We have investigated the properties of thermal entanglement in a triangular spin ring of the single molecular magnet (SMM) Na9[Cu3Na3(H2O)9 (α-AsW9O33)2]·26H2O in a magnetic field, and the pairwise concurrences of arbitrary two Cu2+ ion qubits are calculated numerically, hereafter abbreviated as C12, C23 and C13, respectively. Results show that the magnitude and direction of magnetic field as well as temperature have important effects on the pairwise thermal entanglement. Moreover, C12, C23 and C13 have difference variations with the change of the parameters. We also plot the changes of the critical temperatures Tc of C12, C23 and C13 with the magnetic fields along three different directions, and from the critical temperature-magnetic field phase diagrams one can obtain the ranges of parameters in which the pairwise thermal entanglement in a triangular spin ring of the SMM exists. Therefore, the pairwise entanglement can be controlled and enhanced in the SMM by choosing appropriate magnitude and direction of magnetic field and temperature.
- pairwise entanglement /
- single molecular magnet /
- triangular spin ring
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[35] Troiani F, Ghirri A, Affronte M, Carretta S, Santini P, Amoretti G, Piligkos S, Timco G, Winpenny R E P 2005 Phys. Rev. Lett. 94 207208
[36] Lehmann J, Gaita-Ariño A, Coronado E, Loss D 2007 Nature Nanotech. 2 312
[37] Trif M, Troiani F, Stepanenko D, Loss D 2008 Phys. Rev. Lett. 101 217201
[38] Kortz U, Al-Kassem N K, Savelieff M G, Kadi N A A, Sadakane M 2001 Inorg. Chem. 40 4742
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[40] Wootters W K 1998 Phys. Rev. Lett. 80 2245
[41] Coffman V, Kundu J, Wootters W K 2000 Phys. Rev. A 61 052306
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