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Effect of gas bubble on acoustic characteristic of sediment: taking sediment from East China Sea for example

Li Hong-Xing Tao Chun-Hui Liu Fu-Lin Zhou Jian-Ping


Effect of gas bubble on acoustic characteristic of sediment: taking sediment from East China Sea for example

Li Hong-Xing, Tao Chun-Hui, Liu Fu-Lin, Zhou Jian-Ping
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  • The effect of gas bubble on acoustic characteristic of sediment is important for ocean science, ocean geology, ocean geophysics, etc. Twenty five samples of ocean bottom sediments are extracted through gravity sampling equipment from the East China Sea and are sealed in PVC pipes for storage in order to study the effect of gas bubble on acoustic characteristic of sediment. In order to obtain the gas content of sediment, in this the paper the Micro-CT scanning technology is introduced into sediment measuring method. The different X ray absorption rates of water, gas and solid particles in sediment samples are obtained through Micro-CT scanning using Siemens Micro-CT scanner. The gas volume content and water volume content in sediment can be obtained according to CT number distribution. The acoustic measurement is carried out in laboratory using intelligent nonmetal ultrasonic detector and the 40 kHz waves are launched from one side of the sediment sample and obtained from another side. The acoustic attenuation can be obtained according to the amplitudes of launched and received waves and the acoustic velocity can be obtained according to travelling time when acoustic wave goes through the sediment. The attenuation of sediment sample is about a few to twenty and the velocity is about 1100 to 1700 m-1. By mean of analysis of regression, the correlations are obtained among gas content, fluid content, acoustic velocity, attenuation and power function, which better match the measuring data. The result of study indicates that slight augment of gas content can cause sharp decrease of acoustic velocity and rapid increase of acoustic attenuation. The increment and decrement decrease obviously when the gas content exceeds 10%. The result in this paper is useful to explore oil and gas seismic.
    • Funds: Project supported By the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 41364004, 41104073), the National 729 Major Projects, China (Grant No. GZH200900502), the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2012AA09A404) and the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangxi Province, China (Grant No. 2010GQS0002).

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    Lu B, Li G X, Huang S J, Zhang F S 2005 Ocean Technol. 24 28 (in Chinese) [卢博, 李赶先, 黄韶健, 张福生 2005 海洋技术 24 28]


    Li H X, Tao C H, Liu C, Deng X M, Zhou J P, Zhang J H, Gu C H, He Y H 2007 Adv. Marine Sci. 25 474 (in Chinese) [李红星, 陶春辉, 刘财, 邓显明, 周建平, 张金辉, 顾春华, 何拥华 2007 海洋科学进展 25 474]


    Li H X, Tao C H, Liu C, Deng X M, Zhou J P, Zhang J H, Gu C H, He Y H 2007 J. Jilin Univ. (Earth Sci. Ed.) 37 1034 (in Chinese) [李红星, 陶春辉, 刘财, 邓显明, 周建平, 张金辉, 顾春华, 何拥华 2007 吉林大学学报(地球科学版) 37 1034]


    Tao C H, Li H X, Deng X M, Zhou J P, Fu S S, Wilkens R H, Gu C H, He Y H 2010 China Ocean Engin. 24 381


    Li H X, Tao C H 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 2836 (in Chinese) [李红星, 陶春辉 2009 58 2836]


    Li H X, Tao C H, Zhou J P, Deng J Z, Deng X M, Fang G X 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 8083 (in Chinese) [李红星, 陶春辉, 周建平, 邓居智, 邓显明, 方根显 2009 58 8083]


    Kan G M, Su Y F, Liu B H, Li G B, Meng X M 2014 J. Jilin Univ. (Earth Sci. Ed.) 44 386 (in Chinese) [阚光明, 苏远峰, 刘保华, 李官保, 孟祥梅 2014 吉林大学学报(地球科学版) 44 386]

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  • Received Date:  07 August 2014
  • Accepted Date:  19 November 2014
  • Published Online:  05 May 2015

