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Tripartite entanglement of {Cu3} single molecular magnet with magnetic field in thermal equilibrium

Zheng Yi-Dan Zhou Bin


Tripartite entanglement of {Cu3} single molecular magnet with magnetic field in thermal equilibrium

Zheng Yi-Dan, Zhou Bin
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  • Quantum entanglement is one of the most fundamental properties of quantum mechanics. Because of the nonlocality, quantum entanglement is widely used in quantum computation and quantum information. Considering the fact that thermal fluctuation suppresses quantum effects, the concept of thermal entanglement is introduced to refer to the idea that the effect of temperature should be viewed as external control in the preparation of entangled state. It has been found that nanoscale single molecular magnet has a novel quantum effect at low temperature. Furthermore, single-molecular magnet is viewed as a promising candidate for realizing encoding and manipulation of quantum information. Na9[Cu3Na3(H2O)9(-AsW9O33)2]26H2O (denoted as {Cu3} for convenience) is one of the typical representatives of nanoscale single molecular magnets. In this paper, we will theoretically analyze the properties of tripartite entanglement in {Cu3} with an external magnetic field in thermal equilibrium. The tripartite negativity is used to characterize the tripartite entanglement. The tripartite negativity of {Cu3} single molecular magnet is calculated numerically by using the equivalent spin model and experimental fitting parameters. We consider the magnetic fields along the vertical and the parallel directions of triangular spin ring, respectively, and the case with a tilted magnetic field is also discussed in this paper. It is shown that the magnitude and direction of magnetic field, and temperature have importance effects on the tripartite negativity of the system. It is found that the larger extra strong magnetic field will inhibit the generation of the quantum state of tripartite entanglement at higher temperature. In addition, compared with the magnetic field along the parallel direction of triangular spin ring and the tilted magnetic field, the magnetic field along the vertical direction of triangular spin ring obtains larger values of tripartite negativity under the same temperature and magnetic field. We also plot the variations of the critical temperature with the magnetic field along different directions, and from the critical temperature-magnetic field phase diagrams one can obtain the range of parameters in which the tripartite entanglement of the system exists. We also find that entanglement revival behaviors may occur in the specific range of parameters. Therefore, the properties of the tripartite entanglement in the {Cu3} triangular spin ring can be controlled and enhanced by choosing appropriate magnitude and direction of the magnetic field and temperature.
      Corresponding author: Zhou Bin,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11274102), the Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University of Ministry of Education of China (Grant No. NCET-11-0960), and the Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China (Grant No. 20134208110001).

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    Mousolou V A, Canali C M, Sjqvist E 2015 arXiv:1512.01636v1[quant-ph]


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  • Received Date:  21 March 2016
  • Accepted Date:  14 April 2016
  • Published Online:  05 June 2016

