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Experimental and theoretical investigation of transparent and conductive B doped ZnO film

Wang Yan-Feng Zhang Xiao-Dan Huang Qian Yang Fu Meng Xu-Dong Song Qing-Gong Zhao Ying


Experimental and theoretical investigation of transparent and conductive B doped ZnO film

Wang Yan-Feng, Zhang Xiao-Dan, Huang Qian, Yang Fu, Meng Xu-Dong, Song Qing-Gong, Zhao Ying
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  • The properties of boron doped ZnO (BZO) films are investigated by the pulsed DC magnetron sputtering technique and the plane wave pseudo-potential method based on the density-functional theory. Highly conductive and transparent BZO thin films are prepared using a B2O3:ZnO ceramic target. The effects of the substrate temperature on the structureand electrical and optical properties are systematically investigated. The results show that by increasing the substrate temperature appropriately, the crystallinity, grain size, and carrier mobility of BZO film are improved, and the resistivity is reduced. BZO films of low resistivity (7.03×10-4 Ω·cm) and high transmittance (89%) from 400–1100 nm are achieved at an optimal substrate temperature of 200 ℃. The theoretical results show that B is doped in ZnO mainly in three forms, i.e., in the forms of substitutional BZn atoms, octahedral interstitial site (BIO), and tetrahedral interstitial site (BIT). Among them the formation energy of BZn defect is lowest, and its concentration may be the highest in all the sample concentrations. After incorporation of B, the Fermi level goes through the conduction band. The sample shows a typical n-type metallic characteristic and the optical band gap increases significantly. The carriers originate from the orbits of B 2p, O 2p and Zn 4s.
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Basical Research Program of China (Grant Nos. 2011CBA00706, 2011CBA00707), the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2013AA050302), the Tianjin Science and Technology Supported Project, China (Grant No. 12ZCZDGX03600), the Major Science and Technology Supported Project of Tianjin, China (Grant No. 11TXSYGX22100), and the Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education, China (Grant No. 20120031110039).

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    Minami T 2005 Semicond. Sci. Technol. 20 S35


    Hpkes J, Owen J I, Pust S E, Bunte E 2012 Chem. Phys. Chem. 13 66


    Wang Y F, Zhang X D, Bai L S, Huang Q, Wei C C, Zhao Y 2012 Appl. Phys. Lett. 100 263508


    Selvan J A A, Delahoy A E, Guo S Y, Li Y M 2006 Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 90 3371


    Fäy S, Feitknecht L, Schlchter R, Kroll U, Vallat-Sauvain E, Shah A 2006 Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 90 2960


    Faÿ S, Steinhauser J, Nicolay S, Ballif C 2010 Thin Solid Films 518 2961


    WangY, Gu Y S, Peng S, Ding W Y, H L Wang, Chai W P 2011 Appl. Surf. Sci. 257 8044


    Palacios P, Sánchez K, Wahnón P 2009 Thin Solid Films 517 2448


    Liu X C, Ji Y J, Zhao J Q, Liu L Q, Sun Z P, Dong H L 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 4925 (in Chinese) [刘小村, 季燕菊, 赵俊卿, 刘立强, 孙兆鹏, 董和磊 2010 59 4925]


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    Segall M D, Lindan P J D, Probert M J, Pickard C J, Hasnip P J, Clark S J, Payne M C 2002 J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 14 2717


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    Singh S, Srinivasa R S, Major S S 2007 Thin Solid Films 515 8718


    Kim K H, Park K C, Ma D Y 1997 J. Appl. Phys. 81 7764


    Pei Z L, Sun C, Tan M H, Xiao J Q, Guan D H, Huang R F, Wen L S 2001 J. Appl. Phys. 90 3432


    Wang Y F, Huang Q, Song Q G, Liu Y, Wei C C, Zhao Y, Zhang X D 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 137801 (in Chinese) [王延峰, 黄茜, 宋庆功, 刘阳, 魏长春, 赵颖, 张晓丹 2012 61 137801]


    Wang F G, Lv M S, Pang Z Y, Yang T L, Dai Y, Han S H 2008 Appl. Surf. Sci. 254 6983


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  • Received Date:  29 August 2013
  • Accepted Date:  28 September 2013
  • Published Online:  05 December 2013

