Tetrahedral amorphous carbon (ta-C) films are deposited on single crystalline silicon with filtered cathodic vacuum arc by changing the magnetic filtering coil current from 5 A to 13 A. Visible Raman measurements show that the content of the sp3 hybridization decreases with magnetic filtering coil current increasing, and it deereased down to a minimum value as the coil currew increases up to 13 A. The surface morphology is investigated by atomic force microscope (AFM), and the surface roughness (RMS) of the film increases with the current of magnetic filtering coil increasing from 0.13 to 0.38, The friction test indicates that the minimum of friction coefficient is about 0.08 when the magnetic filtering coil current is 5 A. The friction coefficient increases when the magnetic filtering coil current is 7A. But the friction coefficient decreases again down to 0.1 with magnetic filtering coil current inereasing from 7 A to 13 A.
- tetrahedral amorphous carbon /
- filtered cathodic vacuum arc /
- magnetic filtering coil current /
- friction coefficient
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[1] RMcKenzi D, Muller D, Palithorp B A 1991 Phys Rev. Lett. 67 773
[2] RMcKenzi D 1996 Rep. Prog. Phys. 59 1611
[3] Ander A, Ander S, Brown I G, Plasma 1995 Source Sci. Technol. 4 1
[4] Tay B K, Shi X, Yang H S, Yang H S, Sun Z 1998 Surf. Coat. Technol. 105 155
[5] Grill A 1999 Diamond Relat. Mater. 8 428
[6] Andersson J, Erck R A, Erdemir A 2003 Wear 254 1070
[7] Yu X, Zhang X, Wang C B, Meng H, Wang L G 2004 Vacuum 75 231
[8] Sheeja D, Tay B K, Lau S P, Shi X 2001 Wear 249 433
[9] Zhu J Q, Wang J H, Meng S H,Han J C,Zhang L S 2004 Acta Phys. Sin. 53 1151 (in Chinese) [朱嘉琦、王景贺、孟松鹤、韩杰才、张连升 2004 53 1151]
[10] Liang F, Yan X J 1999 Acta Phys. Sin. 48 1095 (in Chinese) [梁 风、严学俭 1999 48 1095]
[11] Shi X, Flynn D, Tay B K, Prawer S, Nugent K W, Silva S R P, Lifshitz Y, Milne W I 1997 Philosophical Magazine B 76 351
[12] Chhowalla M 2001 Diamond. Relat. Mater. 10 1011
[13] Prawer S, Nugent K W, Lifshitz Y, Lempert G D, Crossman E, Kulik J, Avigal I, Kalish R 1996 Diamond Relat. Mater. 5 433
[14] Zhang X W, Ke N, Cheung W Y, Wong S P 2003 Diamond. Relat. Mater. 12 1
[15] Bilek M M Marcla,Yin Yongbai,McKenzie David R 1996 IEEE Transaction on Plasma Science 24 1165
[16] Yin Y, McKenzie D R 1996 Thin Solid Films 280 95
[17] Lfshitz Y, Lempert G D, Grossman E 1994 Rhys. Rev. Lett. 72 2753
[18] Harris S J, Weiner A M, Meng W J 1997 Wear 211 208
[19] Liu H, Tanaka A, Kumagai T 1999 Thin Soild Films 352 145
[20] Zhou Z F, Li K Y, Bello I, Lee C S, Lee S T 2005 Wear 258 1589
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