Theoretical study and numerical simulation were carried out on the newly proposed way of cascaded second harmonic generation (SHG) to get stable SHG output. The results certify that by way of using cascaded SHG one can obtain stable SHG output. Our results also show that by tuning the angle between k and the optical axis and the distance between the two SHG crystals, the length of the second SHG crystal for most stable SHG can also be tuned. When the length for most stable SHG is tuned to the real length of the second SHG crystal, stable SHG output was be obtained. Both stable SHG output and high SHG conversion efficiency can be got using this new way, and this will help a lot to design the pumping system for the optical pulse chirped amplifying system.
- cascaded second harmonic generation /
- most stable second harmonic generation output /
- optical pulse chirped amplifier
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[1] Liu H G, Zhang R B, Zhang H Q, Zhu C, Ma J, Wang Q Y 2007 Acta Phys.Sin. 56 4635(in Chinese)[刘华刚、章若冰、张海清、朱 晨、马 晶、王清月 2007 56 4635]
[2] Liu H G, Zhang R B, Zhu C, Cai L, Wang Q Y 2007 Acta Phys.Sin. 57 2981(in Chinese)[刘华刚、章若冰、朱 晨、柴 路、王清月 2008 57 2981] Zeng S G, Zhang B 2009 Acta Phys.Sin. 59 2476(in Chinese)[曾曙光、张 彬 2009 58 2476] Zhang S K, Fujita M, Yamanaka M. 2000 Opt. Commun. 184 451 Liu H J, Chen G F, Zhao W 2004 Acta Phys. Sin. 53 105(in Chinese)[刘红军、陈国夫、赵 卫 2004 53 105] Deng Q H, Peng H S, Li M Z, Ding L, Wang J J, Tang J, Luo Y M, Lin H H, Lv X J, Wang M Z 2007 Chin. J. Lasers 34 661 (in Chinese)[邓青华、彭翰生、李明中、丁 磊、王建军、唐 军、罗亦明、林宏奂、吕新杰、王明哲 2007 中国激光 34 661]
[3] Eimerl D 1987 IEEE J .Quantum Electron. QE-23 1361 Smith A V, Armstrong D J, Alford W J 1998 J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 15 122
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[6] Zhang K C, Wang X M 2005 Science of Nonlinear Optics Crystal Materials(Beijing:Science Press)(in Chinese)[张克从、王希敏 2005 非线性光学晶体材料科学(北京:科学出版社)]
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