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Neutron capture reaction cross-section data processing and resonance parameter analysis of 197Au based on white light neutron source

Luo Hao-Tian, Zhang Qi-Wei, Luan Guang-Yuan, Wang Xiao-Yu, Zou Chong, Ren Jie, Ruan Xi-Chao, He Guo-Zhu, Bao Jie, Sun Qi, Huang Han-Xiong, Wang Zhao-Hui, Wu Hong-Yi, Gu Min-Hao, Yu Tao, Xie Li-Kun, Chen Yong-Hao, An Qi, Bai Huai-Yong, Bao Yu, Cao Ping, Chen Hao-Lei, Chen Qi-Ping, Chen Yu-Kai, Chen Zhen, Cui Zeng-Qi, Fan Rui-Rui, Feng Chang-Qing, Gao Ke-Qing, Han Chang-Cai, Han Zi-Jie, He Yong-Cheng, Hong Yang, Huang Wei-Ling, Huang Xi-Ru, Ji Xiao-Lu, Ji Xu-Yang, Jiang Wei, Jiang Hao-Yu, Jiang Zhi-Jie, Jing Han-Tao, Kang Ling, Kang Ming-Tao, Li Bo, Li Chao, Li Jia-Wen, Li Lun, Li Qiang, Li Xiao, Li Yang, Liu Rong, Liu Shu-Bin, Liu Xing-Yan, Mu Qi-Li, Ning Chang-Jun, Qi Bin-Bin, Ren Zhi-Zhou, Song Ying-Peng, Song Zhao-Hui, Sun Hong, Sun Kang, Sun Xiao-Yang, Sun Zhi-Jia, Tan Zhi-Xin, Tang Hong-Qing, Tang Jing-Yu, Tang Xin-Yi, Tian Bin-Bin, Wang Li-Jiao, Wang Peng-Cheng, Wang Qi, Wang Tao-Feng, Wen Jie, Wen Zhong-Wei, Wu Qing-Biao, Wu Xiao-Guang, Wu Xuan, Yang Yi-Wei, Yi Han, Yu Li, Yu Yong-Ji, Zhang Guo-Hui, Zhang Lin-Hao, Zhang Xian-Peng, Zhang Yu-Liang, Zhang Zhi-Yong, Zhao Yu-Bin, Zhou Lu-Ping, Zhou Zu-Ying, Zhu Dan-Yang, Zhu Ke-Jun, Zhu Peng, Zhu Xing-Hua
  • 中子辐射俘获反应在反应堆运行、核装置设计及核天体物理研究中起重要的作用. 4π BaF2探测装置有着高时间分辨能力、低中子灵敏度、高探测效率等优点, 适合开展中子辐射俘获反应截面数据的测量. 中国原子能科学研究院核数据重点实验室建立了伽马全吸收装置(Gamma total absorption facility, GTAF), 该装置用28块六棱BaF2晶体和12块五棱BaF2晶体构成了外径25 cm, 内径10 cm的球壳, 覆盖了95.2%的立体角. 利用GTAF在中国散裂中子源Back-n束线上, 测量了197Au(n, γ)的反应截面数据. 测量数据通过能量筛选、PSD方法、晶体多重性筛选进行了初步本底扣除, 随后结合对natC及空样品的测量数据对本底进行了分析及扣除, 获得了197Au俘获反应的产额, 利用SAMMY程序拟合得到了197Au在1—100 eV的共振能量、中子共振宽度和伽马共振宽度参数. 实验测量结果与ENDF/B-VIII.0数据库符合良好, 其共振参数存在一定差异, 分析原因可能与GTAF能量分辨率、Back-n的中子能谱测量精度、以及实验本底扣除方法相关, 这也是下一步工作的重点.
    Neutron capture reaction is one of the neutron reactions and plays an important role in using reactor control rods and shell materials, designing nuclear device structures, and studying nuclear astrophysics S processes and element origins. The 4π BaF2 detection device has advantages such as high time resolution, low neutron sensitivity, and high detection efficiency, thus making it suitable for measuring neutron radiation capture reaction cross-section data. In order to fill the gap in our neutron capture reaction data in the keV energy range and improve their accuracy, the Key Laboratory of Nuclear Data at the Chinese Institute of Atomic Energy (CIAE) has established a Gamma Total Absorption Facility (GTAF), which consists of 28 hexagonal BaF2 crystals and 12 pentagonal BaF2 crystals to form a spherical shell with an external diameter of 25 cm and an internal diameter of 10 cm, covering 95.2% of the solid angles. The Back-n beam line of the Chinese Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS) is a back-streaming white beam line that covers neutron energy ranging from a few eV to several hundred MeV, making it suitable for measuring neutron capture cross-sections. The reaction cross-section data of 197Au is measured by using GTAF on the Back-n beam line. The measurement data are preliminarily background deducted through energy screening, PSD method, and crystal multiplicity screening. Subsequently, the background is analyzed and deducted based on the measurement data of natC and empty samples, and the yield of 197Au capture reaction is obtained. Resonance parameters are a set of parameters extracted from experimental data to describe the resonance curve, which can eliminate the influence of experimental conditions on resonance data and are more important than the cross-section obtained from experiments. The resonance energy, neutron resonance width, and gamma resonance width parameters of 197Au at 1–100 eV are fitted by using the SAMMY program. From the comparison between the resonance curves obtained from experimental measurements and the resonance parameters obtained from fitting with the ENDF/B-VIII.0 database, it can follow that the experimental measurement results are in good agreement with the database, nevertheless, there exist some differences in the resonance parameter, which may be due to the GTAF energy resolution, Back-n neutron spectrum measurement accuracy, and the experimental background deduction method. Our next work is to identify the sources of difference.
      通信作者: 张奇玮, zqwvictor@126.com ; 阮锡超, xichao_ruan@126.com
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 11975317, 11975318, 12275363)、核数据重点实验室基金(批准号: JCKY2022201C158)和稳定支持基础科研计划(批准号: BJ010261223282)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Zhang Qi-Wei, zqwvictor@126.com ; Ruan Xi-Chao, xichao_ruan@126.com
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11975317, 11975318, 12275363), the Key Laboratory of Nuclear Data Foundation, China (Grant No. JCKY2022201C158), and the Continuous-Support Basic Scientific Research Project, China (Grant No. BJ010261223282).

    Palmiotti G, Salvatores M, Assawaroongruengchot M 2009 International Conference on Fast Reactors and Related Fuel Cycles Kyoto, Japan, December 7–11, 2009 pINL/CON-09-17363


    Arnould M, Katsuma M 2008 International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology Nice, France, April 22–27, 2008 p5


    Kompe D 1969 Nucl. Phys. 133 513Google Scholar


    Wisshak K, Kappeler F, Reffo G 1984 Nucl. Sci. Eng. 88 594Google Scholar


    Terada K, Katabuchi T, Mizumoto M, Arai T, Saito T, Igashira M, Hirose K, Nakamura S, Kimura A, Harada H, Hori J, Kino K, Kiyanagi Y 2015 Prog. Nucl. Energy 82 118Google Scholar


    Kobayashi K, Lee S, Yamamoto S 2004 Nucl. Sci. Eng. 146 209Google Scholar


    Mingrone F, Massimi C, Altstadt S 2014 International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology New York, USA, March 4–8, 2013 18


    Guber K H, Derrien H, Leal L C, Arbanas G, Wiarda D, Koehler P E, Harvey A 2010 Phys. Rev. C 82 057601Google Scholar


    Wisshak K, Voss F, Kaeppeler F, Krticka M, Gallino R 2006 Phys. Rev. C 73 015802Google Scholar


    Mendoza E, Cano-Ott D, Altstadt S, et al. 2018 Phys. Rev. C 97 054616Google Scholar


    Mosby S, Bredeweg T A, Couture A, Jandel M, Kawano T, Ullmann J L, Henderson R A, Wu C Y 2018 Phys. Rev. C 97 041601Google Scholar


    石斌, 彭猛, 张奇玮, 贺国珠, 周祖英, 唐洪庆 2018 原子能科学技术 52 1537Google Scholar

    Shi B, Peng M, Zhang Q W, He G Z, Zhou Z Y, Tang H Q 2018 At. Energy Sci. Technol. 52 1537Google Scholar


    唐靖宇, 安琪, 白怀勇等 2019 原子能科学技术 53 2012Google Scholar

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    Ding D Z, Ye C T, Zhao Z X 1996 Neutron Physics-Principles, Methods, and Applications (Beijing: Atomic Energy Press) pp387–389


    卢希庭等 2000 原子核物理 (北京: 原子能出版社) 第263—267页

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    An Q, Bai H Y, Bao J, et al. 2017 J. Instrum. 12 7022Google Scholar


    Tang J Y, Fu S N, Jing H T, Tang H Q, Wei J, Xia H H 2010 Chin. Phys. C 34 121Google Scholar


    Jing H T, Tang J Y, Tang H Q, Xia H H, Liang T J, Zhou Z Y, Zhong Q P, Ruan X C 2010 Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. , Sect. A 621 91Google Scholar


    唐靖宇, 敬罕涛, 夏海鸿, 唐洪庆, 张闯, 周祖英, 阮锡超, 张奇玮, 杨征 2013 原子能科学技术 47 1089Google Scholar

    Tang J Y, Jing H T, Xia H H, Tang H Q, Zhang C, Zhou Z Y, Ruan X C, Zhang Q W, Yang Z 2013 At. Energy Sci. Technol. 47 1089Google Scholar


    任杰, 阮锡超, 唐洪庆, 葛智刚, 黄翰雄, 敬罕涛, 唐靖宇, 黄蔚玲 2014 核技术 37 100521Google Scholar

    Ren J, Ruan X C, Tang H Q, Ge Z G, Huang H X, Jing H T, Tang J Y, Huang W L 2014 Nucl. Tech. 37 100521Google Scholar


    Chen Y H, Luan G Y, Bao J, et al. 2019 Eur. Phys. J. A 55 115Google Scholar


    张奇玮, 栾广源, 任杰等 2021 70 222801Google Scholar

    Zhang Q W, Luan G Y, Ren J, et al. 2021 Acta Phys. Sin. 70 222801Google Scholar


    Heil M, Reifarth R, Fowler M M, et al. 2019 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 66 1095Google Scholar


    Wang Q, Cao P, Qi X, Yu T, Ji X, Xie L, An Q S 2018 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 89 013511Google Scholar


    张奇玮, 贺国珠, 黄兴, 程品晶, 阮锡超, 朱兴华 2016 原子能科学技术 50 536Google Scholar

    Zhang Q W, He G Z, Huang X, Cheng P J, Ruan X C, Zhu X H 2016 At. Energy Sci. Technol. 50 536Google Scholar


    张奇玮, 贺国珠, 黄兴, 阮锡超, 李志宏, 朱兴华 2014 原子能科学技术 48 612Google Scholar

    Zhang Q W, He G Z, Huang X, Ruan X C, Li Z H, Zhu X H 2014 At. Energy Sci. Technol. 48 612Google Scholar


    Fröhner F H 1980 Applied Neutron Resonance Theory (Karlsruhe: Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbHP


    Lane A M, Thomas R G 1958 Rev. Mod. Phys. 30 257Google Scholar


    Larson N M 2008 Updated User’s Guide for Sammy: Multilevel R-Matrix Fits to Neutron Data Using Bayes’ Equations ORNL/TM-9179/R8 ENDF-364/R2

  • 图 1  中子辐射俘获反应退激示意图

    Fig. 1.  Schematic diagram of deexcitation of neutron capture reaction.

    图 2  反角白光束线示意图

    Fig. 2.  Schematic diagram of Back-n.

    图 3  GTAF照片

    Fig. 3.  Photos of GTAF.

    图 4  数据获取系统照片

    Fig. 4.  Photo of data acquisition system.

    图 5  实验得到的能谱

    Fig. 5.  Energy spectrum obtained from experiment.

    图 6  实验记录的晶体多重数

    Fig. 6.  Experimentally recorded crystal multiplicity.

    图 7  PSD-ADC channel二维谱

    Fig. 7.  Two-dimensional spectrum of PSD-ADC channel.

    图 8  不同吸收片的条件下197Au样品和各本底的TOF谱

    Fig. 8.  TOF spectra of 197Au samples under different absorber conditions and various backgrounds.

    图 9  197Au共振曲线的实验值和理论值对比

    Fig. 9.  Comparison between experimental values and theoretical values of 197Au resonance curves.

    图 10  SAMMY拟合结果与实验数据对比图

    Fig. 10.  Comparison of SAMMY fitting results and experimental data.

    表 1  实验样品参数

    Table 1.  Characteristics of experimental samples.

    下载: 导出CSV

    表 2  197Au自旋组信息

    Table 2.  Information of spin groups of 197Au.

    下载: 导出CSV

    表 3  SAMMY拟合的共振参数与ENDF/B-VIII.0对比

    Table 3.  Comparison of resonance parameters fitted by SAMMY and ENDF/B-VIII.0.

    能量/eV 中子共振宽度/meV 伽马共振宽度/meV
    拟合值 ENDF/B-VIII.0 拟合值 ENDF/B-VIII.0 拟合值 ENDF/B-VIII.0
    4.93709 4.8997 17.6345 1.496 121.9605 121.4
    46.5717 46.669 0.20511 0.22 190.5456 127
    57.9329 58.078 4.99505 0.431 175.7 113
    59.9007 60.2914 137.619 7.066 115.4935 118
    78.2631 78.5 34.3565 17 125.296 124
    下载: 导出CSV
  • [1]

    Palmiotti G, Salvatores M, Assawaroongruengchot M 2009 International Conference on Fast Reactors and Related Fuel Cycles Kyoto, Japan, December 7–11, 2009 pINL/CON-09-17363


    Arnould M, Katsuma M 2008 International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology Nice, France, April 22–27, 2008 p5


    Kompe D 1969 Nucl. Phys. 133 513Google Scholar


    Wisshak K, Kappeler F, Reffo G 1984 Nucl. Sci. Eng. 88 594Google Scholar


    Terada K, Katabuchi T, Mizumoto M, Arai T, Saito T, Igashira M, Hirose K, Nakamura S, Kimura A, Harada H, Hori J, Kino K, Kiyanagi Y 2015 Prog. Nucl. Energy 82 118Google Scholar


    Kobayashi K, Lee S, Yamamoto S 2004 Nucl. Sci. Eng. 146 209Google Scholar


    Mingrone F, Massimi C, Altstadt S 2014 International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology New York, USA, March 4–8, 2013 18


    Guber K H, Derrien H, Leal L C, Arbanas G, Wiarda D, Koehler P E, Harvey A 2010 Phys. Rev. C 82 057601Google Scholar


    Wisshak K, Voss F, Kaeppeler F, Krticka M, Gallino R 2006 Phys. Rev. C 73 015802Google Scholar


    Mendoza E, Cano-Ott D, Altstadt S, et al. 2018 Phys. Rev. C 97 054616Google Scholar


    Mosby S, Bredeweg T A, Couture A, Jandel M, Kawano T, Ullmann J L, Henderson R A, Wu C Y 2018 Phys. Rev. C 97 041601Google Scholar


    石斌, 彭猛, 张奇玮, 贺国珠, 周祖英, 唐洪庆 2018 原子能科学技术 52 1537Google Scholar

    Shi B, Peng M, Zhang Q W, He G Z, Zhou Z Y, Tang H Q 2018 At. Energy Sci. Technol. 52 1537Google Scholar


    唐靖宇, 安琪, 白怀勇等 2019 原子能科学技术 53 2012Google Scholar

    Tang J Y, An Q, Bai H Y, et al. 2019 At. Energy Sci. Technol. 53 2012Google Scholar


    丁大钊, 叶春堂, 赵志祥1996 中子物理学——原理、方法与应用 (北京: 原子能出版社) 第387—389页

    Ding D Z, Ye C T, Zhao Z X 1996 Neutron Physics-Principles, Methods, and Applications (Beijing: Atomic Energy Press) pp387–389


    卢希庭等 2000 原子核物理 (北京: 原子能出版社) 第263—267页

    Lu X T 2000 Nuclear Physics (Beijing: Atomic Energy Press) pp263–267


    An Q, Bai H Y, Bao J, et al. 2017 J. Instrum. 12 7022Google Scholar


    Tang J Y, Fu S N, Jing H T, Tang H Q, Wei J, Xia H H 2010 Chin. Phys. C 34 121Google Scholar


    Jing H T, Tang J Y, Tang H Q, Xia H H, Liang T J, Zhou Z Y, Zhong Q P, Ruan X C 2010 Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. , Sect. A 621 91Google Scholar


    唐靖宇, 敬罕涛, 夏海鸿, 唐洪庆, 张闯, 周祖英, 阮锡超, 张奇玮, 杨征 2013 原子能科学技术 47 1089Google Scholar

    Tang J Y, Jing H T, Xia H H, Tang H Q, Zhang C, Zhou Z Y, Ruan X C, Zhang Q W, Yang Z 2013 At. Energy Sci. Technol. 47 1089Google Scholar


    任杰, 阮锡超, 唐洪庆, 葛智刚, 黄翰雄, 敬罕涛, 唐靖宇, 黄蔚玲 2014 核技术 37 100521Google Scholar

    Ren J, Ruan X C, Tang H Q, Ge Z G, Huang H X, Jing H T, Tang J Y, Huang W L 2014 Nucl. Tech. 37 100521Google Scholar


    Chen Y H, Luan G Y, Bao J, et al. 2019 Eur. Phys. J. A 55 115Google Scholar


    张奇玮, 栾广源, 任杰等 2021 70 222801Google Scholar

    Zhang Q W, Luan G Y, Ren J, et al. 2021 Acta Phys. Sin. 70 222801Google Scholar


    Heil M, Reifarth R, Fowler M M, et al. 2019 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 66 1095Google Scholar


    Wang Q, Cao P, Qi X, Yu T, Ji X, Xie L, An Q S 2018 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 89 013511Google Scholar


    张奇玮, 贺国珠, 黄兴, 程品晶, 阮锡超, 朱兴华 2016 原子能科学技术 50 536Google Scholar

    Zhang Q W, He G Z, Huang X, Cheng P J, Ruan X C, Zhu X H 2016 At. Energy Sci. Technol. 50 536Google Scholar


    张奇玮, 贺国珠, 黄兴, 阮锡超, 李志宏, 朱兴华 2014 原子能科学技术 48 612Google Scholar

    Zhang Q W, He G Z, Huang X, Ruan X C, Li Z H, Zhu X H 2014 At. Energy Sci. Technol. 48 612Google Scholar


    Fröhner F H 1980 Applied Neutron Resonance Theory (Karlsruhe: Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbHP


    Lane A M, Thomas R G 1958 Rev. Mod. Phys. 30 257Google Scholar


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