by the source ship. In this paper, the propagation properties of the sound field in the direct-arrival zone in deep water are studied based on the ray theory and subsequently a source-range-estimation method is proposed. In the direct-arrival zone, the arrival angle is one of the most important properties of sound field, and the sound field is mainly composed of the contributions of a direct ray and a surface-reflected ray. The theoretical analysis and simulation results show that the amplitudes of horizontal particle velocity and vertical particle velocity are related to the mean arrival angle of the direct ray and the surface-reflected ray, and the larger the arrival angle, the greater the vertical particle velocity is, but the weaker the horizontal particle velocity is. Furthermore, the energy difference between horizontal particle velocity and vertical particle velocity can be approximately expressed by a monotonic function of the arrival angle, which varies fast with the horizontal distance between source and receiver. This property is applied to the estimation of source range. The analysis of the experimental data shows that the estimated source ranges are consistent with the GPS ranges within the range of 8 km, and the mean relative error of source range estimation is within 10%.
- vector sensor /
- direct-arrival zone in deep water /
- propagation property /
- range estimation
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[15] Zhong X, Premkumar A B, Wang H 2014 IEEE Sensors J. 14 2502
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[18] Chen L R, Peng Z H, Wang G X 2012 Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Ocean Acoustics Beijing China, May 21-25, 2012 p611
[1] Li F H, Sun M, Zhang R H 2009 Proceedings of the Second International Shallow-Water Conference Shanghai, China, September 16-20, 2009 p383
[2] Yu Y, Hui J Y, Zhao A B, Sun G C, Teng C 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 5742 (in Chinese) [余赟, 惠俊英, 赵安邦, 孙国仓, 滕超 2008 57 5742]
[3] Sun G Q, Yang D S, Zhang L Y, Shi S G 2003 Acta Acust. 28 66 (in Chinese) [孙贵青, 杨德森, 张揽月, 时胜国 2003 声学学报 28 66]
[4] Li F H, Zhu L M, Chen D S 2013 Sci. Sin.: Phys. Mech. Astron. 43 s99 (in Chinese) [李风华, 朱良明, 陈德胜 2013 中国科学: 物理学 力学 天文学 43 s99]
[5] Sun M, Li F H, Zhang R H 2011 Acta Acust. 36 215 (in Chinese) [孙梅, 李风华, 张仁和 2011 声学学报 36 215]
[6] Peng H S, Li F H 2007 Chin. Phys. Lett. 24 1977
[7] Li F H, Sun M, Zhang R H 2010 J. Harbin Eng. Univ. 31 895 (in Chinese) [李风华, 孙梅, 张仁和 2010 哈尔滨工程大学学报 31 895]
[8] Santos P, Rodrguez O C, Felisberto P, Jesus S M 2010 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 128 2652
[9] Hui J Y, Liu H, Yu H B, Fan M Y 2000 Acta Acust. 25 303 (in Chinese) [惠俊英, 刘宏, 余华兵, 范敏毅 2000 声学学报 25 303]
[10] Wong K T, Zoltowski M D 1999 IEEE Trans. Signal Process. 47 3250
[11] Wong K T, Zoltowski M D 2000 IEEE J. Oceanic Eng. 25 262
[12] Hawkes M, Nehorai A 2003 IEEE Trans. Signal Process. 51 1479
[13] Felisberto P, Rodriguez O, Santos P, Ey E, Jesus S M 2013 Sensors 13 8856
[14] Zhu L M, Li F H, Sun M, Chen D S 2015 Acta Phys. Sin. 64 154303 (in Chinese) [朱良明, 李风华, 孙梅, 陈德胜 2015 64 154303]
[15] Zhong X, Premkumar A B, Wang H 2014 IEEE Sensors J. 14 2502
[16] Liu B S, Lei J Y 2011 Principles of Underwater Acoustics (Harbin: Harbin Engineering University Press) p91 (in Chinese) [刘伯胜, 雷家煜 2011 水声学原理(哈尔滨: 哈尔滨工程大学出版社) 第91页]
[17] Michael D C 1993 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 93 1736
[18] Chen L R, Peng Z H, Wang G X 2012 Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Ocean Acoustics Beijing China, May 21-25, 2012 p611
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