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Electromagnetic scattering characteristics of double S-shape exhaust nozzle with different coating medium parts

Gao Xiang Shi Yong-Qiang Yang Qing-Zhen Chen Li-Hai


Electromagnetic scattering characteristics of double S-shape exhaust nozzle with different coating medium parts

Gao Xiang, Shi Yong-Qiang, Yang Qing-Zhen, Chen Li-Hai
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  • As one of the strong electromagnetic scattering source of the aircraft, the radar cross section (RCS) of the nozzle can be reduced by the special geometry and coating microwave absorbing material at the backward direction of the aircraft. In order to simulate the radar scattering characteristics of six coating models and one metal surface model of double S-shape nozzle, the mode combining impedance boundary condition with iterative physical optics (IPO) method is built. Forward and back-forward IPO method and open MP, MPI parallel computing technology are added to accelerate the convergence and reduce computational time. Besides, the ray tracing method is also adopted to improve the efficiency of geometric blanking judgment. The RCS variation regulations of 7 models under X waveband are obtained. The results indicate that coating medium can effectively diminish the RCS of double S-shape exhaust system. Proper coating method can not only reduce the RCS of exhaust system significantly, but also be economical, easy to coat and light-weight. Compared with all parts coating medium model, the model which is only coated at nozzle outlet can reduce microwave absorbing material cost by 73.6% and ensure that the maximal increment of RCS is less than 15.6%. Comparing with the metal model case, The RCS will decrease by at least 18.5%. The improved IPO method can be applied to the RCS evaluation of cavity and the study of coating absorbing material method, and provide technical support for the coating medium model experiment.
    • Funds: Project supported by the Aviation Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 2011ZA06001).

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    Shi L, Guo R W 2007 Acta Aeron. Astron. Sin. 28 1296 (in Chinese) [石磊, 郭荣伟 2007 航空学报 28 1296]


    Guo W Y, Zhu Y Z, Li H T 1999 J. Harbin Institute Technol. 31 123 (in Chinese) [郭文彦, 朱颜镇, 李海涛 1999 哈尔滨工业大学学报 31 123]


    Wan S S, Luo Q J, Guo R W 2006 J. Aerosp. Power 21 1033 (in Chinese) [万顺生, 罗屹洁, 郭荣伟 2006 航空动力学报 21 1033]


    Ji J Z, Wu Z, Liu Z H 2009 J. Xidian Univ. 36 746 (in Chinese) [姬金祖, 武哲, 刘战合 2009 西安电子科技大学学报 36 746]


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    Wang L, Zhong Y C, Zhang K Y 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 234101 (in Chinese) [王龙, 钟易成, 张堃元 2012 61 234101]


    Brunet E, Seine N S, Daris T 2010 US Patent 007784284B2


    Liu C C, Ji H H, Huang W 2013 J. Aerosp. Power 28 1482 (in Chinese) [刘常春, 吉洪湖, 黄伟 2013航空动力学报28 1482]


    Wang A Q, Guo L X, Chai C 2011 Chin. Phys. B 20 050202


    He G Y, Lu Y C 2006 Calculation and Measurement of Electromagnetic Scattering (Beijing: BeiHang University Press) p196 (in Chinese) [何国瑜, 卢有才2006电磁散射的计算和测量(北京: 北京航空航天大学出版社)第196页]


    Basteriro F, Rodriguez J L, Burkholder R J 1995 IEEE Trans. Antenn. Propag. 43 356


    Nie Z P, Fang D G 2009 The Model of Electromagnetic Scattering of Objective and Environment (Basic Volume) (Beijing: National Defense Industry Press) p180 (in Chinese) [聂在平, 方大纲2009目标与环境电磁散射特性建模—— 理论, 方法与实现(基础篇) (北京: 国防工业出版社)第180页]


    Burkholder R J, Lundin T 2005 IEEE Trans. Propag. 53 793


    Hasaba R, Ito K, Ando M 2011 IEEE International Conference on Microwave Technology & Computational Electromagnetics (ICMTCE) Beijing May 22-25, 2011 p380


    Ding H, Li B Y, Gao P C 2012 10th International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation & EM Theory (ISAPE) Xi'an Oct. 22-26, 2012 p1012


    Chen L H 2013 Ph. D. Dissertation (Xi'an: Northwestern Polytechnical University) (in Chinese) [陈立海 2013 博士学位论文(西安: 西北工业大学)]


    Li Y F, Yang Q Z, Gao X 2013 J. Propul. Technol. 34 577 (in Chinese) [李岳锋, 杨青真, 高翔 2013 推进技术 34 577]


    Obelleiro F, Araújo M G, Rodríguez J L 2001 Microw. Opt. Technol. Lett. 28 21


    He X X, Xu J P, Gu C Q 2005 J. Electron. Inform. Technol. 27 136 (in Chinese) [何小祥, 徐金平, 顾长青 2005 电子与信息学报 27 136]


    Yan Y B, Ge D B, Nie X C 2001 J. Microw. 17 35 (in Chinese) [闫玉波, 葛德彪, 聂小春 2001 微波学报 17 35]


    Xu X Y 2007 M. S. Dissertation (Xi'an: XiDian University) (in Chinese) [许小艳2007硕士学位论文(西安: 西安电子科技大学)].


    Zhang K, Ma D L 2002 Military Aircraft Survivability and Stealth Design (Beijing: National Defense Industry Press) pp195-202 (in Chinese) [张考, 马东立2002军用飞机生存力与隐身设计(北京: 国防工业出版社)第195–202页]

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  • Received Date:  18 April 2014
  • Accepted Date:  17 July 2014
  • Published Online:  05 January 2015

