This paper utilizes a kinetic theory model to gain the accurate electromagnetic (EM) wave characteristics in the plasma region, based on the solution of Maxwell-Boltzmann (MB) equation system. The system is solved by finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) algorithm, which gives the results of the electric field intensity and particle velocity distribution function. Furthermore, the validity and effectiveness of the proposed method is verified by comparing the results of reflection coefficient and transmission coefficient of the wave that impinges on plasma plate region with that of the analytic solution.
- Maxwell-Boltzmann /
- kinetic theory /
- FDTD /
- plasma
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[1] Zhou Q H, Dong Z W 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 015201 (in Chinese) [周前红, 董志伟 2013 62 015201]
[2] Yong L X, Yu P P, Ma H 2013 Chin. J. of Radio Sci. 27 18 (in Chinese) [杨利霞, 于萍萍, 马辉 2012 电波科学学报 27 18]
[3] [4] [5] Ying X, Zhao Z W, Zhang H, Sun S J 2012 Chin. J. of Radio Sci. 27 354 (in Chinese) [殷雄, 赵振维, 张厚, 孙树计 2012 电波科学学报27 354]
[6] [7] LI L X, SHI Y X, WANG F, WEI B 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 125201 (in Chinese) [李林茜, 石雁祥, 王飞, 魏兵 2012 61 125201]
[8] [9] Zhang Y Q, Ge D B 2010 Chin. J. of Comp. Phys. 27 877 (in Chinese) [张玉强, 葛德彪 2010 计算物理 27 877]
[10] Chen W B, Li S, Gong X Y 2011 Chin. J. of Space. Sci. 61 682 (in Chinese) [陈文波, 李圣, 龚学余 2011 空间科学学报 31 682]
[11] [12] Pereda J A, Gonzalez O, Grande A 2008 Mic. and Wireless Components Letters 18 719
[13] [14] [15] Shibyama J, Ando R, Nomura A, Yamauchi J 2009 Photonics Tech. Letters 21 100
[16] [17] Liu S, Zhong S Y, Liu S B 2008 Int. J. Infrared Milli. Waves 29 323
[18] [19] Zhili L, Thylen L 2009 Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 57 3378
[20] [21] Chen H L, Chen B, Fang D G, Liu H 2009 Mic. and Wireless Components Letters 19 344
[22] [23] Liang F, Wang G, Wang R, Guo D, Zhao D 2013 J. of Electr. waves and Applications 27 464
[24] [25] Gao L 2012 Acta Math. Sci. 32B 2341
[26] Ai X, Han Y P, Li C Y 2011 Progress in Electromagnetic Research Letters 22 8389
[27] [28] Liu S B, Liu S Q 2004 Chin. Phys. 13 1892
[29] [30] Lieberman M A, Lichtenberg A J 1994 Principles of PlasmaDischarges and Materials Processing (Second Edition) (Hoboken: Wiley) pp679-684
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