An analysis of the orbital angular momentum of an optical beam misaligned with respect to a receiver during propagation in the information transfer is investigated. The analytical expressions of Laguerre-Gaussian beams laterally displaced, angularly deflected and simultaneously misaligned in both ways are derived, and the features of the spiral spectrum in these cases are studied. It is shown that both parallel displacement and angular tilt will lead to the spread of the spiral spectrum, which is independent of the misalign direction. The larger the misalign, the more serious the spectrum spread. However, with the increasing of the propagation distance, the degree of the spread for the laterally displacement is decreasing gradually, while that for the angular tilt is increasing. In the angular tilt case, the spread of the spiral spectrum always keeps symmetric during propagation, while in the case of lateral displacement, the spiral spectrum is asymmetric, and goes to a stable state. The spiral spectrum is also investigated for the case with simulataneous lateral misalignment and angular tilt, and we conclude that the effects of both misaligns on the spectrum are related with one another.