In the direct drive, since the target is becoming smaller in compression process, the initial focal spot will no longer match the compressed target, leading to large losses of energy from target edge. Optical zooming means making the focal spot smaller when the target compresses. In this way, the coupling efficiency between the beam and target can be improved. It has great significance. The primary problem of solving the optical zooming is the qualification of small focal spot. According to the full-band optical transmission rules, in this paper constructed are low and medium-high frequency wavefront distortion sources under different smoothing conditions, and then given is a scaling relation between wavefront and focal spot size. The scaling relation can be regarded as a wavefront criterion of small focal spot. Using this wavefront criterion, the correction range of low and medium-high frequency wavefront distortion can be known to achieve a small focal spot.
- direct drive /
- optical zooming /
- wavefront distortion /
- focal spot size
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[1] Skupsky S, Betti R, Goncharov V N 2001 Inertial Fusion Sciences and Applications Kyoto, Japan, September 10-24, 2001
[2] Anderson K, Betti R 2003 Phys. Plasmas 10 4448
[3] Goncharov V N, Knauer J P, Mckenty P W, Radha P B, Sangster T C, Skupsky S, Betti R, McCrory R L, Meyerhofer D D 2003 Phys. Plasmas 10 1906
[4] Anderson K, Betti R 2004 Phys. Plasmas 11 5
[5] Betti R, Anderson K, Knauer J, Collins T J B, McCrory R L, McKenty P W, Skupsky S 2005 Phys. Plasmas 12 42703
[6] Canaud B, Garaude F 2005 Nucl. Fusion 45 L43
[7] Cheng J X, Zheng Z J, Chen H S, Miao W Y, Chen B, Wang Y M, Hu X 2004 Acta Phys. Sin. 53 3419 (in Chinese) [成金秀, 郑志坚, 陈红素, 缪文勇, 陈波, 王耀梅, 胡昕 2004 53 3419]
[8] Yuan Q, Wei X F, Zhang X M, Zhang X, Zhao J P, Huang W H, Hu D X 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 114206 (in Chinese) [袁强, 魏晓峰, 张小民, 张鑫, 赵军普, 黄文会, 胡东霞 2012 61 114206]
[9] Terry M R, Perkins L J, Sepke S M 2012 Phys. Plasmas 19 112705
[10] Theobald W, Nara R, Lafon M 2012 Phys. Plasmas 19 102706
[11] Yu L H, Liang X Y, Ren Z J, Wang L, Xu Y, Lu X M, Yu G H 2012 Chin. Phys. B 21 014201
[12] Zhang G Q, Dong B Z, Yang G Z, Gu B Y 1996 Chin. Phys. B 5 354
[13] Li P 2008 M. S. Dissertation (Mianyang: China Academy of Engineering Physics) (in Chinese) [李平 2008 硕士学位论文(绵阳:中国工程物理研究院)]
[14] Feng Y J, Lin Z X, Zhang R Z 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 104202 (in Chinese) [冯友君, 林中校, 张荣竹 2011 60 104202]
[15] Zhang Y H, Yang C L, Wen S L, Yan H, Wang J, Yang L M 2012 High Power Laser and Particle Beams 24 1741 (in Chinese) [张远航, 杨春林, 温圣林, 颜浩, 王建, 杨李茗 2012 强激光与粒子束 24 1741]
[16] Garrec B J L, Hernandez-Gomez C, Winstone T, Collier J 2010 J. Phys.: Conference Series 244 032020
[17] Liu H J, Jing F, Zuo Y L 2006 Acta Photon. Sin. 35 1464 (in Chinese) [刘红婕, 景峰, 左言磊 2006 光子学报 35 1464]
[18] Su J Q, Wei X F, Ma C, Yuan J, Gao F H, Guo Y K 2000 High Power Laser and Particle Beams 12 163 (in Chinese) [粟敬钦, 魏晓峰, 马驰, 袁静, 高福华, 郭永康 2000 强激光与粒子束 12 163]
[19] Liu H J, Jing F, Zuo Y L, Hu D X, Su J Q, Peng Z T, Zhou W, Li Q, Zhang K 2006 Chin. J. Lasers 33 504 (in Chinese) [刘红婕, 景峰, 左言磊, 胡东霞, 粟敬钦, 彭志涛, 周维, 李强, 张崑 2006 中国激光 33 504]
[20] Feng G Y, Zhou S H 2009 Chin. J. Lasers 36 1643 (in Chinese) [冯国英, 周寿桓 2009 中国激光 36 1643]
[21] Wang D E 2011 M. S. Dissertation (Mianyang: China Academy of Engineering Physics) (in Chinese) [王德恩 2011 硕士学位论文(绵阳:中国工程物理研究院)]
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