In this paper, the performance of shock ignition with varying ignitor is analyzed theoretically and simulated numerically. First, based on the formation and the collision of shock waves, effects of ignitor pulse on shock ignition are investigated theoretically. Then simulations are performed using a variety of ignitor pulses, determined by their peak powers, pulse widths and rise times, and the ignition window is employed as an evaluation criterion of the shock ignition performance. The obtained results show that the peak power of ignitor pulse is one of the key factors to successfully ignite the core, and the ignitor pulse must be wide enough to provide sufficient ignition energy, however, as the rise time of ignitor is not so long(~ns), it will not degrade the performance of shock ignition significantly.
- shock ignition /
- shock pulse /
- ignition window
[1] Betti R, Zhou C D, Anderson K S, Perkins L J, Theobald W, Solodov A A 2007 Phys. Rev. Lett. 98 155001
[2] Tabak M, Hammer J, Glinsky M E, Kruer W L, Wilks S C, Woodworth J, Campbell E M, Perry M D, Mason R J 1994 Phys. Plasmas 1 1626
[3] Kodama R, Shiraga H, Shigemori K, Toyama Y, Fujioka S, Azechi H, Fujita H, Habara H, Hall T, Izawa Y, Jitsuno T, Kitagawa Y, Krushelnick K M, Lancaster K L, Mima K, Nagai K, Nakai M, Nishimura H, Norimatsu T, Norreys P A, Sakabe S, Tanaka K A, Youssef A, Zepf M, Yamanaka T 2002 Nature 418 933
[4] Zhang J T, He B, He X T, Chang T Q, Xu L B 2001 Acta Phys. Sin. 50 921 (in Chinese) [张家泰、何 斌、贺贤土、常铁强、许林宝 2001 50 921]
[5] Liu Z J, Zheng C Y, Cao L H, Li B, Zhu S P 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 304 (in Chinese)[刘占军、郑春阳、曹莉华、李 斌、朱少平 2006 55 304]
[6] Nuckolls J O, Wood L O, Thiessen A L, Zimmerman G E 1972 Nature 239 139
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[8] Ribeyre X, Schurtz G, Lafon M, Galera S, Weber S 2009 Plasma Phys. Contr. F. 51 15013
[9] Perkins L J, Betti R, Lafortune K N, Williams W H 2009 Phys. Rev. Lett. 103 45004
[10] Atzeni S, Davies J R, Hallo L, Honrubia J J, Maire P H, Olazabal-Loume M, Feugeas J L, Ribeyre X, Schiavi A, Schurtz G, Breil J, Nicolai P 2009 Nucl. Fusion 49 55008
[11] Schmitt A J, Bates J W, Obenschain S R, Zalesak S T, Fyfe D E, Betti R 2009 Fusion Sci. Technol. 56 377
[12] Ribeyre X, Lafon M, Schurtz G, Olazabal-Loume M, Breil J, Galera S, Weber S 2009 Plasma Phys. Contr. F. 51 124030
[13] Theobald W, Anderson K S, Betti R, Craxton R S, Delettrez J A, Frenje J A, Glebov V Y, Gotchev O V, Kelly J H, Li C K, Mackinnon A J, Marshall F J, Mccrory R L, Meyerhofer D D, Myatt J F, Norreys P A, Nilson P M, Patel P K, Petrasso R D, Radha P B, Ren C, Sangster T C, Seka W, Smalyuk V A, Solodov A A, Stephens R B, Stoeckl C, Yaakobi B 2009 Plasma Phys. Contr. F. 51 124012
[14] Atzeni S 2009 Plasma Phys. Contr. F. 51 124014
[15] Theobald W, Betti R, Stoeckl C, Anderson K S, Delettrez J A, Glebov V Y, Goncharov V N, Marshall F J, Maywar D N, Mccrory R L, Meyerhofer D D, Radha P B, Sangster T C, Seka W, Shvarts D, Smalyuk V A, Solodov A A, Yaakobi B, Zhou C D, Frenje J A, Li C K, Seguin F H, Petrasso R D, Perkins L J 2008 Phys. Plasmas 15 56301
[16] Mccrory R L, Meyerhofer D D, Betti R, Craxton R S, Delettrez J A, Edgell D H, Glebov V Y, Goncharov V N, Harding D R, Jacobs-Perkins D W, Knauer J P, Marshall F J, Mckenty P W, Radha P B, Regan S P, Sangster T C, Seka W, Short R W, Skupsky S, Smalyuk V A, Soures J M, Stoeckl C, Yaakobi B, Shvarts D, Frenje J A, Li C K, Petrasso R D, Seguin F H 2008 Phys. Plasmas 15 55503
[17] Atzeni S, Meyer-Ter-Vehn I 2004 The Physics of Inertial Fsuion (New York: Oxford University Press) p179
[18] Ramis R, Schmalz R, Meyer-Ter-Vehn J 1988 Comput. Phys. Commun. 49 475
[19] Ramis R, Meyer-Ter-Vehn J, Ramírez J 2009 Comput. Phys. Commun. 180 977
[20] Betti R, Anderson K, Knauer J, Collins T J B, Mccrory R L, Mckenty P W, Skupsky S 2005 Phys. Plasmas 12 42703
[21] Anderson K, Betti R 2004 Phys. Plasmas 11 5
[22] Kidder R E 1974 Nucl. Fusion 14 53
[23] Yang H Q, Yang J L, Wen S H, Wang G X, Guo Y Z, Tang Z Y, Mu W B, Ma C 2001 Acta Phys. Sin. 50 2408 (in Chinese) [杨洪琼、杨建伦、温树槐、王根兴、郭玉芝、唐正元、牟维兵、马 驰 2001 50 2408]
[24] Cheng J X, Zhen Z J, Chen H S, Miao W Y, Chen B, Wang Y M, Hu X 2004 Acta Phys. Sin. 53 3419 (in Chinese) [成金秀、郑志坚、陈红素、缪文勇、陈 波、王耀梅、胡 昕 2004 53 3419]
[1] Betti R, Zhou C D, Anderson K S, Perkins L J, Theobald W, Solodov A A 2007 Phys. Rev. Lett. 98 155001
[2] Tabak M, Hammer J, Glinsky M E, Kruer W L, Wilks S C, Woodworth J, Campbell E M, Perry M D, Mason R J 1994 Phys. Plasmas 1 1626
[3] Kodama R, Shiraga H, Shigemori K, Toyama Y, Fujioka S, Azechi H, Fujita H, Habara H, Hall T, Izawa Y, Jitsuno T, Kitagawa Y, Krushelnick K M, Lancaster K L, Mima K, Nagai K, Nakai M, Nishimura H, Norimatsu T, Norreys P A, Sakabe S, Tanaka K A, Youssef A, Zepf M, Yamanaka T 2002 Nature 418 933
[4] Zhang J T, He B, He X T, Chang T Q, Xu L B 2001 Acta Phys. Sin. 50 921 (in Chinese) [张家泰、何 斌、贺贤土、常铁强、许林宝 2001 50 921]
[5] Liu Z J, Zheng C Y, Cao L H, Li B, Zhu S P 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 304 (in Chinese)[刘占军、郑春阳、曹莉华、李 斌、朱少平 2006 55 304]
[6] Nuckolls J O, Wood L O, Thiessen A L, Zimmerman G E 1972 Nature 239 139
[7] Lindl J 1995 Phys. Plasmas 2 3933
[8] Ribeyre X, Schurtz G, Lafon M, Galera S, Weber S 2009 Plasma Phys. Contr. F. 51 15013
[9] Perkins L J, Betti R, Lafortune K N, Williams W H 2009 Phys. Rev. Lett. 103 45004
[10] Atzeni S, Davies J R, Hallo L, Honrubia J J, Maire P H, Olazabal-Loume M, Feugeas J L, Ribeyre X, Schiavi A, Schurtz G, Breil J, Nicolai P 2009 Nucl. Fusion 49 55008
[11] Schmitt A J, Bates J W, Obenschain S R, Zalesak S T, Fyfe D E, Betti R 2009 Fusion Sci. Technol. 56 377
[12] Ribeyre X, Lafon M, Schurtz G, Olazabal-Loume M, Breil J, Galera S, Weber S 2009 Plasma Phys. Contr. F. 51 124030
[13] Theobald W, Anderson K S, Betti R, Craxton R S, Delettrez J A, Frenje J A, Glebov V Y, Gotchev O V, Kelly J H, Li C K, Mackinnon A J, Marshall F J, Mccrory R L, Meyerhofer D D, Myatt J F, Norreys P A, Nilson P M, Patel P K, Petrasso R D, Radha P B, Ren C, Sangster T C, Seka W, Smalyuk V A, Solodov A A, Stephens R B, Stoeckl C, Yaakobi B 2009 Plasma Phys. Contr. F. 51 124012
[14] Atzeni S 2009 Plasma Phys. Contr. F. 51 124014
[15] Theobald W, Betti R, Stoeckl C, Anderson K S, Delettrez J A, Glebov V Y, Goncharov V N, Marshall F J, Maywar D N, Mccrory R L, Meyerhofer D D, Radha P B, Sangster T C, Seka W, Shvarts D, Smalyuk V A, Solodov A A, Yaakobi B, Zhou C D, Frenje J A, Li C K, Seguin F H, Petrasso R D, Perkins L J 2008 Phys. Plasmas 15 56301
[16] Mccrory R L, Meyerhofer D D, Betti R, Craxton R S, Delettrez J A, Edgell D H, Glebov V Y, Goncharov V N, Harding D R, Jacobs-Perkins D W, Knauer J P, Marshall F J, Mckenty P W, Radha P B, Regan S P, Sangster T C, Seka W, Short R W, Skupsky S, Smalyuk V A, Soures J M, Stoeckl C, Yaakobi B, Shvarts D, Frenje J A, Li C K, Petrasso R D, Seguin F H 2008 Phys. Plasmas 15 55503
[17] Atzeni S, Meyer-Ter-Vehn I 2004 The Physics of Inertial Fsuion (New York: Oxford University Press) p179
[18] Ramis R, Schmalz R, Meyer-Ter-Vehn J 1988 Comput. Phys. Commun. 49 475
[19] Ramis R, Meyer-Ter-Vehn J, Ramírez J 2009 Comput. Phys. Commun. 180 977
[20] Betti R, Anderson K, Knauer J, Collins T J B, Mccrory R L, Mckenty P W, Skupsky S 2005 Phys. Plasmas 12 42703
[21] Anderson K, Betti R 2004 Phys. Plasmas 11 5
[22] Kidder R E 1974 Nucl. Fusion 14 53
[23] Yang H Q, Yang J L, Wen S H, Wang G X, Guo Y Z, Tang Z Y, Mu W B, Ma C 2001 Acta Phys. Sin. 50 2408 (in Chinese) [杨洪琼、杨建伦、温树槐、王根兴、郭玉芝、唐正元、牟维兵、马 驰 2001 50 2408]
[24] Cheng J X, Zhen Z J, Chen H S, Miao W Y, Chen B, Wang Y M, Hu X 2004 Acta Phys. Sin. 53 3419 (in Chinese) [成金秀、郑志坚、陈红素、缪文勇、陈 波、王耀梅、胡 昕 2004 53 3419]
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