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Measuring tropospheric vertical distribution and vertical column density of NO2 by multi-axis differential optical absorption spectroscopy

Wang Yang Li Ang Xie Pin-Hua Chen Hao Mou Fu-Sheng Xu Jin Wu Feng-Cheng Zeng Yi Liu Jian-Guo Liu Wen-Qing


Measuring tropospheric vertical distribution and vertical column density of NO2 by multi-axis differential optical absorption spectroscopy

Wang Yang, Li Ang, Xie Pin-Hua, Chen Hao, Mou Fu-Sheng, Xu Jin, Wu Feng-Cheng, Zeng Yi, Liu Jian-Guo, Liu Wen-Qing
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  • The inversion method of the vertical profile and vertical column density (VCD) of tropospheric NO2 using multi-axis differential optical absorption spectroscopy (MAX-DOAS) is investigated in this paper. An inversion method of two-step procedure is operated. In this method firstly the aerosol vertical profile is retrieved. Then the vertical distribution of trace gases is retrieved based on the corresponding aerosol status. Nonlinear optimal estimation algorithm is extended to acquire NO2 profile to reduce the dependence of the inversion on priori information. It is more advantageous to automatically obtain trace gases profile. At first we investigate how to calculate some parameters (weighting function, the covariance matrices of measurement, and a priori information) of the algorithm and design nonlinear iteration strategy suited to the region where NO2 vertical distribution usually shows rapid variation. Then this inversion algorithm is verified by computer simulation in the cases of box profile and elevated profile of NO2. It is indicated that the distribution of NO2 below 2 km could be well rebuilt and the retrieval accuracy of surface-near NO2 volume mixing ratio is 0.6%. The study of how accurately this algorithm can rebuild the same true profile in three aerosol status of low aerosol, high aerosol and elevated aerosol indicates that similar retrieval results could be acquired. In addition, the effect of wrong aerosol status on the retrieving of NO2 profile and the error sources of this algorithm are analyzed. After that a continuous observation is reported in the city of Hefei. NO2 VCDs derived from MAX-DOAS are compared with those from satellite observations, and the correlation coefficient is 0.85. The surface-near NO2 concentrations measured by MAX-DOAS are compared with those from LP-DOAS, and the correlation coefficient is 0.76. In addition, the simplified MAX-DOAS inversion method of obtaining the trace gas profile usually uses invariable typical aerosol status as input. The comparison with the tropospheric NO2 VCD from simplified method indicates that the using of invariable typical aerosol status would cause large deviation of NO2 VCD, and its maximum relative deviation is about 112%. So exactly acquiring aerosol status, aerosol optical density especially, is necessary to exactly retrieve tropospheric NO2 vertical column density.
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 41275038), the Special Project of Environmental Nonprofit Industry Research, China (Grant No. 201109007), and the Natural Science Foundation of Anhui Province, China (Grant No. 1308085QF124).

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    Wagner T, Beirle S, Brauers T, Deutschmann T, Frieß U, Hak C, Halla J D, Heue K P, Junkermann W, Li X, Platt U, Pundt-Gruber I 2011 Atmos. Meas. Tech. Discuss. 4 3891


    Li X, Brauers T, Hofzumahaus A, Lu K, Li Y P, Shao M, Wagner T, Wahner A 2012 Chem. Phys. Discuss. 12 3983


    Frieß U, Sihler H, Sander R, Pohler D, Yilmaz S, Platt U 2011 J. Geophys. Res. 116 D00R04


    Sinreich R, Frieß U, Wagner T, Platt U 2005 Faraday Discuss. 130 153


    Wang Y, Li A, Xie P H, Chen H, Xu J, Wu F C, Liu J G, Liu W Q 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 180705 (in Chinese) [王杨, 李昂, 谢品华, 陈浩, 徐晋, 吴丰成, 刘建国, 刘文清 2013 62 180705]


    Rozanov A, Rozanov V, Buchwitz M, Kokhanovsky A, Burrows J P 2005 Adv. Space Res. 36 1015


    Brhl C, Crutzen P J 1993 MPIC Two-Dimensional Model in the Atmospheric Effects of Stratospheric Aircraft (Vol. 1292) (Washington: NASA Ref. Publ.) p103


    Rodgers C D 2000 Inverse Methods for Atmospheric Sounding: Theory and Practice, Ser. Atmos. Oceanic Planet. Phys. (Vol. 2) (Hackensack: World Sci. Publ.)


    Clemer K, van Roozendael M, Fayt C, Hendrick F, Hermans C, Pinardi G, Spurr R, Wang P, Maziere M D 2010 Atmos. Meas. Tech. 3 863


    Frieß U, Monks P S, Remedios J J, Rozanov A, Sinreich R, Wagner T, Platt U 2006 J. Geophys. Res. 111 D14203


    Solomon S, Schmeltekopf A L, Sanders R W 1987 J. Geophys. Res. 92 8311


    Kraus S 2006 Ph. D. Dissertation (Mannheim: University of Mannheim)


    Greenblatt G D, Orlando J J, Burkholder J B, Ravis-hankara A R 1990 J. Geophys. Res. 95 18577


    Vandaele A C, Hermans C, Simon P C, Carleer M, Colins R, Fally S, M’erienne M F, Jenouvrier A, Coquart B 1998 J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer 59 171


    Bogumil K, Orphal J, Homann T, Voigt S, Spietz P, Fleischmann O C, Vogel A, Hart-mann M, Bovensmann H, Frerik J, Burrows J P 2003 J. Photoch. Photobio. A 157 157


    Meller R and Moortgat G K 2000 J. Geophys. Res. 105 7089


    Kneizys F X, Shettle E P, Abreu L W, Chetwynd J H, Anderson G P, Gallery W O, Selby J E A, Clough S A Users Guide to LOWTRAN 7 [2013-05-10]

  • [1]

    Crutzen P J 1979 Earth Planet. Sci. 7 443


    Hönninger G, von Friedeburg C, Platt U 2004 Atmos. Chem. Phys. 4 231


    Wang Y, Xie P H, Li A, Zeng Y, Xu J, Si F Q 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 114209 (in Chinese) [王杨, 谢品华, 李昂, 曾议, 徐晋, 司福祺 2012 61 114209]


    Wang Y, Li A, Xie P H, Zeng Y, Wang R B, Chen H, Pei X, Liu J G, Liu W Q 2012 Chin. Phys. B 21 114211


    Ma J Z, Beirle S, Jin J L, Shaiganfar R, Yan P, Wagner T 2012 Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss. 12 26719


    Zhou H J, Liu W Q, Si F Q, Xie P H, Xu J, Dou K 2011 Acta Opt. Sin. 31 1101007 (in Chinese) [周海金, 刘文清, 司福祺, 谢品华, 徐晋, 窦科 2011 光学学报 31 1101007]


    Li A, Xie P H, Liu C, Liu J G, Liu W Q 2007 Chin. Phys. Lett. 24 2859


    Fu Q, Liu W Q, Si F Q, Zhang Y H, Xie P H 2009 Acta Photon. Sin. 38 1216 (in Chinese) [付强, 刘文清, 司福祺, 张英华, 谢品华 2009 光子学报 38 1216]


    Xu J, Xie P H, Si F Q, Dou K, Li A, Liu Y, Liu W Q 2010 Spectrosc. Spect. Anal. 30 2464 (in Chinese) [徐晋, 谢品华, 司福祺, 窦科, 李昂, 刘宇, 刘文清 2010 光谱学与光谱分析 30 2464]


    Eskes H J, Boersma K F 2003 Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss. 3 895


    Irie H, Kanaya Y, Akimoto H, Lwabuchi H, Shimiza A, Aoki K 2008 Atmos. Chem. Phys. 8 341


    Wagner T, Beirle S, Brauers T, Deutschmann T, Frieß U, Hak C, Halla J D, Heue K P, Junkermann W, Li X, Platt U, Pundt-Gruber I 2011 Atmos. Meas. Tech. Discuss. 4 3891


    Li X, Brauers T, Hofzumahaus A, Lu K, Li Y P, Shao M, Wagner T, Wahner A 2012 Chem. Phys. Discuss. 12 3983


    Frieß U, Sihler H, Sander R, Pohler D, Yilmaz S, Platt U 2011 J. Geophys. Res. 116 D00R04


    Sinreich R, Frieß U, Wagner T, Platt U 2005 Faraday Discuss. 130 153


    Wang Y, Li A, Xie P H, Chen H, Xu J, Wu F C, Liu J G, Liu W Q 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 180705 (in Chinese) [王杨, 李昂, 谢品华, 陈浩, 徐晋, 吴丰成, 刘建国, 刘文清 2013 62 180705]


    Rozanov A, Rozanov V, Buchwitz M, Kokhanovsky A, Burrows J P 2005 Adv. Space Res. 36 1015


    Brhl C, Crutzen P J 1993 MPIC Two-Dimensional Model in the Atmospheric Effects of Stratospheric Aircraft (Vol. 1292) (Washington: NASA Ref. Publ.) p103


    Rodgers C D 2000 Inverse Methods for Atmospheric Sounding: Theory and Practice, Ser. Atmos. Oceanic Planet. Phys. (Vol. 2) (Hackensack: World Sci. Publ.)


    Clemer K, van Roozendael M, Fayt C, Hendrick F, Hermans C, Pinardi G, Spurr R, Wang P, Maziere M D 2010 Atmos. Meas. Tech. 3 863


    Frieß U, Monks P S, Remedios J J, Rozanov A, Sinreich R, Wagner T, Platt U 2006 J. Geophys. Res. 111 D14203


    Solomon S, Schmeltekopf A L, Sanders R W 1987 J. Geophys. Res. 92 8311


    Kraus S 2006 Ph. D. Dissertation (Mannheim: University of Mannheim)


    Greenblatt G D, Orlando J J, Burkholder J B, Ravis-hankara A R 1990 J. Geophys. Res. 95 18577


    Vandaele A C, Hermans C, Simon P C, Carleer M, Colins R, Fally S, M’erienne M F, Jenouvrier A, Coquart B 1998 J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer 59 171


    Bogumil K, Orphal J, Homann T, Voigt S, Spietz P, Fleischmann O C, Vogel A, Hart-mann M, Bovensmann H, Frerik J, Burrows J P 2003 J. Photoch. Photobio. A 157 157


    Meller R and Moortgat G K 2000 J. Geophys. Res. 105 7089


    Kneizys F X, Shettle E P, Abreu L W, Chetwynd J H, Anderson G P, Gallery W O, Selby J E A, Clough S A Users Guide to LOWTRAN 7 [2013-05-10]

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  • Received Date:  23 May 2013
  • Accepted Date:  19 July 2013
  • Published Online:  05 October 2013

