Basic characteristics and form of intra-seasonal and over inter-annual variations were extracted through filtering using the reanalysis data of monthly geopotential height from NCEP/NCAR. Then information theory was applied to the filtered data to analyze the communication among the intra-systems between the low and mid-high latitudes. The results were found that the information loss rate of intra-seasonal oscillation signal is higher than that of over inter-annual signal, and the directions of two signals’ communication are opposite in particular regions. The information loss rate at low latitudes is higher than that at mid-high latitudes for both time scale signals, and it is distinct between the lands and the oceans in meridional average. With respect to the altitudes, the information loss rate of over inter-annual oscillation signal at low latitudes is rather high, but it is low at mid-high latitudes over all troposphere and bottom of stratosphere. For the intra-seasonal oscillation signal, the information loss rate is high at low altitude but low at high altitude. The study of communication between the low latitude and mid-high latitude of the circulation system on the two time scales provides a new way to understand the predictability and interaction of different parts in the climate system.
- filtering /
- geopotential height field /
- information loss rate
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[41] Gray R M 2009 Entropy and information theory (New York: Springer-Verlag)
[1] Wallace J M, Gutzler D S 1981 Mon. Wea. Rev. 109 784
[2] Tsonis A A, Elser J B 1996 Phys. D 92 237
[3] Yamasaki K, Gozolchiani A, Havlin S 2008 Phys. Rev. Lett. 100 28501
[4] Tsonis A A, Swanson K L 2008 Phys. Rev. Lett. 100 228502
[5] Gong Z Q, Zhi R, Feng G L, Zhang Q 2010 Acta Meteor. Sin. 24 307 (in Chinese) [龚志强、支 蓉、封国林、张 强 2010气象学报 24 307]
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[10] Zhou L, Gong Z Q, Zhi R, Feng G L 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 7351 (in Chinese) [周 磊、龚志强、支 蓉、封国林 2009 58 7351]
[11] Wang G L, Tsonis A A 2009 Chin. Phys. B 18 5091
[12] Lian Y, An G 1998 Acta Meteor. Sin. 56 724 (in Chinese) [廉 毅、安 刚 1998 气象学报 56 724]
[13] Liu Z X, Lian Y, Shen B Z,Gao Z T, Tang X L 2003 J. Appl. Meteor. Sci. 14 553 (in Chinese) [刘宗秀、廉 毅、沈柏竹、高棕亭、唐晓玲 2003 应用气象学报 14 553]
[14] Feng G L, Wang Q G, Hou W, Gong Z Q, Zhi R 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 2853(in Chinese)[封国林、王启光、侯 威、龚志强、支 蓉 2009 58 2853 Gong Z Q, Wang X J, Zhi R, Feng G L 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 4342 (in Chinese) [龚志强、王晓娟、支 蓉、封国林 2009 58 4342]
[15] Hou W, Yang P, Feng G L 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 3932 (in Chinese) [侯 威、杨 萍、封国林 2008 57 3932]
[16] Zhang D Q, Feng G L, Hu J G 2008 Chin. Phys. B 17 0736
[17] Wang Q G, Hou W, Zheng Z H, Feng A X, Deng B S 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 7491(in Chinese) [王启光、侯 威、郑志海、冯爱霞、邓北胜 2010 59 7491]
[18] Gu D F, Philander S G H 1997 Science 275 805
[19] Madden R A, Julian P R 1971 J. Atmos. Sci. 28 702
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[21] Li C Y 1991 Atmospheric low-frequency oscillation (in Chinese) (Beijing: China Meteorological Press) [李崇银 1991 大气低频振荡(北京:气象出版社)]
[22] Murakami T 1984 GARP Special Report 44 11
[23] Chang C P 1977 J. Atmos. Sci. 34 901
[24] Anderson J R, Rosen D R 1983 J. Atmos. Sci.40 1584
[25] Park C K, Straus D M, Lau K M 1990 J Meteor. Soci. Japan 68 403
[26] Slingo J M, Madden R A 1991 Quar. J. Royal Meteor. Soci. 117 1129
[27] Wang S W, Zhu J H 1999 Acta Meteor. Sin. 57 376 (in Chinese) [王绍武、朱锦红 1999 气象学报 57 376]
[28] Xiao D, Li J P 2007 J. Atmos. Sci. 31 839 (in Chinese) [肖 栋、李建平 2007 大气科学 31 839]
[29] Elser J B, Tsonis A A 1991 Nature 353 551
[30] Jiang Z H, Tu Q P 2001 Advan. Earth Sci. 16 569 (in Chinese) [江志红、屠其璞 2001 地球科学进展 16 569]
[31] Chang P L, Li H 1997 Nature 385 516
[32] Talley L D 1984 J. Phys. Oceanogr. 14 231
[33] Michaud R, Derome J 1991 Tellus. Series A: Dyn. Meteor. Oceanogr. 43 1
[34] Roemmich D, Gilson J 2001 J. Geophys. Res. 106 8957
[35] Du H D, Huang S X, Fang H X, Long Z Y, Wang Y Q 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 0683 (in Chinese) [杜华栋、黄思训、方涵 先、龙智勇、王永琪 2010 59 0683] [37] Zheng D W, Dong D N 1986 Acta Astrom. Sin. 27 368
[36] Sugihara G, May R M 1990 Nature 344 734
[37] Wales D J 1991 Nature 350 485
[38] Farmer J D, Sidorowich J J 1987 Phy. Rev. Lett. 59 845
[39] Wang G L, Yang P C, Mao Y Q 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 0714 (in Chinese) [王革丽、杨培才、毛宇清 2008 57 0714]
[40] Wang Y G, Cai Q F, Huang S X 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 4359 (in Chinese) [王业桂、蔡其发、黄思训 2010 59 4359]
[41] Gray R M 2009 Entropy and information theory (New York: Springer-Verlag)
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