高压电缆是决定电力输送质量和容量的关键要素. 聚丙烯由于自身优良的耐热性、绝缘性和绿色环保性被广泛关注, 并应用于电缆绝缘材料开发. 高压电缆聚丙烯绝缘材料需要承受脉冲电压和直流额定电压, 容易引起电场畸变从而引发空间电荷积累. 此外, 电缆运行过程中, 温度会急剧升高, 严重影响电缆的绝缘性能, 导致电树枝的引发和生长. 因此需要对高压电缆进行电场调控从而抑制电场畸变、局部放电、电树枝化等劣化现象的出现. 本文重点介绍了高压直流电缆聚丙烯绝缘材料电场调控的理论与方法, 分析了当前电场调控的重点, 最后展望了聚丙烯电缆绝缘的应用前景.High voltage cable is the key factor to determine the quality and capacity of power transmission. Polypropylene has widely attracted more attention because of its excellent heat resistance, insulation and green environmental protection, and it is used as cable material. Polypropylene insulation material for high voltage cable needs to bear pulsed voltage and the DC rated voltage, which can easily cause electric field to be distorted and lead the space charge to be accumulated. Meanwhile, the change of cable temperature will also affect the conductivity of insulating material and promote the accumulation of space charge, resulting in the distortion of internal electric field of insulating material and the initiation and growth of electric tree. Therefore, it is necessary to regulate the electric field of high voltage cable so as to suppress the deterioration phenomena such as electric field distortion, partial discharge and electrical demoralization. In this work, the theory and method of regulating DC electric field of polypropylene insulation of high voltage cable is first introduced. Then the main direction of electric field regulation is presented. Finally, the application prospect of polypropylene cable insulation is also put forward.
- high voltage cable /
- polypropylene /
- electric field regulation /
- green environmental protection
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图 3 (a) PP和PP-g-MAH的陷阱能级密度, 插图为热激电流谱; (b)介电常数与频率关系; (c)体积电阻率的温度依赖性; (d) PP-g-2%MAH空间电荷分布[27]
Fig. 3. (a) Trap level density of PP and PP-g-MAH; (b) relationship between dielectric constant and frequency; (c) temperature dependence of volume resistivity; (d) PP-g-2%MAH space charge distribution [27].
图 5 (a) 320 kV直流电缆典型结构; (b)电导率的函数模型; (c)绝缘层温度分布; (d)施加电压波形; (e)电导率与活化能的关系; (f)电导率与电场依赖系数的关系[35]
Fig. 5. (a) Typical structure of 320 kV DC cable; (b) functional model of conductivity; (c) insulation temperature distribution; (d) applied voltage waveform; (e) relationship between conductivity and activation energy; (f) relationship between conductivity and electric field dependence coefficient[35].
图 6 高压直流电缆系统附件 (a)典型的高压直流预制接头设计, 没有现场分级材料(FGM)层; (b)典型的带FGM层的高压直流预制接头设计; (c)带FGM适配器的HVDC电缆终端的剖面图示意图[36]
Fig. 6. HVDC cable system accessories: (a) Typical HVDC prefabricated joint design without a field grading material (FGM) layer; (b) typical HVDC prefabricated joint design with a FGM layer; (c) schematic cut-away view of a HVDC cable termination with FGM adapters[36].
图 7 (a)不同非线性材料长度的仿真结果; (b)绝缘外表面的电场强度; (c)不同厚度非线性材料的模拟结果; (d)绝缘外表面的电场强度[42]
Fig. 7. (a) Simulation results of different nonlinear material lengths; (b) electric field strength on the outer surface of insulation; (c) simulation results of nonlinear materials with different thickness; (d) electric field strength on the outer surface of insulation[42].
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[42] Yang Q H, Hu J, Yuan Z K, Li J Z, Yin Y, Tang H 2021 International Conference on Electrical Materials and Power Equipment Chongqing, China, April 11–15, 2021 p978
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