La0.67Ca0.33MnO3(001) thin films have been grown with pulsed laser deposition method, and the surface structures and electronic states have been characterized using scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy (STM/STS). In the Mn-O terminated surface, insulating ( 2 × 2 )R45° reconstruction surface and metallic (1×1) reconstruction surface are observed. In the (La,Ca)-O terminated surface, the surface presents the stripe structure. The results obtained from the variable temperature STM/STS show that the ( 2 × 2 )R45° reconstructed surface persists in insulating phase in a temperature range of 144—300 K, which may shield the signal of possible insulator-metal transition occurred in bulk in STS measurements.
- LCMO thin film /
- terminated surface /
- insulator-metal transition
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[1] Jin S, Tiefel T H, McCormack M, Fastnacht R A, Ramesh R, Chen L H 1994 Science 264 413
[2] Liu W, Cjem J P, Guan W, Xiong G C, Yan S S 2004 Acta Phys. Sin. 53 0601 (in Chinese) [刘 伟、陈晋平、管 炜、熊光成、阎守胜 2004 53 0601]
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[28] Weil J Y T, Yehl N C, Vasquez R P 1997 Phys. Rev. Lett. 79 5150
[29] Dagotto E, Hotta T, Moreo A 2004 Physics Reports 344 1
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