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Propagation, distribution and detection principle of seismic precursory signals

Lu Kun-Quan Hou Mei-Ying Wang Qiang Jiang Ze-Hui Liu Ji-Xing


Propagation, distribution and detection principle of seismic precursory signals

Lu Kun-Quan, Hou Mei-Ying, Wang Qiang, Jiang Ze-Hui, Liu Ji-Xing
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  • The earth crust consists of tectonic plates, faults and the fault gouges at their boundaries. In the case of studying such an issue as quasi-static mechanics on the seismic precursory spreading, the crustal lithosphere must be treated as a granular system consisting of large-scale discrete grains. In the process of seismogeny, the rock blocks driven by tectonic forces induce a stick-slip motion by overcoming the friction and the boundary resistance. When the fault gouges between blocks are squeezed and their strength increases to a certain degree, the next block will be pushed to generate a stick-slip motion and the successive rock blocks move gradually in the same way. As in any granular system, the distribution and transfer of force and the movement of the rock blocks must be in the chain-like form. This model is not only reasonably deduced from the physical bases, but also supported by many actual observations. In this work the distribution of force-motion-deformation and the spreading time sequence are given with the simulated experiments and analysis. The main feature of the generated precursory information is described. The essential difference between the understanding of seismic precursor led by viewing the crustal lithosphere as granular system and that as continuum medium is presented. How to acquire effective seismic precursory information as well as how to associate it with the occurrence of earthquake is discussed. Some of the seismology problems are explained reasonably, which can be hardly understood from the continuum medium view point.

    Lu K Q, Hou M Y, Wang Q, Peng Z, Sun W, Sun X M, Wang Y Y, tong X H, Jiang Z H, Liu J X 2011 Chin. Sci. Bull 56 393(in Chinese)[陆坤权、厚美瑛、王 强、彭 政、孙 威、孙晓明、王玉莹、佟晓辉、姜泽辉、刘寄星 2011 科学通报56 383]


    Shearer P M 1999 Introduction to seismology (New York: Cambridge University Press) [陈章立 译 2008 地震学引论 (北京:地震出版社)]


    Chen Z L 2004 Introduction to the base of seismological methodology for earthauake predictian (Beijing: Seismological Press) (in Chinese)[陈章立 2004浅论地震预报地震学方法基础(北京:地震出版社)]


    Zhang G M, Fu Z X, Gui X T 2001 Introduction to Earthqualce Prediction (Beijing:Science Press) (in Chinese)[张国民、傅征祥、桂燮泰 2001 地震预报引论 (北京:科学出版社) ] de Gennes P G 1999 Rev. Mod. Phys. 71 S374 Kadanoff LP 1999 Rev. Mod. Phys. 71 S435


    Lu K Q, Liu J X 2004 Wuli, 33 629; 10 713(in Chinese)[陆坤权、刘寄星 2004物理33 629;10:713]


    Duran J 1999 Sands,Powders, and Grains, an Introduction to the Physics of Granular Materials (New York:Springer)


    Brace W F, Byerlee J D 1966 Sience 153 990 Burridge R, Knopoff L 1967 Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am. 57 341


    Agnolin I, Roux J N 2007 Phys. Rev. E 76 061304


    Wang L 2004 Earthquake Research in Sichven 110 42 (in Chinese)[王 兰 2004 四川地震110 42]


    Niu F L, Silver P G, Daley T M 2008 Nature 454 204


    Jiang J X, Yin G H, Wang Z H, Wang X G, Tang X Y 2004 Chin. J.Rock Mechan.and Engin. 23 4072 (in Chinese)[蒋靖祥、尹光华、王在华、王新刚、唐小勇 2004 岩石力学与工程学报 23 4072]


    The Monitoring and Prediction Department of China Seismological Bureau 2005 The Indonesian Earthquake and its Impact on the Chinese Mainland Area (Beijing:Seismological Press) (in Chinese)[中国地震局监测预报司编2005 2004年印尼8.7级大地震及其对中国大陆地区的影响 (北京:地震出版社)]


    Peng H, Ma X M, Jiang J J 2008 J.Geomechan. 14 97 (in Chinese)[彭 华、马秀敏、姜景捷 2008地质力学学报 14 97] Per B 1996 How nature works (New York:Copernicus Press)[李 炜、蔡 勖译 2001大自然如何工作 (武汉:华中师范大学出版社)]


    Li J, Jin X 2009 Acta Seismologica Sin. 31 629 (in Chinese)[李 军、金 星 2009地震学报 31 629 To K, Lai P, Pak H 2001 Phys. Rev. Lett.86 71


    Hou M, Chen W, Zhang T, Lu K, Chan C K 2003 Phys. Rev. Lett.91 204301


    Xu S Y 2006 Chin.Academy of Engin. 8 14 (in Chinese)[许绍燮 2006中国工程科学 8 14]

  • [1]

    Lu K Q, Hou M Y, Wang Q, Peng Z, Sun W, Sun X M, Wang Y Y, tong X H, Jiang Z H, Liu J X 2011 Chin. Sci. Bull 56 393(in Chinese)[陆坤权、厚美瑛、王 强、彭 政、孙 威、孙晓明、王玉莹、佟晓辉、姜泽辉、刘寄星 2011 科学通报56 383]


    Shearer P M 1999 Introduction to seismology (New York: Cambridge University Press) [陈章立 译 2008 地震学引论 (北京:地震出版社)]


    Chen Z L 2004 Introduction to the base of seismological methodology for earthauake predictian (Beijing: Seismological Press) (in Chinese)[陈章立 2004浅论地震预报地震学方法基础(北京:地震出版社)]


    Zhang G M, Fu Z X, Gui X T 2001 Introduction to Earthqualce Prediction (Beijing:Science Press) (in Chinese)[张国民、傅征祥、桂燮泰 2001 地震预报引论 (北京:科学出版社) ] de Gennes P G 1999 Rev. Mod. Phys. 71 S374 Kadanoff LP 1999 Rev. Mod. Phys. 71 S435


    Lu K Q, Liu J X 2004 Wuli, 33 629; 10 713(in Chinese)[陆坤权、刘寄星 2004物理33 629;10:713]


    Duran J 1999 Sands,Powders, and Grains, an Introduction to the Physics of Granular Materials (New York:Springer)


    Brace W F, Byerlee J D 1966 Sience 153 990 Burridge R, Knopoff L 1967 Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am. 57 341


    Agnolin I, Roux J N 2007 Phys. Rev. E 76 061304


    Wang L 2004 Earthquake Research in Sichven 110 42 (in Chinese)[王 兰 2004 四川地震110 42]


    Niu F L, Silver P G, Daley T M 2008 Nature 454 204


    Jiang J X, Yin G H, Wang Z H, Wang X G, Tang X Y 2004 Chin. J.Rock Mechan.and Engin. 23 4072 (in Chinese)[蒋靖祥、尹光华、王在华、王新刚、唐小勇 2004 岩石力学与工程学报 23 4072]


    The Monitoring and Prediction Department of China Seismological Bureau 2005 The Indonesian Earthquake and its Impact on the Chinese Mainland Area (Beijing:Seismological Press) (in Chinese)[中国地震局监测预报司编2005 2004年印尼8.7级大地震及其对中国大陆地区的影响 (北京:地震出版社)]


    Peng H, Ma X M, Jiang J J 2008 J.Geomechan. 14 97 (in Chinese)[彭 华、马秀敏、姜景捷 2008地质力学学报 14 97] Per B 1996 How nature works (New York:Copernicus Press)[李 炜、蔡 勖译 2001大自然如何工作 (武汉:华中师范大学出版社)]


    Li J, Jin X 2009 Acta Seismologica Sin. 31 629 (in Chinese)[李 军、金 星 2009地震学报 31 629 To K, Lai P, Pak H 2001 Phys. Rev. Lett.86 71


    Hou M, Chen W, Zhang T, Lu K, Chan C K 2003 Phys. Rev. Lett.91 204301


    Xu S Y 2006 Chin.Academy of Engin. 8 14 (in Chinese)[许绍燮 2006中国工程科学 8 14]

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  • Received Date:  18 July 2011
  • Accepted Date:  18 July 2011
  • Published Online:  15 November 2011

