The discrete metallic-pole-planar slow wave structure (SWS) is introduced in this paper, and the high frequency characteristics are studied. And procedures based on three-dimensional finite-difference time-domain (3-D FDTD) arithmetic are used to calculate the dispersive characteristics of the new SWS, and HFSS simulation software is used to analyze the coupling impedance. Results show the high frequency characteristics of the pole structure not only have a general similarity in comparison with these of the grating, but also have itself advantages. For the electrons moving between multiple poles of the structure, the interaction impedances are symmetry; relatively thick electron beams can efficiently interact with the high-frequency field while it used as the high frequency system of vacuum electronic devices. This kind of SWS is promising to lower the starting current density and have better efficiency than the traditional grating SWS. According to the results, a sub-millimeter radiation source driven by the multiple beams can be designed at a low operating current density.
- metallic-pole-planar SWS /
- 3-D FDTD /
- dispersion characteristic /
- coupling impedance
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[1] Shfflel D, Nation A, Kerslick G S 1990 IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci.18 546
[2] Xiao L, Su X B, Liu P K 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 5150 (in Chinese) [肖 刘、苏小保、刘濮鲲 2006 55 5150]
[3] Wang D, Chen D B, Qin F, Fan Z K 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 6962 (in Chinese) [王 冬、陈代兵、秦 奋、范植开 2009 58 6962]
[4] Gao X, Yang Z Q, Qi L M, Lan F, Shi Z J, Li D Z, Liang Z 2009 Chin. Phys. B 18 2452
[5] Levush B, Antonsen T M, Jr, A Vlasov M, Nusinovich S, Miller S M, Carmel Y C, Granatstein V L, Destler WW 1996 IEEE Transactions on Plasma Sci. 24 843
[6] Bratman V L, Dumesh B S, Fedotov A E, Makhalov P B, Movshevich B Z, Rusin F S 2010 IEEE Trans. on Plasma Sci. 38 1466
[7] Taflove A, Brodwin M E 1975 IEEE Trans. on MTT 23 623
[8] Xie Y J, Li L, Zhou J H, Lei Z Y 2007 Ansoft HFSS Basic and Application (Xian: Xi Dian University Press) p23 (in Chinese) [谢拥军、李 磊、周建华、雷振亚 2007 Ansoft HFSS基础及应用(西安:西安电子科技大学出版社)第23页]
[9] Lin B Q, Yuan N C 2006 Chinese Journal of Radio Science 21 233 (in Chinese) [林宝勤、袁乃昌 2006 电波科学学报 21 233]
[10] Smirmova E I, Chen C, Shapiro M A, Sirigiri J R, Temkin R J 2002 Journal of Applied Physics 91 960
[11] Min Qiu, Sailing He 2000 J. Appl. Phys. 87 8268
[12] Zou J h, Liang Z, Shi Z J 2005 Chinese Optics Letters 3 205
[13] Sakai O, Tachibana K 2007 IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 35 1267
[14] Gao X, Yang Z Q, Hou J , Qi L M, Lan F, Shi Z J,Li D Z, Liang Z 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 1105 (in Chinese) [高 喜、杨梓强、侯 钧、亓丽梅、兰 峰、史宗君、李大治、梁 正 2009 58 1105]
[15] Balk M C, Kory C L, Dayton J A 2009 Vacuum Electronics Conference, IVEC '09 IEEE International p505
[16] Jean-Pirerre Berenger 1996 J. Compuational Physics 127 0181, p363—379
[17] Liu S G , Li H F, Wang W X, Mo Y L 1983 An Introduction to Microwave Electronics (Chengdu : University of Electronic Science and Technology Press ) p109—110 (in Chinese)[刘盛刚、李宏福、王文祥、莫元龙 1983 微波电子学导论(成都:电子科技大学出版社)第109—110页]
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