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Determination of thorium fission rate by off-line method

Feng Song Liu Rong Lu Xin-Xin Yang Yi-Wei Wang Mei Jiang Li Qin Jian-Guo


Determination of thorium fission rate by off-line method

Feng Song, Liu Rong, Lu Xin-Xin, Yang Yi-Wei, Wang Mei, Jiang Li, Qin Jian-Guo
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  • Thorium fission reaction rate is an important datum in uranium-thorium fuel cycle. In order to measure the thorium fission rate on the thorium sample equipment which is set up by the conceptual design of the subcritical reactor and to check the thorium data, the off-line activation γ measurement method of thorium fission rate is developed. Combined with thorium fission yield data of 85mKr, the 232Th fission reaction rate distribution in thorium sample device can be obtained by measuring the 151.16 keV feature gamma rays emitted by fission fragment 85mKr. Details of the principles and factors of this method are discussed, and the verification experiment is carried out on a depleted uranium shell of R13.1/30.0 cm with D-T neutrons. The relative uncertainty of experiment is 5.3%-5.5% for thorium fission reaction rates. The experiment is simulated using MCNP5 with ENDF/B-VI and ENDF/B-VII libraries, simulation results and experimental results accord well with each other within the experimental uncertainty, showing that this approach developed in this paper can work well for determining the thorium fission rate.
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 91226104).

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    Leng F H, Liu X P, Li Z X, Huang L G, Wang L, Wang H Y, Zhou L Y 2011 Science Focus 6 6 (in Chinese) [冷伏海, 刘小平, 李泽霞, 黄龙光, 王林, 王海燕, 周丽英 2011 科学观察 6 6]


    Peng X J 2010 J. Southwest Univ. Sci. Technol. 25 1 (in Chinese) [彭先觉 2010 西南科技大学学报 25 1]


    Garlea I, Miron C, Dobrea D, Roth C, Musat T, Rosu H N 1983 Measurements of Integral Cross Sections at 14 MeV for the Following Reactions: 115In (n, n'), 197Au (n, 2n), 93Nb (n, 2n), 27Al (n, alfa), 56Fe (n, p), 235U (n, f), 239Pu (n, f), 237Np (n, f), 238U (n, f) and 232Th (n, f) (Vienna: International Atomic Energy Agency) pp1-19


    Gold R, James H R, Lloyd S K, William Y M, Willian N M, Christopher C P, Robert L S 1988 Nucl. Tracks Radiat. Meas. 14 3


    Anderl R A, Harker Y D 1979 Proceedings of the International Conference on Nuclear Cross Sections for Technology (Washingon: Government Printing Office) p1


    Adam J, Chitra B, Katovsky K, Kumar V, Majerle M, Pronskikh V S, Khilmanovich A M, Martsynkevich B A, Zhuk I V, Golovatiouk V M, Westmeier W, Solnyshkin A A, Tsoupko-Sitnikov V M, Potapenko A S 2011 Eur. Phys. J. A 47 85


    Glendenin L E, Gindler J E, Ahmad I, Henderson D J, Meadows J W 1980 Phys. Rev. C 22 152


    England T R, Rider B F 1994 Evaluation and Compilation of Fission Product Yields (Los Alamos: Los Alamos National Laboratory) LA-SUB-94-170


    International Atomic Energy Agency 2000 Final Report of a Coordinated Research Project 1991-1996 (Vienna: International Atomic Energy Agency) IAEA-TECDOC-1168


    Vasily S 2010 Acta Univ. Upsaliensis 723 58


    Yang Y W, Liu R, Yan X S 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 032801 (in Chinese) [羊奕伟, 刘荣, 严小松 2013 62 032801]


    Chouak A, Embarch K, Berrada M 1995 Appl. Radiat. Isot. 46 423


    International Atomic Energy Agency 2014 Experimental Nuclear Reaction Data (EXFOR) (Vienna: International Atomic Energy Agency)


    Yang Y W, Yan X S, Liu R, Lu X X, Jiang L, Wang M, Lin J F 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 022801 (in Chinese) [羊奕伟, 严小松, 刘荣, 鹿心鑫, 蒋励, 王玫, 林菊芳 2013 62 022801]


    Liu R, Lin L B, Wang D L, Li Y J, Jiang L, Chen S H, Wang M, Yang K 1999 Nuclear Electron. Detect. Technol. 19 428 (in Chinese) [刘荣, 林理彬, 王大伦, 励义俊, 蒋励, 陈素和, 王玫, 杨可 1999 核电子学与探测技术 19 428]


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  • Received Date:  05 January 2014
  • Accepted Date:  11 April 2014
  • Published Online:  05 August 2014

