Epidemics and cascades are independently studied topics in network science, but in practice, there are cases where they interact and neither of their effects can be ignored, e.g., when a digital virus spreads in a communication network that is transferring data. We have built a model to study their interplay in previous works. Here we present the epidemic threshold criteria of this model. When the infectivity is fixed, the tolerance parameter , in capturing the capacity of nodes, must be larger than a critical value to fulfill the criteria, and at equilibrium the fraction of nodes both uninfected and un-failed is the largest at this critical point. So the the presentation of the epidemic threshold criteria is of significance.
- complex network /
- epidemics /
- cascading failure
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[87] [88] [89] Moreno Y, Pastor-Satorras R, Vespignani A 2002 Eur. Phys. J. B 26 521
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