A series of neutron integral fundamental researches of thorium nuclear data in set-ups containing thorium samples is carried out. One-dimensional alternate depleted uranium/polyethylene shells containing thorium samples are constructed by referring to the conceptual design of fusion-fission hybrid reactor, where a D-T neutron source driven by accelerator is used to simulate the fusion core of the reactor. 232Th (n, γ ) reaction rates in samples located at different positions in the shells are measured in 5% uncertainty by using activated thorium sample decay γ-ray off-line measurement technique. The results show that the moderation of polyethylene to 14.1 MeV neutron will efficiently increase the capture rate of thorium, and the depleted uranium is also conducible to this increase obviously. The comparison between our measured data and the results available from mainstream nuclear data bank shows that the calculation results from ENDF/B-VI.6 and JENDL-3.3 are around 6% higher than the experimental results, while the newer ENDF/B-VII.0 will achieve better results, around 4% higher than the experimental results. We recommend the ENDF/B-VII.0 to be used in one-dimensional alternate depleted uranium/polyethylene shells related conceptual design when calculating the 232Th (n, γ) reaction rate.
- thorium /
- capture rate /
- D-T neutron /
- depleted uranium
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[11] Yang Y W, Yan X S, Liu R, Lu X X, Jiang L, Lin J F 2012 Fusion Eng. Des 87 1679
[12] Yan X S, Liu R, Lu X X, Jiang L, Wang M, Lin J F 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 102801 (in Chinese) [严小松, 刘荣, 鹿心鑫, 蒋励, 王玫, 林菊芳 2012 61 102801]
[1] Schillebeeckx P, Trkov A 2006 Summary Report of the 3rd Research Coordination Meeting (Vienna: International Atomic Energy Agency) pp7-27
[2] Yan X S 2012 M. S. Thesis (Beijing: China Academy of Engineering Physics) (in Chinese) [严小松 2012 硕士学位论文 (北京: 中国工程物理研究院)]
[3] Yapici H, Sahin N, Bayrak M 2000 Energ Convers. Manage 41 435
[4] Zhao J, Yang Y W, Zhou Z W 2012 Fusion Eng. Des. 87 1385
[5] Simakov S P, Kobozev M G, Lychagin A A, Talalaev V A, Chuvilin D Y, Maslov V M 2007 International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology (Nice: EDP Sciences) p222
[6] Naik H, Prajapati P M, Suryanarayana S V, Pathak P N, Prabhu D R, Chavan V, Raj D, Kalsi P C, Goswami A, Ganesan S, Manchanda V K 2011 Eur. Phys. J. A 47 100
[7] Yang Y W, Liu R, Yan X S 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 032801 (in Chinese) [羊奕伟, 刘荣, 严小松 2013 62 032801]
[8] Zhu T H, Liu R, Jiang L, Lu X X, Wen Z W, Wang M, Lin J F 2007 Nucl. Electron. Dect. Technol. 27 141 (in Chinese) [朱通华, 刘荣, 蒋励, 鹿心鑫, 温中伟, 王梅, 林菊芳 2007 核电子学与探测技术 27 141]
[9] Drosg M 2000 DROSG-2000: Neutron Source Reactions (Vienna: IAEA Nuclear Data Services)
[10] Yang Y W, Yan X S, Liu R Lu X X, Jiang L, Wang M, Lin J F 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 022801 (in Chinese) [羊奕伟, 严小松, 刘荣, 鹿心鑫, 蒋励, 王玫, 林菊芳 2013 62 022801]
[11] Yang Y W, Yan X S, Liu R, Lu X X, Jiang L, Lin J F 2012 Fusion Eng. Des 87 1679
[12] Yan X S, Liu R, Lu X X, Jiang L, Wang M, Lin J F 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 102801 (in Chinese) [严小松, 刘荣, 鹿心鑫, 蒋励, 王玫, 林菊芳 2012 61 102801]
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