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侯诗雨 刘影 唐明



侯诗雨, 刘影, 唐明

Identifying influential nodes in spreading process in complex networks by integrating node dynamic propagation features and local structure

HOU Shiyu, LIU Ying, TANG Ming
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
  • 识别复杂网络中的传播关键节点在加速信息扩散、抑制病毒或谣言的传播等应用中至关重要.现有识别网络传播中关键节点的方法各有局限:复杂网络中心性方法仅从局域或者全局拓扑结构预测节点影响力;传统机器学习和深度学习方法不适用于图结构数据;已有基于图神经网络的方法忽视了传播过程自身的动力学特性.鉴于此,本文提出一种融合传播过程动力学特征与节点局域结构的传播动态图神经网络(Propagation Dynamics Graph Neural Network,PDGNN),用于识别复杂网络传播中的关键节点.通过结合易感-感染-恢复传播模型,提取节点传播过程中的动态感染特征,构建高维特征向量并设计优化的损失函数,以实现对复杂网络传播关键节点的准确识别.在两个合成网络和七个真实网络上的实验结果表明,PDGNN在复杂网络传播关键节点识别准确性上优于经典的中心性方法、基于传统机器学习和深度学习的方法以及现有的基于图神经网络的方法.
    Identifying the most influential nodes in the spreading process in complex networks is crucial in many applications, such as accelerating the diffusion of information and suppressing the spread of viruses or rumors. Existing methods for identifying influential spreaders have their limitations: classical network centrality methods rely solely on local or global topology to predict node influence; traditional machine learning and deep learning methods are not suitable for graph-structured data; and existing graph neural network-based methods neglect the dynamic characteristics of the propagation process itself. However, researches have pointed out that a node’s spreading influence does not only depend on its structural location, but is also significantly influenced by the dynamics of the spreading process itself. In this paper, we propose a Propagation Dynamics Graph Neural Network (PDGNN) that integrates the dynamic features of the propagation process and the structural features of nodes to identify influential nodes. Specifically speaking, based on the Susceptible-Infected-Recovered (SIR) propagation model, the dynamic infection features and potential infection capacity of nodes are extracted from the epidemic spreading process. Then a high-dimensional feature vector consisting of the embedding and the degree of the local transmission tree, and the dynamic sensitivity centrality of each node is constructed and used as the input to the graph neural network. To deal with the problem of imbalanced numbers between critical nodes and non-critical nodes in training the model and optimizing the output, an optimized loss function is designed, which combines Focal Loss with Mean Squared Error. Experimental results on two synthetic networks and seven real-world networks show that PDGNN outperforms classical centrality methods, traditional machine learning and deep learning-based methods, and existing graph neural network-based methods in identifying influential nodes in the spreading process in complex networks. The performance of PDGNN is robust when the infection rate and the size of the training set change. Under a wide range of infection rates, the proposed PDGNN can accurately identify influential spreaders. Even when the training set is 30% of the total dataset, the imprecision of PDGNN is small in all nine studied networks.
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