Considering that the scale-free topology in wireless sensor networks has poor ability of intrusion-tolerance, we use the Poisson network model with node batch arrival to construct a new scale-free topology model with intrusion-tolerance optimization. Additionally, the two adjustment factors about the residual energy and the node degree are introduced in the construction of the topology model. Then the scale-free topology whose power-law exponent can be adjusted in the range of (1, + ∞) is obtained. Finally, the power-law exponent is optimized by the network structure entropy, and its optimal value is derived. Results show that the new topology has a strong fault-tolerance. And it also can enhance the network intrusion-tolerance and has good energy-saving advantages.
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[1] Wang Y Q, Yang X Y 2013 Chin. Phys. B 22 010509
[2] Qi H, Wang F B, Deng H 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 104301 (in Chinese)[祁浩, 王福豹, 邓宏 2013 62 104301]
[3] Wang J W, Rong L L 2008 Chin. Phys. Lett. 25 3826
[4] Song Y R, Jiang G P 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 705 (in Chinese)[宋玉蓉, 蒋国平 2010 59 705]
[5] Barabasi A, Albert R 1999 Science. 286 509
[6] Zhu H L, Luo H, Peng H P, Li L X, Luo Q 2009 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 41 1828
[7] Wang Y Q, Yang X Y 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 090202 (in Chinese)[王亚奇, 杨晓元 2012 61 090202]
[8] Albert R, Jeong H, Barabási A L 2000 Nature 406 378
[9] Li J, Wu J, Li Y, Deng H Z, Tan Y J 2011 Chin. Phys. Lett. 28 068902
[10] Wang Z, Wang Q, Wei D B, Wang L 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 120505 (in Chinese)[王翥, 王祁, 魏德宝, 王玲 2012 61 120505]
[11] Kashyap, Abhishek, Samir Khuller, Mark A, Shayman 2006 INFOCOM 7 1
[12] Liu Y, Li Z 2007 Information and Control. 4 013
[13] Zheng G Z, Liu S Y, Qi X G 2012 Computer & Electrical Engineering 38 643
[14] Wu J, Tan Y J, Deng H Z, Zhu D Z 2007 Syst. Engin. Theo. Prac. 27 101 (in Chinese)[吴俊, 谭跃进, 郑宏钟, 朱大智 2007 系统工程理论与实践 27 101]
[15] Cai M, Du H F, Ren Y K, Marcus W F 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 110513 (in Chinese)[蔡萌, 杜海峰, 任义科, 费尔德曼 2011 60 110513]
[16] Guo J L, Wang L N 2007 Acta Phys. Sin. 56 5635 (in Chinese)[郭进利, 汪丽娜 2007 56 5635]
[17] Wu J, Tan Y J, Deng H Z, Zhu D Z 2008 J. Sys. Sci. & Math. Scis. 28 811 (in Chinese)[吴俊, 谭跃进, 郑宏钟, 朱大智 2008 系统科学与数学 28 811]
[18] Xie W B, Xian M, Chen Y G 2010 J. Electro. Infor. Techn. 32 1205 (in Chinese)[解文斌, 鲜明, 陈永光 2010 电子与信息学报 32 1205]
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