A model for the accurate measurement of low frequency sound spectrum is put forward and a simplified experimental device is built. Based on the principle of mechanical resonance, the natural frequency of the system is controlled, which realizes the function of both measuring frequency spectrum and monitoring noises at low frequency. The device is able to measure the acoustic source at a single frequency below 100 Hz as well as to analyze the spectra of acoustic sources at mixed frequencies, with a relatively high resolution of 1 Hz beyond 40 Hz.
- mechanical resonance /
- acoustic spectrum /
- acoustic sensor
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[1] Oliver B M, Cage J M 1971 Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation (1st Ed.) (Tokyo: McGraw-Hill Kogakusha) p16
[2] Lv S N, Chen X Q, Hu X K 1977 Acta Phys. Sin. 3 232 (in Chinese) [吕士楠, 陈希清, 胡心康 1977 3 232]
[3] Xin X J 1977 Acta Phys. Sin. 1 22 (in Chinese) [忻贤杰 1977 1 22]
[4] Zhang M Z, Wu S J 1994 Audio Engineering 2 39 (in Chinese) [张明铎, 吴胜举 1994 电声技术 2 39]
[5] Lv J, Zhao Z Y, Zhou C 2011 Acta Phys. Sin.10 104301 (in Chinese) [吕君, 赵正予, 周晨 2011 10 104301]
[6] Mu X, Yuan H, Li L, Liu J, Ge X S, Jv L L, Chen J Z 2008 J. Fourth Mil. Med. Univ. 6 487 (in Chinese) [牟翔, 袁华, 李玲, 刘静, 葛雪松, 瞿丽莉, 陈景藻 2008 第四军医大学学报 6 487]
[7] Huang Q B 1997 Noise and Vibration Control 5 6 (in Chinese) [黄其柏 1997 噪声与振动控制 1997 5 6]
[8] Bedard, A J, Georges T M 2000 Physics Today 53 32
[9] Matoza R S, Hedlin M A H, Garcés M A 2007 Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 160 249
[10] Wang C H, Han K X, Wang F 2003 Nuclear Electronics and Detection Technology 2 172(in Chinese) [王长海, 韩奎侠, 王飞 2003 核电子学与探测技术 2 172]
[11] Xie J L, Tao Z D, Xie Z H 2003 Nuclear Electronics and Detection Technology 5 428 (in Chinese) [谢金来, 陶中达, 谢照华 2003 核电子学与探测技术 5 428]
[12] Zheng Q Z, Cui S Z 1980 Acta Phys. Sin. 9 1204 (in Chinese) [郑庆璋, 崔世治 1980 9 1204]
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