Cross phase modulation based time lens and four-wave mixing based time lens are realized by utilizing cross phase modulation effect and four-wave mixing effect in the high nonlinear fiber, respectively. The nonlinear process in the high nonlinear fiber of cross phase modulation based time lens is simulated and analyzed. The simulation and the analysis show that the main influence factors are dispersion, self phase modulation and four-wave mixing, which can be eliminated by using the high nonlinear fiber with a certain amount of dispersion slope. Besides, the zero-dispersion wavelength of the high nonlinear fiber should be around the centre between the signal pulse and pump pulse. Then, the nonlinear process in the high nonlinear fiber of four-wave mixing based time lens is simulated and analyzed. The simulation and the analysis show that the main influence factors are dispersion, self phase modulation and other four-wave mixing, which can be eliminated by using the signal pulse and pump pulse with a certain amount of power. Besides, the powers of the signal pulse and the pump pulse can be improved by using the high non-linear fiber with a certain amount of dispersion, then the power of the output pulse can be improved, too. Finally, two kinds of time lenes are compared with each other.
- optical pulse compression /
- time lens /
- cross phase modulation /
- four-wave mixing
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[18] Kolner B H 1994 IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 30 1951
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[21] Li B, Tan Z W, Zhang X X 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 084204 (in Chinese) [李博, 谭中伟, 张晓兴 2011 60 084204]
[22] Hiroishi J, Kumanu N, Sugizaki R 2003 China Patent CN1410787 [广石治郎, 熊野尚美, 杉崎隆一 2003 中国专利 CN1410787]
[23] Salem R, FosterMA, Turner A C, Geraghty D F, Lipson M, Gaeta A L 2008 Opt. Lett. 33 1047
[24] Foster M A, Salem R, Okawachi Y, Turner-Foster A C, Lipson M, Gaeta A L 2009 Nature Photonics 3 581
[1] Kolner B H, Nazarathy M 1989 Opt. Lett. 14 630
[2] Kolner B H, Nazarathy M 1990 Opt. Lett. 15 655
[3] Bennett C V, Scott R P, Kolner B H 1994 Appl. Phys. Lett. 65 2513
[4] Kauffman M T, Banyai W C, Godil A A, Bloom D M 1994 Appl. Phys. Lett. 64 270
[5] Jannson T 1983 Opt. Lett. 8 232
[6] Nakazawa M, Hirooka T 2005 J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 22 1842
[7] Howe J V, Hansryd J, Xu C 2004 Opt. Lett. 29 1470
[8] Torres-Company V, Chen L R 2009 Opt. Express 17 22553
[9] Kolner B H 1988 Appl. Phys. Lett. 52 1122
[10] Tan Z W, Zhou N, Chen M, Gong T R, Ren W H, Tao P L, Chang Y L, Jian S S 2009 Communications and Photonics Conference and Exhibition Shanghai, China, November 2–6, 2009 763111-1
[11] Bennett C V, Kolner B H 2000 IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 36 430
[12] Bennett C V, Moran B D, Langrock C, Fejer M M, Ibsen M 2008 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics San Jose, CA May 4–9, 2008 1272
[13] Ng T T, Parmigiani F, Ibsen M, Zhang Z, Petropoulos P, Richardson D J 2007 Optical Fibre Communication and the National fiber Engineers Conference Anaheim, USA, March 25–29, 2007 JWA58
[14] Ng T T, Parmigiani F, Ibsen M, Zhang Z W, Petropoulos P, Richardson D J 2008 IEEE Photon. Tech. Lett. 20 10971099
[15] Salem R, FosterMA, Turner A C, Geraghty D F, Lipson M, Gaeta A L 2008 Opt. Lett. 33 1047
[16] Hirooka T, Nakazawa M 2008 IEEE Photon. Tech. Lett. 20 1869
[17] Agrawal G P (Translated by Jia D F, Yu Z H) 2002 Nonlinear Fiber Optics and Applications of Nonlinear Fiber Optics (3rd Ed.) (Beijing: Publishing House of Electronics Industry) pp64–67 (in Chinese) [阿加瓦尔G P著, 贾东方, 余震虹译 2002 非线性光纤光学原理及应用 (北京: 电子工业出版社) 第64-67页]
[18] Kolner B H 1994 IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 30 1951
[19] Azaña J 2005 IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 17 94
[20] Bennett C V 1999 Opt. Lett. 24 783
[21] Li B, Tan Z W, Zhang X X 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 084204 (in Chinese) [李博, 谭中伟, 张晓兴 2011 60 084204]
[22] Hiroishi J, Kumanu N, Sugizaki R 2003 China Patent CN1410787 [广石治郎, 熊野尚美, 杉崎隆一 2003 中国专利 CN1410787]
[23] Salem R, FosterMA, Turner A C, Geraghty D F, Lipson M, Gaeta A L 2008 Opt. Lett. 33 1047
[24] Foster M A, Salem R, Okawachi Y, Turner-Foster A C, Lipson M, Gaeta A L 2009 Nature Photonics 3 581
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