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Growth and spectral properties of 5 at%Yb:YNbO4 crystal

Zhou Peng-Yu Zhang Qing-Li Yang Hua-Jun Ning Kai-Jie Sun Dun-Lu Luo Jian-Qiao Yin Shao-Tang


Growth and spectral properties of 5 at%Yb:YNbO4 crystal

Zhou Peng-Yu, Zhang Qing-Li, Yang Hua-Jun, Ning Kai-Jie, Sun Dun-Lu, Luo Jian-Qiao, Yin Shao-Tang
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  • 5 at%Yb3+:YNbO4 crystal is grown by Czochralski(CZ) method. Its transmission and emission spectra are measured. The absorption peaks are located at 933, 955, 974 and 1003 nm with their corresponding absorbtion cross section values 0.7310-20, 1.8510-20, 0.8610-20 and 0.4410-20 cm2; and the FWHM of 955 nm absorbtion peak is 17 nm. Its emission band centered at 1020 nm with the FWHM is 41 nm, which is over three times that of Yb3+:YAG crystal. The emission cross section values of 955, 974, 1005, 1021 and 1030 nm peaks are calculated to be 0.6910-20, 0.8610-20, 1.8110-20, 1.1110-20 and 0.5710-20 cm2, respectively, and the biggest one is comparable to that of Yb3+:YAG crystal. The laser parameters of 5 at% Yb3+:YNbO4 crystal are evaluated and the results suggest that it is a potential all-solid-state pumped laser crystal in tunable and ultrafast lasers field.
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 90922003, 50772112, 50872135, 50932005), and the Knowledge Innovation Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No.YYYJ-1002).

    Qiu H W, Mao Y L, Dong J, Deng P Z, Xu J, Chen W 2002 Chinese J. Quant. Electron. 19 1 (in Chinese) [邱宏伟, 毛艳丽, 董俊, 邓佩珍, 徐军, 陈伟 2002 量子电子学报 19 1]


    Zhang Q L, Xiao J Z, Sun D L, Wang A H, Yin S T 2004 Specrosc. Spect. Anal. 24 1157 (in Chinese) [张庆礼, 肖敬忠, 孙敦陆, 王爱华, 殷绍唐 2004 光谱学与光谱分析 24 1157]


    Wang X D, Zhao Z W, Xu X D, Song P X, Jiang B X, Xu J, Deng P Z 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 4558 (in Chinese) [王晓丹, 赵志伟, 晓东, 宋平新, 姜本学, 徐军, 邓佩珍 2006 55 4558]


    Zhang H J, Jiang M H 2008 J. Inorg. Mater. 23 417 (in Chinese) [张怀金, 蒋民华 2008 无机材料学报 23 417]


    Zhang Q L, Zhou W L, Liu W P, Ding L H, Luo J Q, Yin S T, Jiang H H 2010 Acta Opt. Sin. 30 849 (in Chinese) [张庆礼, 周文龙, 刘文鹏, 丁丽华, 罗建乔, 殷绍唐, 江海河 2010 光学学报 30 849]


    Ding L H, Zhang Q L, Zhou W L, Liu W P, Yin S T 2009 The Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, ShangHai, China, 2009 pp2


    Gaume R, Haumesser P H, Viana B, Vivien D, Ferrand B, Aka G 2002 Opt. Mater. 19 81


    Yan C, Zhao G, Zhang L, Xu J, Liang X Y, Juan D, Li W X, Pan H F, Ding L G, Zeng H P 2006 Solid State Commun. 137 451


    Xue Y C, Wang Q Y, Chai L, Liu Q W, Zhao G J, Su L B, Xu X D, Xu J 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 457 (in Chinese) [薛迎红, 王清月, 柴路, 刘庆文, 赵广军, 苏良碧, 徐晓东, 徐军 2006 55 457]


    Jacquemet M, Jacquemet C, Janel N, Druon F, Balembois F 2005 Appl. Phys. B 80 171


    Sych A M, Golub A M 1977 Russian Chem. Rev. 46 417


    Choi S H, Anoop G, Suh D W, Kim K P, Lee H J, Yoo J S 2012 J. Rare Earths 30 205


    Lee E Y, Kim Y J 2010 Thin Solid Films 518 E72


    Nazarov M, Kim Y J, Lee E Y, Min K I, Jeong M S, Lee S W, Noh D Y 2010 J. App. Phys. 107 103104


    Zhou Y, Ma Q, Lu M, Qiu M, Zhang A 2008 J. Phys. Chem. C 112 19901


    Xiao X Z, Yan B 2008 J. Alloys Compd. 456 447


    Xiao X Z, Yan B 2005 J. Non-cryst. Solids 351 3634


    Trunov V K, Efremov V A, Velikodnyi Y A, Averina I M 1981 Kristallografiya 26 67


    Zhang Q L, Yin S T, Wang Z B, Sun D L, Wan S M 2007 J. Synth. Cryst. l36 111 (in Chinese) [张庆礼, 殷绍唐, 王召兵, 孙敦陆, 万松明 2007 人工晶体学报 l36 111]


    Chénais S, Duron F, Balembos F, Georges P, Brenier A, Boulon G 2003 Opt. Mater. 22 99


    Gschneidner K A Jr., LeRoy E 1996 Handbook on the Physics and Chemistry of Rear Earths (Vol. 23) (Elsevier Science B. V.) p267


    Payne S A, Chase L L, Smith L K 1992 IEEE. Quant. Electron. 28 2619


    Zhang H W, Yang Q H, Xu J, Su L B 2007 Acta Photonica Sin. 36 286 (in Chinese) [张红伟, 杨秋红, 徐军, 苏良碧 2007 光子学报 36 286]


    Song P X, Zhao Z W, Xu X D, Den P Z, Xu J 2005 Chinese J. Lasers 32 1433 (in Chinese) [宋平新, 赵志伟, 徐晓东, 邓佩珍, 徐军 2005 中国激光 32 1433]


    DeLoach L D, Payne S A, Smith L K, Kway W L, Krupke W F 1994 J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 11 269


    Boulon G, Collombet A, Brenier A, Cohen-Adad, Yoshikawa A, Kheirreddine Lebbou, Lee J H, Fukuda T 2001 Adv. Funct. Mater. 11 263

  • [1]

    Qiu H W, Mao Y L, Dong J, Deng P Z, Xu J, Chen W 2002 Chinese J. Quant. Electron. 19 1 (in Chinese) [邱宏伟, 毛艳丽, 董俊, 邓佩珍, 徐军, 陈伟 2002 量子电子学报 19 1]


    Zhang Q L, Xiao J Z, Sun D L, Wang A H, Yin S T 2004 Specrosc. Spect. Anal. 24 1157 (in Chinese) [张庆礼, 肖敬忠, 孙敦陆, 王爱华, 殷绍唐 2004 光谱学与光谱分析 24 1157]


    Wang X D, Zhao Z W, Xu X D, Song P X, Jiang B X, Xu J, Deng P Z 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 4558 (in Chinese) [王晓丹, 赵志伟, 晓东, 宋平新, 姜本学, 徐军, 邓佩珍 2006 55 4558]


    Zhang H J, Jiang M H 2008 J. Inorg. Mater. 23 417 (in Chinese) [张怀金, 蒋民华 2008 无机材料学报 23 417]


    Zhang Q L, Zhou W L, Liu W P, Ding L H, Luo J Q, Yin S T, Jiang H H 2010 Acta Opt. Sin. 30 849 (in Chinese) [张庆礼, 周文龙, 刘文鹏, 丁丽华, 罗建乔, 殷绍唐, 江海河 2010 光学学报 30 849]


    Ding L H, Zhang Q L, Zhou W L, Liu W P, Yin S T 2009 The Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, ShangHai, China, 2009 pp2


    Gaume R, Haumesser P H, Viana B, Vivien D, Ferrand B, Aka G 2002 Opt. Mater. 19 81


    Yan C, Zhao G, Zhang L, Xu J, Liang X Y, Juan D, Li W X, Pan H F, Ding L G, Zeng H P 2006 Solid State Commun. 137 451


    Xue Y C, Wang Q Y, Chai L, Liu Q W, Zhao G J, Su L B, Xu X D, Xu J 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 457 (in Chinese) [薛迎红, 王清月, 柴路, 刘庆文, 赵广军, 苏良碧, 徐晓东, 徐军 2006 55 457]


    Jacquemet M, Jacquemet C, Janel N, Druon F, Balembois F 2005 Appl. Phys. B 80 171


    Sych A M, Golub A M 1977 Russian Chem. Rev. 46 417


    Choi S H, Anoop G, Suh D W, Kim K P, Lee H J, Yoo J S 2012 J. Rare Earths 30 205


    Lee E Y, Kim Y J 2010 Thin Solid Films 518 E72


    Nazarov M, Kim Y J, Lee E Y, Min K I, Jeong M S, Lee S W, Noh D Y 2010 J. App. Phys. 107 103104


    Zhou Y, Ma Q, Lu M, Qiu M, Zhang A 2008 J. Phys. Chem. C 112 19901


    Xiao X Z, Yan B 2008 J. Alloys Compd. 456 447


    Xiao X Z, Yan B 2005 J. Non-cryst. Solids 351 3634


    Trunov V K, Efremov V A, Velikodnyi Y A, Averina I M 1981 Kristallografiya 26 67


    Zhang Q L, Yin S T, Wang Z B, Sun D L, Wan S M 2007 J. Synth. Cryst. l36 111 (in Chinese) [张庆礼, 殷绍唐, 王召兵, 孙敦陆, 万松明 2007 人工晶体学报 l36 111]


    Chénais S, Duron F, Balembos F, Georges P, Brenier A, Boulon G 2003 Opt. Mater. 22 99


    Gschneidner K A Jr., LeRoy E 1996 Handbook on the Physics and Chemistry of Rear Earths (Vol. 23) (Elsevier Science B. V.) p267


    Payne S A, Chase L L, Smith L K 1992 IEEE. Quant. Electron. 28 2619


    Zhang H W, Yang Q H, Xu J, Su L B 2007 Acta Photonica Sin. 36 286 (in Chinese) [张红伟, 杨秋红, 徐军, 苏良碧 2007 光子学报 36 286]


    Song P X, Zhao Z W, Xu X D, Den P Z, Xu J 2005 Chinese J. Lasers 32 1433 (in Chinese) [宋平新, 赵志伟, 徐晓东, 邓佩珍, 徐军 2005 中国激光 32 1433]


    DeLoach L D, Payne S A, Smith L K, Kway W L, Krupke W F 1994 J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 11 269


    Boulon G, Collombet A, Brenier A, Cohen-Adad, Yoshikawa A, Kheirreddine Lebbou, Lee J H, Fukuda T 2001 Adv. Funct. Mater. 11 263

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  • Received Date:  31 March 2012
  • Accepted Date:  13 June 2012
  • Published Online:  05 November 2012

