声悬浮技术可以在无接触的情况下操控微粒和液滴, 因此已被广泛应用于化学分析、液滴动力学和生物反应器等领域. 目前声悬浮技术的主要工作是在开放环境中进行悬浮等操控. 本文提出了亚波长管道增强型空气声镊的概念, 利用亚波长声波导管进行声场操控及微粒和液滴悬浮. 通过4个小型换能器激发有限长度亚波长圆波导管的单一低阶声学模态, 可以在有限长度的波导管内产生漩涡声场. 实验发现由于亚波长结构对声场的增强作用, 亚波长管道增强的漩涡声场在径向和轴向悬浮力大小上均有较大提升, 因此可对发泡聚苯乙烯颗粒和水滴实施悬浮和自转等操控. 这项工作将亚波长声波导管的概念引入声场操控中, 有望加深对声场和物质相互作用的物理理解, 开发新型小型化悬浮微粒和液滴的声学操纵器件.The nonlinear propagation of acoustic waves in a medium generates acoustic radiation force. Using acoustic radiation force, particles and liquid droplets in gases can be levitated and manipulated. Acoustic levitation techniques can manipulate larger objects in the medium without contact, and therefore have been widely used in chemical analysis, droplet dynamics, and bioreactors. The acoustic levitation researches mainly focus on manipulating particles and droplets in an open environment, which provides flexibility in its use. However, this approach has limitations in terms of its efficiency in utilizing acoustic field energy. In this work we propose a concept of subwavelength pipe-enhanced acoustic tweezers, in which the acoustic field is used to manipulate expanded polystyrene particles (EPS) and droplets inside an acoustic pipe with an inner diameter smaller than the wavelength. In this work, we use four small transducers to excite a single low-order mode of a circular waveguide and its simplex state, and we also use the vortex sound field generated inside the waveguide to levitate and manipulate expanded polystyrene particle and droplet in the air. Compared with previous work in an open environment, we significantly enhance the acoustic radiation force by means of the acoustic resonance effect of the subwavelength duct, with both radial and axial suspension force magnitude increasing considerably. Similar concepts of subwavelength optical waveguides and resonant cavities and their effectiveness were already well known and widely used in the field of optics. In this work we first explain theoretically the basis for the design of subwavelength pipe-enhanced acoustic tweezer dimensions. Then, we point out in simulation that the pipe-enhanced acoustic tweezers, compared with the open environment acoustic tweezers, have strong sound field gradient distribution and acoustic radiation force distribution in the pipe. This conclusion is demonstrated experimentally. Finally, the manipulation of droplet and particle levitation and rotation in subwavelength-pipe-enhanced acoustic tweezers is systematically carried out. In this work we introduce the concept of subwavelength acoustic pipe for acoustic manipulation, which is expected to deepen the physical understanding of the interaction between acoustic fields and matter, and to develop new miniaturized acoustic manipulation devices for levitating particles and droplets.
- acoustic radiation force /
- acoustic control /
- subwavelength cross pipe
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Zhu J L, Gao D B, Zeng X W 2021 Acta Phys. Sin. 70 214302
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Qi S F, Cai F Y, Tian Z, Huang X Y, Zhou J, Wang J P, Li W C, Zheng H R, Deng K 2023 Acta Phys. Sin. 72 024301
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[19] Liu P, Li H, Zhou Z, Pei Y 2022 Appl. Phys. Lett. 120 222202
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[20] Watanabe A, Hasegawa K, Abe Y 2018 Sci. Rep. 8 10221
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[21] 李鑫鹏, 曹睿杰, 李铭, 郭各朴, 李禹志, 马青玉 2022 71 204304
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Li X P, Cao R J, Li M, Guo G P, Li Y Z, Ma Q Y 2022 Acta Phys. Sin. 71 204304
Google Scholar
[22] 陈心成 2019 硕士学位论文 (武汉: 华中科技大学)
Chen X C 2019 M. S. Thesis (Wuhan: Huazhong University of Science and Technology) (in Chinese)
[23] Gor’kov L P 1962 Sov. Phys. Dokl. 6 773
图 1 亚波长管道增强型空气声镊 (a) 亚波长管道增强型空气声镊的尺寸, D1是管内壁内径, D2是超声入射通道直径, H1是超声入射通道的长度; (b) 亚波长管道增强型空气声镊操控实验示意图
Fig. 1. Subwavelength pipe-enhanced acoustic air tweezers: (a) Dimension of subwavelength pipe-enhanced acoustic air tweezers, D1 is the inner diameter of the tube wall, D2 is the diameter of the ultrasonic incidence channel, and H1 is the length of the ultrasonic incidence channel; (b) schematic diagram of subwavelength pipe-enhanced acoustic air tweezers manipulation experiment.
图 2 开放环境型声镊和亚波长管道增强型的声镊声场和声辐射力分布 (a)开放环境型声镊XY截面上声场强度分布; (b) 开放环境型声镊ZY截面上声场强度分布; (c) 亚波长管道增强型声镊XY截面上声场强度分布; (d) 亚波长管道增强型声镊ZY截面上声场强度分布; (e) 2种声镊在X轴上的声辐射力X分量分布; (f) 2种声镊在Z轴上的声辐射力Z分量分布
Fig. 2. Sound field and acoustic radiation force distributions of open environment tweezers and subwavelength pipe-enhanced tweezers: (a) Sound field intensity distribution on XY cross-section of open environment tweezers; (b) sound field intensity distribution on ZY cross-section of open environment tweezers; (c) sound field intensity distribution on XY cross-section of subwavelength pipe-enhanced tweezers; (d) sound field intensity distribution on ZY cross-section of subwavelength pipe-enhanced tweezers; (e) X-component distribution of acoustic radiation force on X-axis of both tweezers; (f) Z-component distribution of acoustic radiation force on Z-axis of both tweezers.
图 4 亚波长管道增强型声镊微粒和液滴操控实验结果 (a) 亚波长管道增强型声镊相位分布图; (b)控制EPS小球旋转运动的效果图; (c)控制EPS小球静止悬浮的效果图; (d)悬浮液滴的效果图
Fig. 4. Experimental results of particle and droplet manipulation with subwavelength pipe-enhanced acoustic tweezers: (a) Phase distribution of subwavelength pipe-enhanced acoustic tweezers; (b) effect of controlling rotational motion of EPS spheres; (c) effect of controlling static suspension of EPS spheres; (d) effect of suspending droplet.
图 5 EPS小球旋转情况 (a)使用高速CCD相机拍摄EPS小球旋转; (b) EPS小球旋转角度和时间的关系; (c) EPS小球旋转速度和换能器驱动电压的关系
Fig. 5. Rotation of EPS ball: (a) Photograph of EPS ball rotating obtained by high-speed CCD camera; (b) relationship between time and rotation angle of EPS ball; (c) relationship between rotation speed of EPS ball and driving voltage of transducer.
表 1 材料声学参数
Table 1. Material acoustic parameters.
参数 空气 发泡塑料 密度/(kg·m–3) 1.29 100 纵波声速/(m·s–1) 343 820 横波声速/(m·s–1) 550 -
[1] Brandt E H 2001 Nature 413 474
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[2] Wu J 1991 J. Acoust. l Soc. Am. 89 2140
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[3] 朱纪霖, 高东宝, 曾新吾 2021 70 214302
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Zhu J L, Gao D B, Zeng X W 2021 Acta Phys. Sin. 70 214302
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[4] Xie W J, Cao C D, Lü Y J, Hong Z Y, Wei B 2006 Appl. Phys. Lett. 89 214102
Google Scholar
[5] 齐绍富, 蔡飞燕, 田振, 黄先玉, 周娟, 王金萍, 李文成, 郑海荣, 邓科 2023 72 024301
Google Scholar
Qi S F, Cai F Y, Tian Z, Huang X Y, Zhou J, Wang J P, Li W C, Zheng H R, Deng K 2023 Acta Phys. Sin. 72 024301
Google Scholar
[6] Ozcelik A, Rufo J, Guo F, Gu Y, Li P, Lata J, Huang T J 2018 Nat. Methods 15 1021
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[7] Santesson S, Nilsson S 2004 Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 378 1704
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[8] Jin H, Wang W, Liu F, Yu Z, Chang H, Li K, Gong J 2017 Int. J. Multiphase Flow 94 44
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[9] Foresti D, Poulikakos D 2014 Phys. Rev. Lett. 112 024301
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[10] Bouyer C, Chen P, Güven S, Demirtaş T T, Nieland T J F, Padilla F, Demirci U 2016 Adv. Mater. 28 161
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[11] Zhang R, Guo H, Deng W, Huang X, Li F, Lu J, Liu Z 2020 Appl. Phys. Lett. 116 123503
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[12] Ahmed D, Ozcelik A, Bojanala N, Nama N, Upadhyay A, Chen Y, Hanna-Rose W, Huang T J 2016 Nat. Commun. 7 11085
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[13] Priego-Capote F, de Castro L 2006 TrAC Trends Anal. Chem. 25 856
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[14] Xie W J, Cao C D, Lu Y J, Wei B 2002 Phys. Rev. Lett. 89 104304
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[15] Nordine P C, Merkley D, Sickel J, Finkelman S, Telle R, Kaiser A, Prieler R 2012 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 83 125107
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[16] Yan N, Hong Z Y, Geng D L, Wei B 2015 Appl. Phys. A 120 207
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[17] Anilkumar A V, Lee C P, Wang T G 1993 Phy. Fluids A:Fluid Dyn. 5 2763
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[18] Hong Z Y, Yin J F, Zhai W, Yan N, Wang W L, Zhang J, Drinkwater B W 2017 Sci. Rep. 7 7093
Google Scholar
[19] Liu P, Li H, Zhou Z, Pei Y 2022 Appl. Phys. Lett. 120 222202
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[20] Watanabe A, Hasegawa K, Abe Y 2018 Sci. Rep. 8 10221
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[21] 李鑫鹏, 曹睿杰, 李铭, 郭各朴, 李禹志, 马青玉 2022 71 204304
Google Scholar
Li X P, Cao R J, Li M, Guo G P, Li Y Z, Ma Q Y 2022 Acta Phys. Sin. 71 204304
Google Scholar
[22] 陈心成 2019 硕士学位论文 (武汉: 华中科技大学)
Chen X C 2019 M. S. Thesis (Wuhan: Huazhong University of Science and Technology) (in Chinese)
[23] Gor’kov L P 1962 Sov. Phys. Dokl. 6 773
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