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An elastic-diffusion model for myosin Ⅵ molecular motor in a periodic potential field

Li Chen-Pu Han Ying-Rong Zhan Yong Hu Jin-Jiang Zhang Li-Gang Qu Jiao


An elastic-diffusion model for myosin Ⅵ molecular motor in a periodic potential field

Li Chen-Pu, Han Ying-Rong, Zhan Yong, Hu Jin-Jiang, Zhang Li-Gang, Qu Jiao
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  • Because of the special structure and intracellular functions of myosin Ⅵ molecular motor, its dynamic principle has become a research focus. Starting from its structure and experimental phenomenon, the elastic-diffusion model of myosin Ⅵ in a periodic potential field is established, and the stochastic dynamics of the molecular motors, which conform to the Langevin equation, is analyzed by Monte Carlo simulations. By means of the environmental noise, myosin Ⅵ molecular motors could take stable stepping motion and effective transport according to its elastic potential energy and periodic potential of track, and a load can weaken the transportation power of the molecular motor system. For a given elastic coefficient, the longer the elastic chain of myosin Ⅵ, the lower the average velocity of it. By selecting a reasonable size of elasticity coefficient, the average velocity can be the maximum for a given elastic chain. In addition, the load can increase exponentially the mean dwelling time of myosin Ⅵ at the connection site.
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 10975045), the Scientific Research Fundation of the Education Department of Hebei Province, China (Grant Nos. 2008427c, Z2012175), and the Scientific Research Fundation of ZhangJiaKou City, Hebei Province, China(Grant No. 1101006B).

    Rogat A D, Miler K G 2002 Journal of Cell Sciencs 115 4855


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    Ménétrey J, Bahloul A, Wells A L, Yengo C M, Morris C A, Sweeney H L, Houdusse A 2005 Nature 435 779


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    Bao J D 2009 Stochastic simulation method of classical and quantum dissipative systems (BeiJing: Science Press) p113 (in Chinese) [包景东 2009 经典和量子耗散系统的随机模拟方法(北京: 科学出版社)第113页]


    Spudich J A, Sivaramakrishnan S 2010 Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology 11 128

  • [1]

    Rogat A D, Miler K G 2002 Journal of Cell Sciencs 115 4855


    Hasson T, Gillespie P G, Garcia J A, MacDonald R B, Zhao Y D, Yee A G, Mooseker M S, Corey D P 1997 Journal of Cell Biology 137 1287


    Nishikawa S, Homma K, Komori Y, Iwaki M, Wazawa T, Iwone A H, Saito J, Ikebe R, Katayama E, Yanagida T, Ikebe M 2002 Biochemical Biophysical Rresearch Communications 290 311


    Lister I, Schmitz S, Walker M, Trinick J, Buss F, Veigel C, Kendrick-Jones J 2004 EMBO Journal 23 1729


    Rock R S, Ramamurthy B, Dunn A R, Beccafico S, Rami B R, Morris C, Spink B J, Franzini-Armstrong C, Spudich J A, Sweeney H L 2005 Molecular Cell 17 603


    Xie P, Dou S X, Wang P Y 2005 Chin. Phys. 14 744


    Xie P, Dou S X, Wang P Y 2005 Biophysical Chemistry 122 90


    Bahloul A, Chevreux G, Wells A L, Martin D, Nolt J, Yang Z H, Chen L Q, Potier N, Dorsselaer A V, Rosenfeld S, Houdusse H, Sweeney H L 2004 PNAS 101 4787


    Hasson T, Mooseker E M 1994 Journal of Cell Biology 127 425


    Ménétrey J, Bahloul A, Wells A L, Yengo C M, Morris C A, Sweeney H L, Houdusse A 2005 Nature 435 779


    Park H, Li A, Chen L Q, Houdusse A, Selvin P R, Sweeney H L 2007 PNAS 104 778


    Altman D, Sweeney H L, Spudich J A 2004 Cell 116 737


    De La Cruz E M, Ostap E M, Sweeney H L 2001 Journal of Biological Chemistry 276 32373


    Reifenberger J G, Toprak E, Kim H J, Safer D, Sweeney H L, Selvin P R 2009 PNAS 106 18255


    Bao J D, Zhuo Y Z 1998 Chinese Science Bulletin 43 1493


    Bao J D 1997 Chinese Journal of Computational Physics 14 463 (in Chinese) [包景东 1997 计算物理 14 463]


    Marchesoni F 1997 Physical Review E 56 2497


    Guo C, Yin Y H 2010 Chinese Science Bulletin 55 2675 (in Chinese) [郭朝, 殷跃红 2010 科学通报 55 2675]


    Kolomeisky A B, Fisher M E 2003 Biophysical Journal 84 1642


    Xu W, Zhang X Y 2007 Chin. Phys. 16 928


    Wang H Y, Bao J D 2010 Physica A 389 433


    Li F Z, Su W F, Hu K H 2009 Acta Biophysica Sinica 25 133 (in Chinese) [李防震, 苏万芳, 胡匡祜 2009 生物 25 133]


    Feng J, Zhuo Y Z 2005 Chin. Phys. Lett. 22 503


    Chen Z X 2003 Computational physics (Vol. 2) (Harbin: Harbin Institute of Technology Press) p92 (in Chinese) [陈锺贤 2003 计算物理学(第二版)(哈尔滨: 哈尔滨工业大学出版社)第92页]


    Bao J D 2009 Stochastic simulation method of classical and quantum dissipative systems (BeiJing: Science Press) p113 (in Chinese) [包景东 2009 经典和量子耗散系统的随机模拟方法(北京: 科学出版社)第113页]


    Spudich J A, Sivaramakrishnan S 2010 Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology 11 128

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  • Received Date:  18 July 2013
  • Accepted Date:  03 September 2013
  • Published Online:  05 December 2013

