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Applications of Yangian algebra in the entanglement and the decay channels of the mixed meson state

Qin Li-Guo Tian Li-Jun Wu Shi-Chao


Applications of Yangian algebra in the entanglement and the decay channels of the mixed meson state

Qin Li-Guo, Tian Li-Jun, Wu Shi-Chao
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  • Yangian, as an algebra beyond the Lie algebra, is an infinite dimensional algebra and a powerful mathematical method for inVestigating the new symmetry of quantum systems which are nonlinear and integrable. Based on the su(3) symmetry of the quarK-flaVor in the meson states and the transition property of the generators in Yangian algebra, we study the applications of Yangian algebra Y(su(3)) in the decay of three mixed meson states(, K and Ki0) composed of the three positiVe and negatiVe meson states (, K, K0 and K0). As the transition operators, the eight generators (Ī, Ŭ, V, Ī3 and Ī8) of Yangian algebra Y(su(3)) are acting on the three mixed meson states, respectiVely. Then, the possible decay channels and the changes of the entanglement are studied. Results show: (i) Under the effects of Ī3 and Ī8 within the Lie algebra on the three mixed meson states, the compositions of the final states after decays of the three mixed meson states are not changed as compared with the initial state. The entanglement is not changed for the decay of the mixed meson state with the effect of Ī^8, and the others are changed. (ii) Under the effects of the other six generators (Ī, Ŭ and V) beyond the Lie algebra on the three mixed meson states, the compositions of the final states after the decay are changed compared with the initial state. In the six possible decay channels, the two final states become single states without entanglement; two decay channels are absent; and the entanglements of the final states in the remaining two decays are changed. In addition, the entanglement of the final meson states in the possible six decay channels of the two types K mixed meson states, the charged (K+, K-) and neutral (K0, K0) meson states, are the same two by two. (iii) The three mixed meson states can be circularly transferred by the operators Ī, Ŭ and V, implying the obVious symmetry. In this paper the Yangian method is presented to study the possible decay channels of the mixed meson states and may be used to present a possible interpretation of the new unKnown or Known particle in the decay of the mixed meson.
      Corresponding author: Qin Li-Guo,
    • Funds: Project supported by the Shanghai Distance Education Group Discipline Research Subject(Grant No. JF1406) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11347147, 11075101).

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  • Received Date:  02 September 2015
  • Accepted Date:  18 October 2015
  • Published Online:  20 January 2016

