According to the theory of electromagnetism, we establish the equation of resonance frequency for simplified model of cavity of passive hydrogen maser. We find the optimal dimension of the cavity, which makes the product of the Q value and the filling factor reach a maximal value. The experimental results indicate that the so designed cavity can be utilized undoubtedly for the passive hydrogen maser, and achieve the Q value of 9800 and the filling factor of 1.2. Furthermore, the resulting capacity of storage volume is the biggest is ever reported cavities of passive hydrogen maser.
- passive hydrogen maser /
- microwave cavity /
- unload Q value /
- filling factor
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[16] Zhou T Z, Wang N R, Gao L S, Su D L, Feng K M 2010 ActaMetro. Sin. 31 359 (in Chinese) [周铁中,王暖让, 高连山, 苏东林, 冯克明 2010 计量学报 31 359]
[1] Waller P, Gonzalez F, Hahn J, Binda S, Piriz R, Hidalgo I, TobiasG, Sesia I, Tavella P, Cerretto G 2008 Proceedings 40th Ann.Precise Time and Time Interval (PTTI) Systems and ApplicationsMeeting, Honolulu USA, May 19-21, 2008 p69
[2] Guan S J, Zhai Z C 2001 Annals Shanghai Observ. Acad. Sin. 22136 (in Chinese) [贯士俊, 翟造成 2001 中国科学院上海天文台年刊 22 136]
[3] Zhou T Z, Wang M Z, Su D L, Gao L S 2011 IEEE InternationalConference On Electronic Measurement & Instruments, ChengduChina, August 16-17, 2011 p7
[4] Berthoud P, Pavlenko I, Wang Q H, Schweda H 2003 Proceedingof IEEE International Frequency Symposium and PDA ExhibitionJointly with the 17th European Frequency and Time Forum, FloridaUSA, May 4-8, 2003 p90
[5] Chen H B, Yang R F, Li J, Gao L S 2009 Conference Proceedingsof National Time and Frequency, Chengdu China, October 15-18,2009 p96 (in Chinese) [陈海波, 杨仁福, 李晶, 高连山 2009全国时间频率学术会议论文集, 中国成都, 2009年10月15-18日, 第96页]
[6] Collins G B 1948 Microwave Magnetrons (New York: McGraw-Hill ) p82
[7] Zhang D J 1992 23rd PTTI 1992 p277
[8] Wang Y Q,Wang Q J, Fu J S 1986 The Quantum Physics of AtomicFrequency Standards (Beijing: Science Press) p403 (in Chinese )[王义遒, 王庆吉, 傅济时 1986 量子频标原理 (北京:科学出版社) 第403页]
[9] Serebryannikov A E 2005 IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 33 1019
[10] Peter H E 1978 IEEE 32nd International Frequency Control Symposium,Florida USA, May 31-June 2 1978 p469
[11] Opie D B 1991 IEEE 45th International Frequency Control Symposium,Honolulu USA, May 29-31, 1991 p467
[12] Luo X D, Luo C T 2010 J. Astron. Metro. Meas. 30 71 (in Chinese)[雒向东, 罗崇泰 2010 宇航计测技术 30 71]
[13] Howe D A, Walls F L 1979 IEEE 33rd International FrequencyControl Symposium, New York USA, May 29-31, 1991 p554
[14] Wang H M, Lewis J B 1979 IEEE 33rd International Frequency Control Symposium, New York USA, May 29-31, 1979 p543
[15] Wang Q H, Zhai Z C, Zhang W Q 2000 IEEE Trans. Ultrason.Ferroelect. Feq. Contr. 47 197
[16] Zhou T Z, Wang N R, Gao L S, Su D L, Feng K M 2010 ActaMetro. Sin. 31 359 (in Chinese) [周铁中,王暖让, 高连山, 苏东林, 冯克明 2010 计量学报 31 359]
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