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Intensity noise analysis of a fibre laser after passing through an optical mode cleaner

Tai Zhao-Yang Hou Fei-Yan Wang Meng-Meng Quan Run-Ai Liu Tao Zhang Shou-Gang Dong Rui-Fang


Intensity noise analysis of a fibre laser after passing through an optical mode cleaner

Tai Zhao-Yang, Hou Fei-Yan, Wang Meng-Meng, Quan Run-Ai, Liu Tao, Zhang Shou-Gang, Dong Rui-Fang
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  • The intensity noise in a 1560 nm single frequency fiber laser after passing through an optical mode cleaner is analyzed both theoretically and experimentally. Experimental measurement shows that in addition to the evident suppression of intensity noise by the mode cleaner, there exist induced observable periodic fluctuations in the analyzing frequency range of 2 to 12 MHz, as well as the amplification of the intensity noise at low frequencies. The above results cannot be explained by the present mode cleaner model for noise suppression. In this paper, we propose a new theoretical model, in which the mode cleaner is considered equivalent to a delay line and through it the phase-noise of the fiber laser is partially converted to the intensity noise. The phase-induced relative intensity noise (RIN) amplitude is jointly determined by the laser linewidth, the mode cleaner linewidth, and the analyzing frequency. The theoretical analysis shows a very good agreement with the experimental results. The noise suppression effect of the acoustic optical modulator is further analyzed by inserting it into the setup and providing a frequency modulation for it. We have observed an evident improvement of the mode cleaner locking, while the bandwidth of the laser is slightly suppressed from 26 to 16kHz, and the degradation of the measured intensity noise after the mode cleaner is also moderate. The theoretical analysis according to our proposed model fits well with this result. This result further confirms that the phase-induced intensity noise has no direct connection to the mode cleaner locking quality. Through the above analysis, a complete theoretical mode for analyzing the noise suppression by a mode cleaner is built.
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11174282, 61127901, 91336108), the Fund from the First "Youth Top-notch Talent" Program of Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee (Grant No.(2011)180), the Key Fund for the "Western Light" Talent Cultivation Plan of the CAS, China (Grant NO.(2012)119), and the "Cross and Cooperative" Science and Technology Innovation Team Project of the CAS, China (Grant No.[2013]33).

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    Takao Aoki, Go Takahashi, Tadashi Kajiya, Jun-ichi Yoshikawa1, Samuel L. Braunstein, Peter van Loock4, Akira Furusawa 2008 arXiv: quant-ph/ 08113734v1


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  • Received Date:  22 March 2014
  • Accepted Date:  20 May 2014
  • Published Online:  05 October 2014

