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Influence of pulse tapping technology on surface roughness of polyimide capsule

Cao Hong Huang Yong Chen Su-Fen Zhang Zhan-Wen Wei Jian-Jun


Influence of pulse tapping technology on surface roughness of polyimide capsule

Cao Hong, Huang Yong, Chen Su-Fen, Zhang Zhan-Wen, Wei Jian-Jun
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  • As one of the most important ignition capsules, the polyimide capsule was prepared by depolymerizable mandrels technique combined with vapor deposition polymerization method. Instead of the plane pan and piezoelectric vibration model, the mesh pan and pulse tapping was selected to reduce microsphere collision so that surface quality was improved in polyimide fabrication. Experimentsal and theoretical results show that the capsule surface becomes more rough because of collisions between microspheres and the pan. The mesh pan could reduce microsphere collisions, which was also reduced by changing piezoelectric vibration into pulse tapping. As a result, root-mean-square value ranges from 5293 nm to 2844 nm. There are many advantages with pulse tapping model, such as better controllability,lower bounce rate and less static; however piezoelectric vibration model is slightly better than the pulse taping in wall thickness uniformity. Measurements of single microsphere show that the deviation of the former is 0.68 which is better than that of the latter (0.73 m). For the average value of microspheres in the same batch, the former has a value 0.26 which also is better than the latter (0.57 m).

    Tsai F Y, Harding D R, Chen S H, Blanton T N 2003 Polymer 44 995


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    Yan J C, He Z B, Yang Z L, Chen Z M, Tang Y J, Wei J J 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 3290 (in Chinese) [闫建成, 何智兵, 阳志林, 陈志梅, 唐永健, 韦建军 2010 59 3290]


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    Huang Y, Zhang Z W, Liu Y Y, Li B, Chen S F, Qi X B 2011 High Power Laser and Particle Beam 23 1527 (in Chinese) [黄勇, 张占文, 刘一扬, 李波, 陈素芬, 漆小波 2011 强激光与粒子束 23 1527]


    Zhang Z W, Qi X B, Li B 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 145204 (in Chinese) [张占文, 漆小波, 李波 2012 61 145204]


    Yao H, Zhang Z W, Huang Y, Li S, Li B 2011 High Power Laser and Particle Beam 7 1861 (in Chinese) [姚洪, 张占文, 黄勇, 李赛, 李波 2011 强激光与粒子束 7 1861]


    Zhang B L, He Z B, Wu W D, Liu X H, Yang X D, Ma X J, Yang M S, Lin H P 2008 High Power Laser and Particle Beam 20 1109 (in Chinese) [张宝铃, 何智兵, 吴卫东, 刘兴华, 杨向东, 马小军, 杨蒙生, 林华平 2008 强激光与粒子束 20 1109]


    Letts S A, Anthamatten M, Buckley S R 2004 Fusion technology 45 180


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    Chen K C, Nikroo A 2006 Fusion science technology 49 721


    Wang J F, Su W B, Wang C M, Gai Z G 2011 Piezoelectric Vibration theory and application (Vol. 1) (Beijing: Science Press) p78 (in Chinese) [张矜奉, 苏文斌, 王春明, 盖志刚 2011 压电振动理论与应用 (第一版) (北京: 科学出版社) 第78页]


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    Zhao X S, Gao D Z, Ma X J, Tang Y J, Zhang L, Sun T, Dong S 2012 Atomic Energy Science and Technology 46 447 (in Chinese) [赵学森, 高党忠, 马小军, 唐永建, 张林, 孙涛, 董申 2012 原子能与科学技术 46 447]

  • [1]

    Tsai F Y, Harding D R, Chen S H, Blanton T N 2003 Polymer 44 995


    Yan J C, He Z B, Yang Z L, Zhang Y, Tang Y J, Wei J J 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 036501 (in Chinese) [闫建成, 何智兵, 阳志林, 张颖, 唐永健, 韦建军 2011 60 036501]


    Zhang Y, He Z B, Li P, Yan J C 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 126501 (in Chinese) [张颖, 何智兵, 李萍, 闫建成 2011 60 126501]


    Yan J C, He Z B, Yang Z L, Chen Z M, Tang Y J, Wei J J 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 3290 (in Chinese) [闫建成, 何智兵, 阳志林, 陈志梅, 唐永健, 韦建军 2010 59 3290]


    Jordan A, Forbes P, Mark H, Jeff G, Bobby W 2006 Fusion Science and Technology 49 832


    Alfonso E L, Chen S H, Gram R Q 1998 Fusion technology 13 2988


    Liu J G, Yang S Y 2006 Chinese Journal of Nuclear Science and Engineering 26 276 (in Chinese) [刘金刚, 杨士勇 2006 核科学与工程 26 276]


    Yao H, Zhang Z W, Huang Y, Li S, Wang G X 2011 Surface Technology 6 53 (in Chinese) [姚洪, 张占文, 黄勇, 李赛, 汪国秀 2011 表面技术 6 53]


    Huang Y, Li B, Zhang Z W, Bai H, Chu Q M, Ma X J, Wei S, Shi T 2008 High Power Laser and Particle Beam 20 1125 (in Chinese) [黄勇, 李波, 张占文, 白宏, 初巧妹, 马小军, 魏胜, 师涛 2008 强激光与粒子束 20 1125]


    Huang Y, Zhang Z W, Liu Y Y, Li B, Chen S F, Qi X B 2011 High Power Laser and Particle Beam 23 1527 (in Chinese) [黄勇, 张占文, 刘一扬, 李波, 陈素芬, 漆小波 2011 强激光与粒子束 23 1527]


    Zhang Z W, Qi X B, Li B 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 145204 (in Chinese) [张占文, 漆小波, 李波 2012 61 145204]


    Yao H, Zhang Z W, Huang Y, Li S, Li B 2011 High Power Laser and Particle Beam 7 1861 (in Chinese) [姚洪, 张占文, 黄勇, 李赛, 李波 2011 强激光与粒子束 7 1861]


    Zhang B L, He Z B, Wu W D, Liu X H, Yang X D, Ma X J, Yang M S, Lin H P 2008 High Power Laser and Particle Beam 20 1109 (in Chinese) [张宝铃, 何智兵, 吴卫东, 刘兴华, 杨向东, 马小军, 杨蒙生, 林华平 2008 强激光与粒子束 20 1109]


    Letts S A, Anthamatten M, Buckley S R 2004 Fusion technology 45 180


    Liang T, Makita Y, Kimura S 2001 Polymer 42 4867


    Chen K C, Nikroo A 2006 Fusion science technology 49 721


    Wang J F, Su W B, Wang C M, Gai Z G 2011 Piezoelectric Vibration theory and application (Vol. 1) (Beijing: Science Press) p78 (in Chinese) [张矜奉, 苏文斌, 王春明, 盖志刚 2011 压电振动理论与应用 (第一版) (北京: 科学出版社) 第78页]


    Qin Y H 1999 Heat (Vol. 2) (Beijing: Higher Education Press) p131 (in Chinese) [秦允豪 1999 热学 (第二版) (北京: 高等教育出版社) 第131页]


    Tsai F Y, Harding D R, Chen S H 2002 Fusion technology 60 178


    Zhao X S, Gao D Z, Ma X J, Tang Y J, Zhang L, Sun T, Dong S 2012 Atomic Energy Science and Technology 46 447 (in Chinese) [赵学森, 高党忠, 马小军, 唐永建, 张林, 孙涛, 董申 2012 原子能与科学技术 46 447]

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  • Received Date:  08 May 2013
  • Accepted Date:  10 June 2013
  • Published Online:  05 October 2013

