大气压kHz频率交流等离子体射流具有广泛的应用前景, 而目前研究电源参数影响时只能探究单一驱动参数变化时的射流放电规律, 这无疑也会耦合进功率对射流放电的影响, 不能体现驱动参数本身对放电的影响. 本研究利用自研的可调脉冲调制占空比的交流电源驱动大气压氩气等离子体射流, 结合发射光谱与吸收光谱诊断, 研究了固定放电功率下不同电压、频率和脉冲调制占空比参数对等离子体射流的气体温度Tg、电子激发温度Texc、电子密度ne, OH粒子数密度等性能的影响. 结果表明, 固定功率下, 电子密度不会随着驱动参数的改变而变化, 而气体温度、电子激发温度、OH粒子数密度变化受脉冲调制占空比影响最大; 其次是电压影响, 频率影响最小. 降低频率提高电压时气体温度和电子激发温度会升高, ·OH粒子数密度会增大; 而降低脉冲调制占空比提高电压时气体温度和电子激发温度会降低, ·OH粒子数密度会减少. 此外, 降低脉冲调制占空比能够使得大气压等离子体射流在更低的气体温度下产生更多的·OH活性粒子.In the application of atmospheric pressure plasma jet, because the frequency of AC power supply is limited in the kHz range, the research on the influence of power supply electrical parameters on discharge is basically aimed at the variation of plasma jet characteristics with a single driving electrical parameter ( such as voltage and frequency). However, the discharge power usually changes with a single electrical parameter changing, which can undoubtedly affect the discharge performances including the plasma physical parameters and generated reactive species, resulting in the failure to reflect the influence of the single driving parameter on the discharge. In this study, an atmospheric pressure argon plasma jet is driven by a home-made AC power supply with adjustable pulse modulated duty cycle. And combining the diagnosis of the optical emission spectrum and the optical absorption spectrum, the influences of the voltage, frequency and pulse modulated duty cycle parameters on the gas temperature Tg, electron excitation temperature Texc, electron density ne, and OH radical particle number density of the plasma jet are studied under a constant discharge power of 2 W. The results show that at the constant power, the electron density ne does not change with the variation of electrical parameters as the linkage change of electrical parameters will offset the influence of a single parameter on the electron density, while the gas temperature Tg, electron excitation temperature Texc, and OH radical particle density are most affected by the pulse modulated duty cycle, followed by driving voltage, and the frequency effect is the smallest. Under the constant power, as the frequency decreases, the voltage will increase, and also the gas temperature Tg, electron excitation temperature Texc, and OH radical particle number density will increase. On the contrary, although the voltage also increases as the pulse modulated duty cycle decreases, the gas temperature Tg, electron excitation temperature Texc, and OH radical particle number density are all reduced. In addition, the results indicate that reducing the duty cycle of AC power can make the atmospheric pressure plasma jet produce more OH radicals at lower gas temperature. This study provides a new insight into the influence of electrical parameters on the characteristics of atmospheric pressure plasma jets under constant power, and also presents a guidance for choosing power parameters of plasma jets with low gas temperature and high density of reactive species, which is conducive to the development of atmospheric pressure plasma jets in biomedicine and other fields.
- atmospheric pressure plasma jet /
- spectral diagnosis /
- plasma characterization /
- reactive species
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[20] Yuan H, Wang W C, Yang D Z, Zhao Z L, Zhang L, Wang S 2017 Plasma Sci. Technol. 19 125401
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[25] Liu K, Geng W Q, Zhou X F, Duan Q S, Zheng Z F, Ostrikov K 2023 Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 32 025005
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[27] Yuan H, Feng J, Yang D Z, Zhou X F, Liang J P, Zhang L, Zhao Z L, Wang W C 2020 J. Appl. Phys. 128 093303
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[33] Belostotskiy S G, Ouk T, Donnelly V M 2010 J. Appl. Phys. 107 05330
[34] Zhou X F, Wang W C, Yang D Z, Liang J P, Zhao Z L, Yuan H 2019 Plasma Process Polym. 16 e1800124
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[35] Gaens W V, Bogaerts A 2013 J Phys. D:Appl. Phys. 46 275201
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[36] Itikawa Y, Mason N 2005 J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 34 1
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[37] Zhou X F, Zhao Z L, Liang J P, Yuan H, Wang W C, Yang D Z 2019 Plasma Process Polym. 16 e1900001
表 1 固定功率2 W时不同频率和脉冲调制占空比下的电压 (单位: kV)
Table 1. The voltage (unit: kV) at different frequencies and duty cycles under a constant power of 2 W.
频率/kHz 脉冲调制占空比 100% 70% 50% 30% 7 11.0 13.0 14.5 16.4 8 10.4 12.4 14.0 15.7 9 9.9 11.9 13.5 15.1 10 9.3 11.4 13.0 14.6 11 8.8 11.0 12.5 13.9 12 8.4 10.4 12.0 13.1 13 7.9 9.7 11.0 11.9 14 7.5 8.9 10.0 11.3 表 2 玻尔兹曼图解法计算电子激发温度用到的Ar原子谱线相关参数
Table 2. The relevant parameters of Ar atomic spectral lines used in calculating electron excitation temperature by Boltzmann diagram method.
λji/nm Ej/cm–1 gj Aji/(106 s–1) 706.7 107289.7 5 3.80 727.3 107496.4 3 1.83 738.4 107289.7 5 8.47 750.4 108722.2 1 44.50 751.5 107054.3 1 40.20 763.5 106237.5 5 24.50 772.4 107496.4 3 11.70 794.8 107131.7 3 18.60 800.6 106237.5 5 4.90 801.5 105617.3 5 9.28 826.5 107496.4 3 15.30 表 3 大气压氩气等离子体射流生成·OH的相关反应式
Table 3. The relevant generation pathways of ·OH in atmospheric pressure argon plasma jet.
反应方程式 反应系数 编号 文献 Ar + e → Ar* + e $f\left( { {T_{\rm{e}}} } \right)$ R1 [34] Ar* + H2O → Ar + ·H +··OH $ 2.10 \times {10^{ - 10}} $ R2 [35] e + H2O → H2O+ + 2 e $f\left( { {T_{\rm{e}}} } \right)$ R3 [36] e + H2O+ → ·H +··OH $ 1.38 \times {10^{ - 8}} $ R4 [35] e + H2O → e + ·H +··OH $f\left( { {T_{\rm{e}}} } \right)$ R5 [37] e + H2O → 2 e + H+ +··OH $f\left( { {T_{\rm{e}}} } \right)$ R6 [36] -
[1] Fallon M, Kennedy S, Kumar S, Daniels S, Humphreys H 2021 Plasma Med. 11 15
[2] Wang T, Wang J H, Wang S Q, lv L, Li M, Shi L P 2021 Appl. Surf. Sci. 570 151258
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[3] 张海宝, 陈强 2021 70 095203
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Zhang H B, Chen Q 2021 Acta Phys. Sin. 70 095203
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[4] Kong X H, Xue S, Li H Y, Yang W M, Martynovich E F, Ning W J, Wang R X 2022 Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 31 095010
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[5] Wang R X, Xia Z C, Kong X H, Xue S, Wang H Y 2022 Surf. Coat. Technol. 437 128365
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[6] Shimizu T, Ikehara Y 2017 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 50 503001
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[7] Huang Y M, Chang W C, Hsu C L 2021 Food Res. Int. 141 110108
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[8] Lu X P, Keudar M, Laroussi M, Choi E, Szili E J, Ostrikov K 2019 Mater. Sci. Eng., R 138 36
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[9] Schweigert I, Zakrevsky D, Milakhina E, Gugin P, Biryukov M, Patrakova E, Koval O 2022 Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 64 044015
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[10] Pang B L, Liu Z J, Wang S T, Gao Y T, Zhang H Y, Zhang F, Tantai X M, Xu D H, Liu D X, Kong M G 2021 J. Appl. Phys. 130 153301
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[11] Liu K, Ren W, Ran C F, Zhou R S, Tang W B, Zhou R W, Yang Z H, Ostrikov K 2021 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 54 065201
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[12] Liu Z J, Wang S T, Pang B L, Gao Y T, Li Q S, Xu D H, Liu D X, Zhou R W 2022 Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 31 05LT03
Google Scholar
[13] Guo L, Xu R B, Guo L, Liu Z C, Zhao Y M, Liu D X, Zhang L, Chen H L, Kong M G 2018 Appl. Environ Microbiol. 84 e00726
[14] Xiong Q, Lu X, Ostrikov K, Jiang Z Y 2009 Phys. Plasmas 16 043505
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[15] Kim D B, Rhee J K, Gweon B, Moon S Y, Choe W 2007 Appl. Phys. Lett. 91 151502
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[16] Gott R P, Xu K G 2019 IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 47 4988
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[17] Qian M Y, Fan Q Q, Ren C S, Wang D Z, Nie Q Y, Zhang J L, Wen X Q 2012 Thin Solid Films 521 265
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[18] Moon S Y, Kim D B, Gweon B, Choe W 2008 Appl. Phys. Lett. 93 2215006
[19] Long Y X, Li H X, Meng X S, Li J, Xiang Z C 2018 Mod. Phys. Lett. B 32 1850315
[20] Yuan H, Wang W C, Yang D Z, Zhao Z L, Zhang L, Wang S 2017 Plasma Sci. Technol. 19 125401
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[21] 付强, 王聪, 王语菲, 常正实 2022 71 115204
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Fu Q, Wang C, Wang Y F, Chang Z S 2022 Acta Phys. Sin. 71 115204
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[22] Liu K, Lei J, Zheng Z, Zhu Z, Liu S 2018 Appl. Surf. Sci. 458 183
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[23] Yang D Z, Zhou X F, Liang J P, Xu Q N, Wang H L, Yang K, Wang B, Wang W C 2021 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 54 244002
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[24] Liu K, Zuo J, Ran C F, Yang M H, Geng W Q, Liu S T, Ostrikov K 2022 Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 24 8940
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[25] Liu K, Geng W Q, Zhou X F, Duan Q S, Zheng Z F, Ostrikov K 2023 Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 32 025005
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[26] 刘坤, 左杰, 周雄峰, 冉从福, 杨明昊, 耿文强 2023 72 055201
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Liu K, Zuo J, Zhou X F, Ran C F, Yang M H, Geng W Q 2023 Acta Phys. Sin. 72 055201
Google Scholar
[27] Yuan H, Feng J, Yang D Z, Zhou X F, Liang J P, Zhang L, Zhao Z L, Wang W C 2020 J. Appl. Phys. 128 093303
Google Scholar
[28] 王伟, 王永刚, 吴忠航, 饶俊峰, 姜松, 李孜 2023 光谱学与光谱分析 43 455
Google Scholar
Wang W, Wang Y G, WU Z H, Rao J F, Jiang S, Li Z 2023 Spectrosc. Spectral Anal. 43 455
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[29] Liu K, Xia H T, Yang M H, Geng W Q, Zuo J, Ostrikov K 2022 Vacuum 198 110901
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[30] Tu X, Cheron B G, Yan J H, Cen K F 2007 Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 16 803
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[31] Peng B F, Jiang N, Shang K F, Lu N, Li J, Wu Y 2022 J. Phys. D:Appl. Phys. 55 265202
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[32] Bruggeman P, Schram D, Gonzalez M 2009 Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 18 025017
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[33] Belostotskiy S G, Ouk T, Donnelly V M 2010 J. Appl. Phys. 107 05330
[34] Zhou X F, Wang W C, Yang D Z, Liang J P, Zhao Z L, Yuan H 2019 Plasma Process Polym. 16 e1800124
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[35] Gaens W V, Bogaerts A 2013 J Phys. D:Appl. Phys. 46 275201
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[36] Itikawa Y, Mason N 2005 J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 34 1
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[37] Zhou X F, Zhao Z L, Liang J P, Yuan H, Wang W C, Yang D Z 2019 Plasma Process Polym. 16 e1900001
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