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double-porosity medium

Liang Bao-Jun


double-porosity medium

Liang Bao-Jun
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  • A new algorithm for P-wave reverse time migration (RTM) in a fracture-induced TTI double-porosity medium is proposed in this paper, by combining RTM with the method of P-and S-wave field separation in high-order staggered grid finitedifference scheme. Simulation results show that for the fracture-induced TTI double-porosity medium the conventional migration with a background velocity without fractures would cause the imaging position to be under the true interface. To study the influence of fracture parameters, the phase velocity formulae are derived from Christoffel equations, and the effects of fracture angles and density are analyzed. In the 2D case, the imaging position gets closer to the real interface along with increasing fracture dip angles, while a bigger fracture density can cause much more deviation.

    Brown R J S, Korringa J 1975 Geophysics 40 608


    Xu S 1998 International Journal of Solids and Structures 35 4685


    Cardona R 2002 SEG Annual Meeting


    Gurevich B 2003 Journal of Applied Geophysics 54 203


    Hudson J A 1980 Overall properties of a cracked solid (Cambridge University Press) 88 371


    Hudson J A 1981 Geophysical Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society 64 133


    Hudson J A, Liu E, Crampin S 1996 Geophysical Journal International 124 105


    Hudson J A, Pointer T, Liu E 2001 Geophysical Prospecting 49 509


    Thomsen L 1995 Geophysical Prospecting 43 805


    Schoenberg M, Douma J 1988 Geophysical Prospecting 36 571


    Schoenberg M, Sayers C M 1995 Geophysics 60 204


    Du Q Z Kong L Y, Han S C 2009 Chinese J. Geophys 52 1049 (in Chinese)[杜启振, 孔丽云, 韩世春 2009 地球 52 1049]


    Kong L Y, Wang Y B, Yang H Z 2012 Chinese J. Geophys 55 189 (in Chinese)[孔丽云, 王一博, 杨慧珠 2012 地球 55 189]


    Brajanovski M, Gurevich B, Schoenberg M 2005 Geophysical Journal International 163 372


    Liang K 2006 PhD Dissertation (Dongying: China University of Petroleum (EastChina)) (in Chinese) [梁锴 2006 博士学位论文 (东营: 中国石油大学(华东))]


    Li Z C, Zhang J H 2004 Seismic Data Processing (Dongying: University of petroleum press) (in Chinese) [李振春, 张军华 2004 地震数据处理方法(东营: 石油大学出版社)]


    Han L H 2011 Master Dissertation (Qingdao: Ocean University of China) (in Chinese) [韩令贺 2011 硕士学位论文(青岛: 中国海洋大学)]


    Qin T 2009 Master Dissertation (Dongying: China University of Petroleum (EastChina)) (in Chinese) [秦童 2009 硕士学位论文 (东营: 中国石油大学(华东))]


    Whitmore N D 1983 53rd Ann. Internat. Mtg., Soc. Explor. Geophys., Expanded Abstracts 382


    McMechan G A 1983 Geophysical Prospecting 31 413


    Baysal E, Kosloff D D, Sherwood J W C 1983 Geophysics 48 1514


    Loewenthal D, Mufti I 1983 Geophysics 48 627


    Chang W F, McMechan G A 1986 Geophysics 51 67


    Zhang B M, Dong M Y, Li C C, Teng J W, Zhang Z J 2000 Journal of Changchun University of Science and Technology 30 67 (in Chinese) [张秉铭, 董敏煜, 李承楚, 滕吉文, 张中杰 2000 长春科技大学学报 30 67]


    Zhang H X, Ning S N 2002 J. CUMT 31 371 (in Chinese) [张会星, 宁书年 2002 中国矿业大学学报 31 371]


    Du Q Z Qin T 2009 Chinese J. Geophys 52 801 (in Chinese)[杜启振秦童 2009 地球 52 801]


    Kong L Y, Wang Y B, Yang H Z 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 139101 (in Chinese)[孔丽云, 王一博, 杨慧珠 2013 62 139101]


    Chen K Y, Wu Q L, Yang W, Li L L, Fan X C 2010 Geophysical m& Geochemical Exploration 34 103 (in Chinese)[陈可洋, 吴清岭, 杨微, 李来林, 范兴才 2010 物探与化探 34 103]


    Wang X M 2011 Master Dissertation (Dongying: China University of Petroleum (EastChina)) (in Chinese) [王雪梅 2011 硕士学位论文 (东营: 中国石油大学(华东))]


    Liang B, Zhu Z M Cheng J C 2006 Chin. Phys. 15 412

  • [1]

    Brown R J S, Korringa J 1975 Geophysics 40 608


    Xu S 1998 International Journal of Solids and Structures 35 4685


    Cardona R 2002 SEG Annual Meeting


    Gurevich B 2003 Journal of Applied Geophysics 54 203


    Hudson J A 1980 Overall properties of a cracked solid (Cambridge University Press) 88 371


    Hudson J A 1981 Geophysical Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society 64 133


    Hudson J A, Liu E, Crampin S 1996 Geophysical Journal International 124 105


    Hudson J A, Pointer T, Liu E 2001 Geophysical Prospecting 49 509


    Thomsen L 1995 Geophysical Prospecting 43 805


    Schoenberg M, Douma J 1988 Geophysical Prospecting 36 571


    Schoenberg M, Sayers C M 1995 Geophysics 60 204


    Du Q Z Kong L Y, Han S C 2009 Chinese J. Geophys 52 1049 (in Chinese)[杜启振, 孔丽云, 韩世春 2009 地球 52 1049]


    Kong L Y, Wang Y B, Yang H Z 2012 Chinese J. Geophys 55 189 (in Chinese)[孔丽云, 王一博, 杨慧珠 2012 地球 55 189]


    Brajanovski M, Gurevich B, Schoenberg M 2005 Geophysical Journal International 163 372


    Liang K 2006 PhD Dissertation (Dongying: China University of Petroleum (EastChina)) (in Chinese) [梁锴 2006 博士学位论文 (东营: 中国石油大学(华东))]


    Li Z C, Zhang J H 2004 Seismic Data Processing (Dongying: University of petroleum press) (in Chinese) [李振春, 张军华 2004 地震数据处理方法(东营: 石油大学出版社)]


    Han L H 2011 Master Dissertation (Qingdao: Ocean University of China) (in Chinese) [韩令贺 2011 硕士学位论文(青岛: 中国海洋大学)]


    Qin T 2009 Master Dissertation (Dongying: China University of Petroleum (EastChina)) (in Chinese) [秦童 2009 硕士学位论文 (东营: 中国石油大学(华东))]


    Whitmore N D 1983 53rd Ann. Internat. Mtg., Soc. Explor. Geophys., Expanded Abstracts 382


    McMechan G A 1983 Geophysical Prospecting 31 413


    Baysal E, Kosloff D D, Sherwood J W C 1983 Geophysics 48 1514


    Loewenthal D, Mufti I 1983 Geophysics 48 627


    Chang W F, McMechan G A 1986 Geophysics 51 67


    Zhang B M, Dong M Y, Li C C, Teng J W, Zhang Z J 2000 Journal of Changchun University of Science and Technology 30 67 (in Chinese) [张秉铭, 董敏煜, 李承楚, 滕吉文, 张中杰 2000 长春科技大学学报 30 67]


    Zhang H X, Ning S N 2002 J. CUMT 31 371 (in Chinese) [张会星, 宁书年 2002 中国矿业大学学报 31 371]


    Du Q Z Qin T 2009 Chinese J. Geophys 52 801 (in Chinese)[杜启振秦童 2009 地球 52 801]


    Kong L Y, Wang Y B, Yang H Z 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 139101 (in Chinese)[孔丽云, 王一博, 杨慧珠 2013 62 139101]


    Chen K Y, Wu Q L, Yang W, Li L L, Fan X C 2010 Geophysical m& Geochemical Exploration 34 103 (in Chinese)[陈可洋, 吴清岭, 杨微, 李来林, 范兴才 2010 物探与化探 34 103]


    Wang X M 2011 Master Dissertation (Dongying: China University of Petroleum (EastChina)) (in Chinese) [王雪梅 2011 硕士学位论文 (东营: 中国石油大学(华东))]


    Liang B, Zhu Z M Cheng J C 2006 Chin. Phys. 15 412

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  • Received Date:  25 October 2013
  • Accepted Date:  27 January 2014
  • Published Online:  05 June 2014

